Monday, October 27, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 15, 2014

This former SCTV star and movie actor blew off some kids who recognized him from one of his more popular movies. When they wanted to get their photo taken with him he told them he didn't take photos with fans, but when he saw the mother of one of the kids he said he would make an exception for her and winked before walking away.

Rick Moranis


  1. Never thought of him as ladykiller

  2. Maybe she was the Gatekeeper.

  3. At first I was thinking what a pig. But then I realized if God doesn't grace you with good looks and charm, you have to use what you do have.

  4. Ewww. He can keep his photos and his winks.

  5. What a cheesetard.

  6. Replies
    1. Slow Claps for @7!

      Maybe he knows how hard mommies work and wanted to thank her ;)

    2. Let the man look for a new Mrs Moranis. At least he's not one of these pervs out there chasing teenage girls!

  7. Boo. Monnay can make someone look good. Honey someone should shrink your ego

  8. He's not even popular enough to be acting like a Diva. This has to be a joke.

  9. Yes indeed, hes a real ladies man i bet.

  10. Smooth move, Moreanus.

  11. RIP Marcia Strassman
    Rick basically quit the business to raise his kids when his wife died. No one ever sees him, but he can do no wrong in my book.

  12. The tone of the story is hard to interpret. It could be, as others have said here, that he was just trying to joke about the exception with the hot mom, then left in a hurry.
    The guy turned his back on fame, and chose to be a family person instead. Sure, people are pissed off that he doesn't take selfies with them, but the guy has been out of the biz for 21 years... It's like complaining because a 60 year old retired porn star won't show you her boobs on request.

  13. Gina sz, the guy fr: Sigourney's nerdy neighbor in Ghostbusters & the Dad in Honey,I shrunk the kids etc.


  14. I agree w/@Angela !! m/b cuz I want to

  15. Sounds like a full of crap BI. Time to sic Dark Helmet on Enty's ass.

  16. Like he gets asked for autographs or photos very often. What a douche to tell kids no. Take off eh?

  17. Maybe he looks like crap now and doesn't want to be passed around on Twitter?

  18. Wow had no idea he was only 5'1". And he's left show business. He can choose if he wants pics or not. He's still single I guess?

    In sad new Marcia Strassman died like previously mentioned but little mentioned about it. Sad long battle with breast cancer. I remember her from Welcome Back Kotter.

  19. Not buyin' it. And whatever, Rick Moranis has earned the right to not play all Hollywood if he damned well doesn't want to.

  20. No, not true! Unless as Angela said, he just didn't get why he should show his boobs
