Monday, October 20, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 12, 2014

This former B list mostly television actress who has been on lots of network shows, but only had one modest hit is trying desperately to hold on to her boyfriend even though he cheats on her regularly. No one can handle being with her very long because of the demands and attention she requires almost 24/7. Super clingy and is constantly texting and calling if you are not by her side.

Kristin Chenoweth


  1. Let it go..let it go..

  2. Praise tha lawwwwwd! @SYF kicked my HeisenAss! Way to go hun!

  3. I couldn't handle that squealing voice all day. and all that attention demanding. Theres only room for one diva in my relationships!

    1. @Derek: You are our Miva OG and NO ONE puts our baby in the corner!!!

  4. @LadyH---damn right.

  5. Is she the one who played Reese's sister in 4 Christmases? If not, I don't know who she is.

  6. @LadyH
    Reallllleeeee? Thats a shock!
    woo hoo, I got lucky.

    yeah, if its true whats said about her, I'm not thinking she's gonna hold on to any man for long periods of time.

    And why did she go back to that long hair? (extensions back on or a weave) Perhaps the bf was cheating with women with longer hair. lol
    i though her short cut was really attractive on her! I was really admiring the look. Oh well, she cant take this hair off as easily as she put it on.

  7. cant you suss out a person with extreme emotional needs within the first month or so of dating? those needs usually dont just dwindle away.

  8. * can (take it off)

    crime N E !
    Note to self, "F'n PROOFREAD u MORON!"

  9. (still dealing with having children older than Derek)

  10. @SYF....yeeeah guuurrl! Do the victory lap:))

  11. Ugh..I HATE clingy, needy people. Not attractive.
    (Honestly my two loves were a little clingy but I broke them of that and they are actually happier people because of it.)

  12. She's going to be doing the Madelyn Kahn role in On the Twentieth Century on Broadway. I am not sure she will be able to top MK's performance--it was memorable.

  13. She looks like she'd drive you nuts after 10 minutes.

  14. Why does the guy stay with a "needy chick" if he feels the need to cheat constantly? Sounds to me like he's using and abusing.

  15. LOL @ Sugarbread! Perfect!

    I really like Chenowith (her Glenda was amazing and Pushing Up Daisies was awesome), but that voice would kill me after a while. I tried listening to her audiobook and while it was pretty funny, I had to stop because the voice was like Minnie Mouse on helium.

  16. Okay so, does this mean she is not the subject of the blind item describing two ladies getting together in a dressing room backstage? Doesn't make sense for KC to be both.
