Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 5, 2014

This B+ list celebrity, is an actress of sorts. She says that her career has nosedived since hooking up with this A+ list mostly movie actor because he kept telling all of his friends about what they did and that now she gets calls from them asking for the same thing and lots of places where she used to work no longer want to book her.

Dita Von Teese/Russell Crowe


  1. NEVER do anal on the first date

  2. Cleveland Steamer

    1. steamroller. steamroller. steamroller.

    2. Is that like an Alabama Hot Pocket?

    3. I think that's closer to Porky Piggin it.

    4. $500 for being a crusher AND a steamer!

    5. Pittsburgh platter.

  3. @ honey badger gnawed the shit outta that blind! Good job!!

  4. Since she charges aren't they just new customers ?

  5. @honey badger tore our asses up. Badger Dance > Dita's Dance

  6. and how would her former employers know about her sex ways anyways? and why would they care and take it seriously

    1. @derek: Employer refers to pimps. Whatever she does brings her value up/down.

  7. An actress of sorts?

  8. Maybe she just started sucking...

  9. Yeah...not sure about this one, either.
    What's Dita Von Teese doing that Russell Crowe hadn't previously experienced or was so much better than anything he'd previously experienced?
    This sounds like a press release from her PR team.

  10. @LadyH---lol---I was thinking like club promoters and stuff--I am so naïve sometimes ---oh well would rather be than know half of this gross shit

    1. Derek: That's for the best. Maybe Russell joined the League of Adult Babies along with Mr SMG! This is how rumors get started!

  11. Not true. If the masses liked her and she was in demand, she would be wanted by everyone and anyone in Hollywood. She would be a money magnet.

  12. She is way over rated anyway. Great body but what a beat face.

  13. This sounds BS. Why wouldn't a hooker be happy getting new johns?

    She was more of a big deal like 10 years ago when she was trying to go mainstream, but that never panned out. Sorta like Jenna Jameson.

  14. I love all the pre plastic surgery photos. .when the tabloids do the back before they were famous edition I love it.. Claps hands...

  15. Wow Lady H. She looks great in the photos...the one to the left anyway.

  16. Wow, that's what she looked like!!? Thanks for posting that.

  17. She'll still get work but it won't be "classy" burlesque gigs.

  18. I'm sure Vegas will take her.

  19. Thanks ladies! I love vintage photos. Holly Motley Madison's old pics are also amahzing...

  20. This is a bullshit blind. Dita was never a saint and I am pretty sure anyone with a working internet connection knows this (or can find out).

    Dita used to do porn (girl on girl stuff, pretty tame, not super hardcore or anything) and was a model for bondage/rubber/kinky stuff. No matter what she did with Russ, I highly doubt her employers would listen to a drunk dude's rambling and believe it, and make that a deal breaker, but don't blink twice when they find out Dita did porn and kinky shoots that are all over the internet.

    Not saying this in a judgy kinda way, I really like Dita and find it pretty cool she has such a classy image (even when you look at it objectively ; she is someone who gets naked for money). Someone naked, seductive and classy gets my respect

  21. Dita is a classy lady. Russ is a tool. Team Dita.

  22. Dita Von TOSS a'sallad

    Maybe no one wants to be stirred after the Crowe.

  23. In one of Dita's films, another model is wearing high heels with a dildo in place of the heel, and she... services... Dita with said appendage. In very, very clear close-up. So I wouldn't exactly call it "soft." 'Cuz that heel certainly wasn't.

  24. No sympathy....she's an idiot for hooking up w/ a douchebag.

  25. Crowe is such a douche. I can see how that would bring down her rates. He's been horrible to multiple women over the years. He's proved himself to be low class time and time again. They were a mismatch and she should have valued herself more. Lesson learned I hope.

  26. She was with M.Manson.
    I guess she has done things that would make jerkula or myself blush, and anything contrary would be disappointing.

  27. Dita is a very well known fetish model. She can cinch a corset down to 17". props to her. She ALWAYS looks immaculate. She performs burlesque beautifully.
    When she and Manson married she seemed to become more mainstreamed. He was into drugs and ERW, she left him. She gets naked and has plenty of class doing it!

  28. You lie with a dog, you get fleas. i love a lot of his movies but not him as a person. He sounds vile.

  29. It probably shouldn't, but I always find it strange when guys over 19 feel they need to brag about their sex lives. Who gives a flying fuck?
    I also think folks who forcefully differentiate burlesque from other forms of exotic entertainment are a bit delusional. I do not have an issue with any of it, though.

  30. @Dena- Squidbillies 4 Life!
