Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 22, 2014

This B+ list celebrity/actress with a new moving opening soon got dumped by her actor boyfriend for a few days. He was cheating but somehow he convinced her that it was all our B lister's fault because she didn't dress sexy enough or wear makeup or look feminine. So, she has changed her whole appearance for a guy who cheated.

Sarah Silverman/Michael Sheen


ladybaus said...

she annoys me no to end. I DO NOT get the Sarah Silverman hype...

SugarTitz said...

Wigs got it wherever she went

Pip said...

Aren't they still dating?

ladybaus said...

*to no end

I need my orange mocha frapp to wake up

ladybaus said...

I believe so @ Pip---
I am not a fan of hers but she acts like he is the only man on the planet to ever give her the time of day

airhead said...

Don't get the hype either.

LottaColada said...

@Pip it says they broke up for "a few days."

Tina Mallette said...

Well I don't get Michael Sheen's appeal at all. Good actor but I only found him almost appealing in underworld but other than that, he's the one that needs the makeover but clearly other women are willing to sleep with him. Just proves women are not that fussy apparently.

ladybaus said...

@Tina---hes ugly! He also dated Rachel McAdams
Enty said she broke up with him cause he was too kinky and she didn't enjoy beating him in bed etc.

jayjay said...

He also fathered a child with Kate Beckensale. I don't get it either, but apparently some pretty beautiful women have/still want him.

jayjay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henriette said...

Sarah Silverman is beyond annoying and comes off as extremely insure, sort of a more tolerable Lena Durham.

I know Howard Stern talked about her being insecure when she went to his wedding with Kimmel and they basically had sex in front of his guests.

She is just classless.

Count Jerkula said...

At least he didn't mention the HUGE bush that Jimmy Kimmel used to talk about.

Unknown said...

problem solved, i guess...

Sherry said...

Neither do I Derek. I don't find her funny at all.

Pip said...

Aha! Shows how much I pay attention!

Sherry said...

Perhaps that was part of the makeover Sheen wanted for her Count?

Henriette said...

I meant "insecure." Yeah, Kimmel used to rag about how hairy Silverman was. She just signs up for disrespect from men.

B626 said...

I cannot help but fixate on her lips and teeth when she yakks

All Lace no Leather said...

He must have game, ala David Spade, to attract Kate and Rachel.

Tina Mallette said...

He was well cast for Masters of Sex apparently.

I do say no matter how people may dislike Sarah how very tacky of Jimmy Kimmel, is he emotionally arrested at the age of 12 - he is definitely not the dream man of most women.

Pink Cashmere said...

I don't get the mystique of SS. Just because she is vulgar, that makes her funny?

Penelope said...

That's disgusting. Never cared for this loudmouthed broad who thinks she's the next coming of Joan Rivers. So unfunny and trashy.

MollyMo said...

I met Sarah Silverman once and she was very lovely- she looked beautiful and most importantly, she was very gracious and kind considering I was a nobody. Her comedy is not exactly my style, but I wish her happiness. I think she is a cool person, and shame on any guy for bullying you into feeling bad about your appearance to please him.

Topper Madison said...

Some men actually like women with pubic hair. You know, men like Matt Damon.

Just Another HR Lady said...

I wouldn't be surprised at this, she seems so much more low key these days. Ie. Not herself. Changing who you are for a partner rarely lasts.

bellaluna said...

Not to mention highly insulting to the late, great Ms. Rivers!

Alvin said...

Sarah is great, love her on lots of podcasts, stop hating

Habibti said...

What is it about Michael Sheen that makes perfectly strong women go all gaga and dumbass over him?! I have to know! He is not good looking, he never marries or gets engaged to them, they all become anorexic when they date him?!

Aeol said...

I think I would be friends with Sarah Silverman IRL, but her comedy drives me insane. And wtf Michael sheen? He used to be a good guy! Back in the day it was kate beckinsale who threw him over....

plokzy said...

I must be in the minority because I find sarah Silverman hilarious. Her earlier stand-up specials are insanely funny and I don't think I laughed as hard at a SNL monologue as when she hosted a few weeks ago.

I can see why she may rub some people the wrong way tho

Greengrl said...

Me either! I find her very annoying & unfunny.

auntliddy said...

Oh sarah. Hugs.

kregger said...

SS has talked openly about her battles with anxiety and depression, she needs to dump this schmuck.

And ditto MollyMo, met SS once and found her to be very kind and gracious and prettier in person, and Im no fan of her humor either

MinPinGirl said...

When you present yourself to the world the way Sarah and Chelsea Handler do, I imagine it's very difficult to get any man to respect you. They so obviously don't respect themselves and they're so in your face about it. I'm not saying you can't live your life the way you choose but for women there's ALWAYS that double standard. Dudes who act like that almost always get a free pass. Michael and Charlie Sheen sure seems to be "Teflon" in a lot of their behaviors.

Stacey Charter said...


cowbulls said...

That little troll got the all-time elite Kate Beckinsale? I don't blame him for knocking her up because
1. No way I use a condom with Kate if I possibly can get in without one.

Unknown said...

+1 MollyMo.

Robert said...

SS sounds like Edward G. Robinson sucking on a helium balloon.


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