Friday, October 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 27, 2014

This former A list mostly movie actress who doesn't work any longer but made sure her kids all do and are doing very well in the business got drunk on the set of her last big movie and slapped this actress/singer. The two have never spoken to each other since.

Goldie Hawn/Bette Midler


  1. Karen nailed it!

    1. I didn't see @Karen's but she did!

  2. Is Goldie a drunk? She always struck me as more of the laid back, pot smoking type.

  3. Can't be true! Even in the promotional tour? I can't accept this!

  4. Did the fabulous ms M slap her back? I'd pay to see that.

  5. Wow, what can you say? How sad really.

  6. Goldie Goldie Goldie! :(

  7. oh to be a fly on the wall

    Team Bette i guess...

  8. I would think that Bette would cut a bitch

  9. @Lotta, bite your tongue! This one was mine!

    Thanks, @FSP!

  10. @Lotta, okay, good. Glad you saw the error in your ways. ;)

  11. @Karen,Damn Straight- You Defend That Title girlfriend!!! lol

  12. Yep no doubt about it!
    Karen has got mad hocus pocus focus game, and ID'ed both feuding divas like the rock star we all know she is!!!!
    Hope all is well boo!

  13. I like Karens puppie

  14. So basically she played the same character as she is in real life? Her character was a drunk and I think she slapped Bette's character in the movie. Maybe she was just in character?

  15. I have a story @Goldie&Kurt & Jack Nicholson actually in Hawaii@Easter 2008 but damn it's too long...Short Answer: Goldie Likes Her Liquor(&always walks 5 miles next morn)

    1. It’s amazing to have a story involving Jack that ends with the woman liking her liquor.

  16. Yeah, I'm surprised The Divine Miss M let that one slide. I wouldn't fuck with her!

  17. Yeah, I would think The Divine Miss M would not let this slide but who knows when dealing with a drunkard, sometimes it's best to just move on. I'm not a particular fan of Goldie with that fakey-fake smile.

  18. I would have loved to have seen that go down...

  19. lmao. I would've loved to have seen that. Goldie seems awesome.

  20. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I think Midler has said she is very shy and avoids confrontation and physical closeness. She's not "The Rose", just a nice Jewish girl from Hawaii.

  21. @rolotomassi, too bad it's long, would love to hear that one!!!

  22. Awwww, that's sad. I could sooner see them both rolling on the floor in a tussle, then looking at each other and laughing it off as best of friends. Very sad.

  23. High five, Karen! Goldie Hawn bugs me. Hopefully Better struck back with a witty insult.

  24. Goldie was a heavy drinker in the FWC and she and Bette would go at it. Diane was the mediator. Art imitates life.

  25. I remember Goldie, Bette, and Diane going on Oprah to promote FWC. Goldie seemed to be overdoing the Goldie bubbliness and Bette was making nice but it seemed phony. Love Diane. I think she still looks gorgeous and glamorous.

    A friend of mine was in LA on business and was seated at a restaurant right next to table with Goldie and Meg Ryan. He said they both looked really rough and their faces were scary.

  26. Cat fight!!!!!!! Lol

  27. Julia Philips wrote in her book that Goldie had awful hygiene and wouldn't ever brush her teeth. And this from a woman who was downing speedballs for breakfast each morning.

    1. I've heard Kate is the same. Disgustingly messy and no hygiene.
      They always look me, though!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. That's when she'd get a bang of my forehead!
    (my trademark move)

  29. Jason B.E., I remember that! She said that she had horrendous B.O. Heheheheh.

  30. So why did she decide not to work any more? Or maybe work decided not to hire her anymore.

  31. I love this reveal. I've always like Goldie but get the impression her daughter is s shrew. Makes me suspicious.

  32. I've had brunch within spitting distance of Kurt and Goldie loads of times. She's sweet albeit tightly pulled (ps) and looks a bit morning after. Never saw her act diva like or ride to anyone


    2011 and they look to me like they are talking...

  34. The only thing I ever remember about Goldie is smells and cheats on her partners.

  35. I love goldie. But she is messy.

  36. Oh, I forgot that I had a few third/fourth-hand stories about Kurt/Goldie myownself. Okay, so my dad lives in Huntsville, AL, where Wyatt (their son) played hockey at UA-H. Kurt/Goldie had purchased a fancy new penthouse in the area to stay when they came in town for games. There's a base there, Redstone Arsenal, and apparently they threw a party for some high-ranking generals and such as a show of respect and thank-you-for-your-service. My dad didn't go -- he was pretty high-up as an aviator, but not THAT high up -- but he knew guys who attended the party, and they said that Kurt/Goldie couldn't have been more down-to-earth and fun. People who ran into them around Huntsville said the same thing.

    My third-hand story is that my aunt managed a restaurant in Peoria and Kurt's nephew Matt Franco was in town playing baseball. Kurt and their parents had breakfast their and their server kept telling everyone, "I SWEAR that's Kurt Russell in my section! But I asked him, and he said his name was Joe Smith (or some clearly basic pseudonym)." He was, again, very nice and left a big tip...and paid with a credit card listed to Kurt Russell. My aunt is a HUGE Kurt fan and just about DIED.

    I can definitely see Goldie (and Kate) being self-centered (which is what I've often read) and maybe even getting drunk and doing what happened in this blind, but I still remember that first story and figure she can't be ALL bad. (Of course, Kurt might have been the one who wanted to throw the party. I dunno.)

    And I don't get the hygiene thing. I DO actually believe that those of us who are Americans can be weird about being overly clean and germophobic and can't-wear-clothing-more-than-once, but I don't understand, like, not brushing teeth or smelling bad! :-)

  37. (And I'm sorry that I seem to write novels here lately. I just start writing and can't stop!)
