Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 11, 2014

She calls it stage fright. There is some of that to be sure because she can freeze in front of a camera. It is one reason she hates doing awards shows or anything requiring her to read a teleprompter. She is surprisingly enough ok on talk shows because she is not required to say anything, she only has to respond. Getting her to the talk show is an entirely different matter. It takes her hours. Once she finally gets there and gets inside she can fake it enough and use enough mind tricks to make it through the ordeal, but when she leaves, she becomes a sweaty, exhausted mess and drinks herself to sleep. She is an actress. She used to be A+ list. Rarefied air that she had. Academy Award winner/nominee. For a time, she was the number one choice for almost every movie role available. She could still be that choice and she still has A list name recognition, but she has suffered the past five or six years with actually leaving her own house. It is rare she can manage and when she does it is usually with her boyfriend by her side. She prefers to be alone with him, or just alone is fine with her too. She has an assistant to go shopping for her and do the day to day things so she doesn't have to leave the house. Meetings with her manager or agents or anyone else is by phone or they come to her place. She has dated some of the biggest names in Hollywood. All this used to be managed more effectively. There is talk that her boyfriend likes to have her under his control and maybe had made things worse for his benefit. One thing that has surfaced is that she has a tough time filming anything because of the crowds and the stage fright. She has finally been convinced to give it another try, but it might fizzle like her last two projects when she couldn't even make it to the set.

Renee Zellweger


  1. Sounds like a phobia that she has. She should get herself check for that.

  2. Sounds like shes in the wrong industry!

  3. Agoraphobia is what she has and so did Kim Bassinger. She should see a good therapist about it.

  4. Poor girl. There is help for this though. I think she looks great and hope she gets better

  5. But she made it to the plastic surgery office just fine.

  6. Agoraphobia sucks. I have it and as I get older, it gets worse. I have to force myself to go out and if it's someplace crowded, I have to take a Klonopin and I still can't relax.

  7. I used to have terrible anxiety about leaving my house which ended up (weirdly enough) stemming from heart problems and the "side effects". Once I got that cleared up it completely went away. Not saying that's what she has but she should definitely see a doctor because it's not always just psychological.

  8. Her horrific plastic surgery will end her career more than these phobias

  9. She is surprisingly enough ok on talk shows because she is not required to say anything, she only has to respond.

    So she just has to smile and shake her yes or no to respond? On every talk show?

  10. @Dena got this one! Good job, Dena!

  11. 2nding Pink Cashmere, agoraphobia suuuccckkks. I'm okay-ish now, but it's something I've struggled with since I was a teen.

  12. She needs to dump the boyfriend and get help. @Pink, I hope it gets better for you.

    My mom has had it for years. I have gotten her to the point where she can go out, but only in the morning. If she's with me she can handle it. I make sure she gets out of the house as often as possible.

  13. I would think a talk show would be a major anxiety-producer. In any case, poor Renee. Get well.

  14. One could see that overwhelming fame, the demands, the people who betray you, could take someone who was perhaps already prone to shyness or anxiety disorder, could then develop full blown phobias. Having seen red carpets from the spectator side I would be terrified of going on a red carpet, you got all these flash bulbs, people screaming at you do this do this talk to me sign this god I'd run away or faint. Not to mention you know everything you do and say and wear is being dissected under a microscope practically.

    I think most people love Renee and hope she can get better and get out there. The reaction to a perception that she doesn't look the same is coming out of a place of concern for many, people tired of actresses feeling the pressure to cowtow to pressures that end up ruining their looks and their health [anorexia/bulimia]

  15. She seems like good people, I wish her the best.

  16. That's a real eye opener enty..

  17. Any phobia that prevents you from living your life is certainly a shame. It's too bad for her sake, but she does. I've always like Renee, she seemed sweet, it's just too bad she could never get comfortable in her own skin.

    I don't have agoraphobia, just "peoplepissmeoffsoIdrathestayin" syndrome

  18. I know I'm in the minority here, but I actually think her changed look is due to aging and actually NOT doing Botox/fillers, etc. anymore. Her eyebrows used to be much higher, which I think was a result of Botox. I think it's just that we hadn't seen her in so long the change seems drastic to us.

  19. SNJ, you are blind. Aging does not make your eyes open wider, if anything, your lids will start to sag.

    I love Renee, this makes me sad.

  20. She looks well into her fifties... I just saw a bunch of new pictures on some other website.. she looks old as fuck which isnt good if she still wants to act. Some people just dont age well. All the botox and fillers in the world wont fix that.

  21. Poor Renee.. Having a form of agoraphobia must be hard. And now the world is making it even harder for her, by commenting on her changed looks.

  22. I can totally sympathize with her. I used to have the same problem but, I needed to work so I made myself get over it.

  23. and don't forget she dated Bradley Cooper for years. I can imagine what a mind fuck he did on her.

  24. @timebob..and Jim Carrey! And her "fraud" wedding. I think she dated Jack White in there somewhere.

  25. It could be social anxiety. If not treated, it can eventually make one retreat within their homes, not leaving for long periods of time. She just needs to see a good shrink.

  26. Ack, agoraphobia, and all of the super-fun members of the anxiety family. Don't get me started. I wish good things for her.

  27. I feel bad for her right now.
    Poor thing is getting slammed left and right.

    I still think the eye work was a medical necessity, due to her droopy lids. It can hamper vision.

  28. I love her, this makes me sad as well.

  29. This is really sad and I feel bad for her

    Can she get work now though? She doesn't look like Renee Zellwegger

  30. Hear, hear, @JoElla. My first thought was medical necessity--Salman Rushdie apparently had something similar, revealed in his autobiography.

    In her response to the commentary (to People), she seems pretty happy to me.

    I'm a bit skeptical about this blind, tbh. There've been so many pics of her papped jogging and getting coffee.

  31. @SNJ - I totally agree. Seriously, look at a current photo of her. Cover her eyebrows, and the crows feet, and she looks much the same. Maybe she had some excess skin removed from her upper eyes. I know someone that had hooded eyes, and had that procedure done, because it can actually hinder your vision.

  32. tragic since its just a serotonin-deficiency and is easily treated with SSRIs. Even an ecstasy pill would work (in fact it might take that much- some ppl are just terribly deficient- genetically)

    1. Totally agree about the seratonin deficiency! It is SO misdiagnosed and I feel the root of depression. Chemical imbalance that can easily be treated. Affects millions and most don't know it. Side effect is suicide sadly.

  33. I hate crowds and don't go to a lot of events because of that. I hope she gets help and maybe dumps the bf.

  34. She's okay on talk shows? Not the ones I've seen. Rene gibbers on like a loon, complimenting others to the point of discomfort, laughing inappropriately, twitching a lot.

    I happen to like Rene a lot as an actress. Too bad she is forced into the public eye to get roles. I wish the Hollywood machine would give these kinds of actresses space (as they do for some actors.) I'd like to see her in movies more but Hollywood demands she sign with a fashion house, demands she sit through endless hotel interviews, demands she walk miles of red carpet and hopefully come out with her own product line. I HATE that for actresses, and it also means we get mediocre actresses in films because they are the lot who know how to pose for commercials and at Disney Land.

  35. Such bull, Renee used to go to any event, she even had Andre Talley etc dressing her for a while. She was a fashion darling and designers all wanted her to wear their clothes. She more recently was always papped coming from yoga/gyms after the Bradly debacle. So if she is now suffering stage fright it is very recent. She sure liked talk shows too and was very funny and engaging on late night tv.

  36. That explains why she was always drunk as a skunk at all her awards shows back in the day.

    She had blepharoplasty. I don't know why she doesn't just admit it. It's a pretty common surgery for people with hooded eyes, especially as they age and the skin sags even lower.

  37. I mentioned Blepharospasty in the earlier blind as the cause for her new look. It does improve vision and former first wife Mrs Carter had it done as well.

    Sad with the demands of her job. As Tina pointed out it can be pretty daunting. And as others point out it worsens as you get older (& more in demand doesn't help either). Add to the current situation and, well I just hope she's getting some medical intervention for relief.
    @Cheryl. She did date Jack White. Funny I just watched Cold Mt. and that must be how they met. He was a musician In the movie and their characters married.

  38. If she has agrophobia and or panic attacks, i really feel for her. Alot. Ive had both. It sucked. A thousand hugs to any cdaners suffering from this fuckery.

  39. @Janieb - touché :-)

  40. I empathize with all the people who suffer with this. It's so frustrating and shame inducing. I too have agoraphobia, GAD and a heart issue. Getting out the door is a huge deal with the anxiety, I scream at my poor husband and he just doesn't get it. Klonopin helps. It also goes in cycles for me. Unfortunately it's a few years on and maybe a year off, if I'm lucky.

    All I want to do is be able to take my dog for a walk.

    That everyone jumped on Renee about how she looks, is just going to make things worse for her. But she does seem to be able to go to the gym. She really needs to dump the creep she's dating. There is just a whole lotta wrong there. I've always liked her but she has horrible taste in men especially if this one is making things worse.

  41. I have social anxiety disorder and panic disorder and can completely sympathize. People don't get it and think you just don't take your relationships to heart or are flaking out, but it isn't the case at all.

  42. Certainly unfortunate, but I find it odd someone with this problem would go into show biz.

  43. Jack White seems to like anxious gals

  44. I've always really liked her too. And I'm dying to know what the story was on her 15 minute marriage with Kenny Chesney...??!
