Sunday, October 26, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 16, 2014

This A list celebrity with A+ list name recognition who used to be a B list actress before hitting it big with another endeavor has been having issues with the man she is supposed to marry. He cheats a lot. The marriage may be off. It is definitely on hold.

Mary Kate Olsen


  1. She probably "aged" out.

  2. Ha yeah Cleo, he certainly has a 'type'.

  3. You mean she dodged a stodgy bullit.

  4. She's out of her fucking mind if she marries that pedophile. Gross!!!

  5. Whenever I see pictures of them together, he looks like Chester the Molester with a sick grin, and she looks like a child uncomfortable with any kind of physical contact. I hope she runs and never looks back.

  6. I guess I just don't get the outrage. Olivier Sarkozy is only 45; not one foot in the grave. Mary Kate is 28. 17 years difference.

    People get married with greater age difference than that.

    I guess Bogie shouldn't have been allowed to marry Bacall. Just sayin'.

    1. I think it's the fact that she's closer to the age of his daughter and looks quite a bit like her. See Hulk Hogan and wife for context.

    2. When I was 27, I dated a 45 year old and it was hot!

  7. She didn't age out he is with her for the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ no surprise though the fact she still looks like she is underage is an added bonus I am sure. If she has found out now good. Kick him to the curb. Toute suite.

  8. It's not just the age difference. He looks far older than his age and kind of creepy. While she can look every inch her age when she glams up she often looks a decade younger. And while I have no idea about their relationship, many of their photos are in fact awkward.

  9. He's French. That's what they do.

  10. He is totally fug anyways. I do not get the appeal.

  11. I like MK and can't help hoping everything works out alright for her.

  12. The other day, the dude was in Bloomberg. He has a nice voice.

    I guess she is only able to date teens, otherwise the guy would look like a creep or a pederast next to her because she is a MichaelJFox type (who is the creep who married him, btw?) who would be 80 and look like a kid, according to the commenters.

  13. Pederast refers exclusively to male to male relationships.

  14. I loved her in Weeds. That's all I've got.

  15. Wait...Mary Kate's old man is cheating on her? Ewwwww...he's gross.
