Monday, October 27, 2014

Blind Item #9

This former B list mostly television actress turned C list movie actress isn't slowing down her escorting career even though she recently tested positive for HIV.


sandybrook said...

Mischa Barton

ladybaus said...


Lady Heisenberg said...

Yikes. Shit got real again. Pass.

sandybrook said...

I really shouldn't have given an answer! HIV reveals are no bueno.

Tricia13 said...


Bacon Ranch said...

Who works at these offices where they blab about such test results? Wouldn't it be easy to trace back who had access to them?
Plus, hope the chumps paying are using protection (though they most likely are not. Thinking that if they pay she should be clean or something)

snookiemonster said...

Blinds should not be dark. Takes the fun out of the guesses

Lady Heisenberg said...

Bad juju :(

Riven said...

I'm not gonna guess, but I would like to point out that nothing in this BI suggests her new clients aren't HIV+ as well. Maybe she just changed her cliental to fit her situation?

Pink Cashmere said...

Is this a crime? It so, why isn't it being reported?

Riven said...

Also please don't be Monica Keena. Girl's got enough problems.

ladybaus said...

well since no one is guessing much---yall see the story on Dlisted about the fire Ashley Greene had at her apartment? The landlord claims to have discovered a crack-pipe in the remains!

ladybaus said...

Well its not like enty reveals these ones---except for the Britney Spears one!

Unknown said...

Exactly. On both points.

hothotheat said...

She could have told someone, doesn't have to come directly from the clinic workers.

I think this is Paz and she probably got from a needle.

Unknown said...

Hi Riven!

Zilla3 said...

Another article (on Us) said no crack pipe was found at the fire scene.

Riven said...

Hi Bee! How youuuuu doin?

crila16 said...

You only need to have sex once in order to get HIV. You only need 1 dirty needle too.

I think Mischa or Paz are both excellent guesses. It really could be either one.

All Lace no Leather said...

This is not good. If it is made up, that's pretty crappy of Enty to make one up so truly awful. If it's real, medical issues should remain private.

MISCH said...

Someone whose been with Charlie ?

B626 said...


Tricia13 said...

Hey Bee!! Good to see are things?

Tricia13 said...

Can't believe no one guessed's sadly, a logical guess.

Leah said...

And she's looking pretty rough lately... :-(

Tina Mallette said...

Speaking of Paz, so sad, season finale of Boardwalk Empire last night.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Pam Anderson, duh.

auntliddy said...

Season finale of boardwalk blew. Paz, pammy are my guesses, and leaning more toward pammy. I think around the time she got a haircut and dressed fairly normal for about a month was when she was diagnosed. Yhen she prob got meds or prognosis, and figured shed go out the way she liked living- hooking and drugging. Its sad i think at heart shes a sweet person.

Rosie riveter said...

Well this is sure thoughtful of her

Rome said...

What the motherfucking fuck is wrong with these whores? How the hell do you catch HIV when everyone has used condoms since Christ was a corporal? Oh, wait... they pay more to go bareback, right? Morons.

OKay said...

I'm with ya, @Rome. A hooker is a hooker no matter how much she charges. EVERYBODY involved should have a vested interest in making sure a condom gets used!

it took forever said...

who would pay for PAZ? more like Pam or mischa

Howard Schultz-Shameless Profiteer (S.S.!) said...

I do not feel bad for any sex worker who is knowingly outed as being positive with the monster. There are ethics for sex work as well. If you don't give two shits about the Johns who pay for service so be it, but Johns also see OTHER SEX WORKERS! So please have compassion for other sex workers. But asking a someone without a soul to display empathy is pointless. As someone tested faithfully prior to marriage i know two of the questions on HIV tests are: Have you had sexual contact with anyone from a third world country? and Have you had sexual contact with a professional sex worker or IV drug user in the last 12 months? Fuck this trifling murderous whore and the scum bags who skinny dip in her cesspool.

Jennmcn said...

Paz with a needle in the back alley. Jeez, when will these people learn. She really had a shot before fucking up on Boardwalk Empire. Now, she has the chance to screw up other lives permanently too.

Jennmcn said...

Paz with a needle in the back alley. Jeez, when will these people learn. She really had a shot before fucking up on Boardwalk Empire. Now, she has the chance to screw up other lives permanently too.

J-Mo said...

HIV isn't a death sentence and Riven, you prob know but just in case, there are different strains of it so positives still need protection with each other. I thought Pam but is she really C list and movies? Not how I would describe her.

Hegg said...

I know this sounds awfully callous, but there are many people with HIV or Hep C that seek sex workers with the same. So, she can still make her living.
While I do not agree with medical info of any sort being blinded or revealed or whichever, it is important to discuss it to help reduce the social stigma.

Bubbles said...

Men pick girls up from the street everyday for sex and don't want to use anything with them and I can't imagine there being any assumption of cleanliness there. If they are, the deserve whatever they may catch.

That's how that transsexual who sold the fake story about OJ to the tabloid got picked up, turning tricks in Vegas while positive. And she told OJ that, even though nothing ever physically happened between the two of them, that she would go to the tabloids and try to sell them a story. OJ looked at Jasmina and told her "Do whatever you need to do, the tabloids are all lies anyway"


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