Thursday, October 02, 2014

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly television actress who goes from one popular show to the next wants the world to think she quit her most recent show but she was fired because she wanted a huge raise and she is not that great of an actress. She was also a huge diva so producers said bye.


  1. Yup.. blame Canada! !

  2. Basil got it! Gotta learn to type faster!

  3. TTardy to the party good work Basil!

  4. Yep! Nice job Basil!

  5. Lies! All lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Which show is she getting shit canned from? That second rate PR spinoff or that Mistresses show?

  7. Replies
    1. But Milano cookies are so delicious!

  8. She is not having good luck, remember the reality show she was judging wanted to Fire her too?

  9. Alyssa Milano is actually A-list? Not sure I buy that theory. AFAIK, all she's ever done was "Charmed," which ended a long, long time ago, and this "Mistresses" thing recently. She's been a superstar on Twitter almost since the service began, but that's a different thing altogether. I have no problem believing she's some sort of diva who thinks she's much, much better (and therefore more entitled) than she actually is. I just don't see her being that big a TV star.

  10. She was on Melrose Place too.

  11. Ive read interviews with milano where talks about getting work and how hard it is, dont think she'd shoot herself in the foot by being a diva.

  12. She's left Mistresses. She said something I think about the filming location. I dont know for sure the reason, I didnt care to read the article.

    Didnt we already know she was fired a while back from PR?

  13. Mistresses is relocating to Vancouver. She says she can't uproot her family.
    Blame Canada. .

  14. If this is not Alyssa Milano then Enty should clarify. She is the obvious choice since she just "quit" her show of reasons that seem fairly sketchy. She has worked on television non stop for the last 15 years so everybody assumes it is her. As do I

  15. I thought Heather Locklear. I have no info that she's a diva but she seems to appear and disappear everywhere. Last season she was suddenly on Franklin and Bash and this season her character is GONE with the excuse that her character imbezzled funds. It was like - why did they even bother?

  16. Alyssa Milano is still hosting Project Runway AllStars. I just saw the preview for it last night as I was watching Project Runway. It showed her as host again. :(

    I was hoping she was gone because last season she was horrific as a host. Plus she looked like she had dressed in a closet with the lights off. Her hair, makeup & wardrobe looked like hell!

  17. Unfortunately I think it is Heather Locklear with Franklin & Bash. I don't know that you would call Mistresses popular.

  18. Mistresses was just signed for a 3rd year. Mistresses is HOT because of both the women AND MEN!

    Have you seen it? Gorgeous, Gorgeous men.

    Jason George
    Brett Tucker
    Justin Hartley
    Ricky Whittle
