Saturday, October 04, 2014

Blind Item #8

This A+list mostly movie actress was sitting in a restaurant and calmly fired her maid over the phone the other day. The noise level got louder when apparently the maid started trashing and breaking things in the house of the actress while on the phone. Our actress dropped some money on the table and ran out leaving her PR person behind.


  1. reese is a nightmare boss

    1. Seems so...
      Makes Joan Crawford look like June cleaver

    2. I didn't know you worked for her, sugartits.

    3. There have been a few bi on lainey and bg that outed her as the boss from hell.
      There was one where she was taking the phones away and checking them to see who they're calling.
      Making nannies clean shrubbery in the backyard. ..

    4. people can write whatever they want on any site doesn't make it true. Reece seems great to me. Fun and crazy drunk. 10/10 would hang.

    5. Reese might be the boss from hell, but the maid who trashed her place? Employee from hell.

  2. Nicole. Pacquita messed with her botox supplies.

  3. Kinda vague it could be any A+ bitch. Reese sounds good. So would Julia or SandyB or GOOP even JLaw.

    1. Oh GOD! Can you imagine gwenneth as your boss? Ms Micromanager!

  4. Sounds like a nightmare maid, breaking and throwing shit.

    1. I agree @Reno
      i don't blame the woman for hightailing it out of there to get home. hopefully she opened a can of WHUPA$$ when she got there...

      or called the cops like a normal non violent person ((sideye))

  5. Have no idea who this could be in the blind item, but it made me laugh. First: do not ever fire someone over the phone. Do it in person.. Two: don't EVER do it while you are not inside your home, but THEY are.
    lol. This person sounds like an idiot and I'm not referring to the maid. [=

    1. +1 ^^555
      Fire them after or before their shift or call them at Their house not while they're still inside your..duh. .

    2. That's was the only thing I took away from this.whoever it was is an A++ idiot mostly. "I'm fired? What should I do with these pearls and diamonds sitting out on the breakfast table? Should I leave them out for the Gardner and pool boy? Okay, if they're missing when you get home, it was definitely them, not me. Toodles!"

  6. How do you guys manage to make this out to where the actress is the bitch? She fired a person who works for her and that person went crazy seems like she made the right choice in firing them.

  7. Who fires someone over the freakin' phone?

  8. It sounds like Reese and we ALL know she's a b***h.

  9. Jennifer Aniston having lunch with her rep Stephen Huvane

  10. @jack ducky: re-read my comment...first mistake, doing it over the phone (poor judgement) ...second mistake: they did it over the phone while that person was INSIDE their house...(dumb, dumb, dumbass move), yea.. the person who did the firing is an idiot.

    1. Reread my comment cause I said idk how ppl turn the actress into a bitch bi agree firing somebody while they're in your house is dumb. Idgaf abou whether the person does it over the phone.

    2. I think the blind was about a bitch of a person. Actress. Who fired their maid over the phone. .Not that the actress was a bitch for firing her over the phone
      Bitch in general. .

  11. I fired someone via fax once because my partner wanted her fired and I didn't. And I was the person who hired her.

  12. Charlize.

    Mostly movie but has done some notable TV.

  13. Hi

    so I cant spend my life gossiping about other people. It strange and very sad. If Joy is still around I also know what its like to loose a couple of years. I sincerely apologize to any whoms feelings I hurt. I really do. will be here a few minutes but I m gonna try really hard not to come back.
    and please no one say "come back"

    as The cunt says your 30 now no more excuses

    1. I support you! Enjoyed seeing you on here, good luck in life. :)

  14. Apparently she was right to fire her maid

  15. lol my email address is

  16. I accept your apology Derek....and I wish you nothing but good things.

  17. Thank you Tricia. You as well.

  18. k so yall know how to reach me. Peace and love.

    1. Well I don't know how to reach you Derek and you said you were gonna email me. Take care of yourself sweetie. I worry about you. I do.

  19. Lmao. I cant at this maid.

    Derek, will be miss boo.

  20. Sandy, I worked with a guy once who had a lot of money (and bragged about it) that he received as a settlement. Why? He was part time in NY and had joined a union. As he would tell the story, they fired him by leaving a message on his answering machine. He notified his union rep and they went after the company for that.
    Then again the guy was a lazy liar mcliar pants so who knows if he was telling the truth.
    He would get dressed up on weekends and crash wedding receptions for the free food. Sooo again, maybe he made it all up.

  21. I get what Derek is saying. I go through spurts of reading gossip and then staying away from it all. I tend to come back to this when all the shit going on in the world becomes too much and I want to numb my mind w/ celebrity gossip.

  22. Nah this isn't Reese Queen Reese would pull that maid by the hair and kick outside the house. Then spit at her face and say," you're fired pathetic being. Spilled water.

  23. Leave my boxed wine bestie alone! Reese the American Citizen would never!

    You'd think Jennifer Aniston the French Maid would have some sympathy.

  24. Unions have specific Protocol on how to fire people if not followed you can file a claim against the company who fired you. Usually its one verbal warn ing and one written warning and then a firing. Ive never heard of a union member not being fired face to face. Maybe things can be done differently now since lotsa people telecommunicate their jobs.

  25. Bye Derek. . Take care.. Get some rest..

  26. @sugbr and jucky and SHERRRRRRIIII baby I worry about myself from the minute I wake up till I go to bed. My email address is I just cant anymore---But I WILL BE FINE---I PROMISE! and I am not drunk or on drugs btw-----but I don't like talken trash anymore.

  27. The maid was in the wrong. You don't like your job you quit. You get fired you don't risk arrest by destroying property. Maybe something the maid said forced her hand and she had no choice but to can her right then and there.

  28. Take care, Derek and do what you need to do for you.

  29. @Nora I agree with you, and will only add this:I don't feel anyone has the right- whatevs over- to judge /police how much time one visits a site, how quickly they answer, how often , they answer (or DELETE), how many times they choose to use :) in their posts...or LOL or anything else for that matter. So the judgement on people's lives and their success and productivity based on the aforementioned is to =intelligence/ the Kardashians are to =altruism.

    Let people be who and what they are and as long as they are kind, and not malevolent, they will always have my support.

    As you can see from recent events, I walk the walk with what I ain't just talk.

    And lest anyone on this site was a founding member of the"Constitution of CDAN" and wrote the byposts and rules.....please refrain from doing so..(and pass that on to your alters as well, lest they be elsewhere as you are reading this:)

    1. Agree, Tricia! Unfortunately, those who are one here "too much" by other's arbitrary standards often get harassed big time. Y'all remember TTM? Nicest person in the world, but some felt she just talked too damn much, and eventually she was run out. Took a lot of long timers with her, too.
      Moral of the story, if there is one... Keep being you, Tricia, but expect to be attacked and expect to be trolled. Sadly.

  30. I know everyone has an "I know someone who knows her and she is xyz" story but screw it here's mine. I know someone that grew up with her and went to the fancy all girls school with her in TN. She said she was a bitch forever. It got worse when she made movies as a teen. Like made people cry bitch. We all know people that are horrible and if became famous tomorrow would still be horrible. I don't think fame made her this way this is just her. I don't say this just because she has resting bitch face and says pretentious things. I believe what I've heard from a reliable source.

  31. I don't wanna be that guy anymore nor the guy getting yelled at

  32. Oh, E forgot to check the sources (Radar, of course).

    Reese Witherspoon: Star magazine reported last year that Reese was very generous with her help, not making any outrageous demands. And she’s so naturally tidy that her employees don’t have to do much cleaning up, even though she has three kids. “She insisted that her housekeeper take home a bunch of new designer clothes that she wasn’t going to wear, worth close to $200,000!” a source raved.

    Derek, I was going to say "take care of yourself" and then I realized I was supposed to say DON'T LEAVE! :b I know you'll be fine, but I hope your self-imposed exile is short-lived - you crack me up frequently.

    1. @7 would that be a typical buzz for a publicist to make? Especially if your client is known for less than charitable behavior?

  33. Did RW ever do TV or Broadway? Says "mostly movie". I pictured Sharon Stone. She's did Law & Order and WAS A. Just seems like her style.

  34. 35 pics of Analynne McCord just Fappened.

  35. Derek you take care of yourself ok? You shouldn't take this part of the site so serious its meant to be a fun place and blogger believe it or not is the second-most popular social media site behind facebook. Oh DONT LEAVE!! I cant handle all these wimmin by myself neither can @count and @Jason and @Guido even @FSP!!

  36. vaunte she email blasted me to shop amal alamuddens style??
    george is so try hard in making her the next carolyn bessette/ jackie kennedy this is jumping the shark for the 100th time now..
    most everything is valentino new w/ tags.. gifts..
    so over this pr cram down our throats!!!

  37. They fappened 2 days ago @count including her sister 's bj pics

  38. @Sandy---- sorry I forgot you too and Seven----but like I said ---its just not a good way to live your life---yeah yeah I guess I am still here

    1. Brother, I hear you. I have felt the same way, and often. What I did was become more selective, both in what I read (or continued reading) or posted. I dated a woman who became a very big star in movies but she has a very, very low profile now and lives very far from Hollywood. Though we split, it would kill me to hear her ripped for no reason by people who know her not at all. Just temper your posts and try to elevate the conversation, rather than merely trash someone who can't even answer. That, I enjoy. No saint me, and sometimes I get a little testy, usually for the purpose if making a joke, not meaning to hurt. Well...those there are my 2 cents.

  39. Sandra Bullock is in New Orleans filming Our Brand Is Crisis... not her unless the maid is at her New Orleans house. Doubt her PR person is in nola too tho.

  40. The actress *calmly* fired the maid and the maid started vandalizing and destroying property?

    I can see there being much more to the story, but the actress is in the right here how it's described.

  41. @Derek I enjoy your posts and hope you return when you're ready. (Note I did follow what you requested. I didn't say "come back", but "return".)

  42. What the hell did I miss?

  43. You do you Derek ;)

    I think Reese is too obvious - Jennifer Aniston maybe

  44. K so-----I think I will still post

  45. She has a cat ducking her nipple.Well Damn

  46. Derek, where's the Like button cuz I'm clicking it

  47. Stayyyyyy Derek! If you are annoyed to the point of going off on here, just click out of the site. We've all had our moments, have looked like asses, have bee called out, and moved on. Occasionally old drama is brought up, but for the most part, people forgive and forget. Just have fun. Your snark is fun!

  48. Yay Derek changed his mind!

  49. It has to be someone recent. Any established A listers have already been through it enough to know better.

  50. @pip--thanks I really like you as well.

    so at "NO" key

    we are really gonna go there?

    1. Actually, Derek, I wasn't talking about what YOU did to TTM. We can "go" there if you like. I hadn't planned on it.

      I was only warning Tricia that she'll be hassled for posting a lot, as TTM was. I don't remember if Tricia was around for any of that. Had nothing to do with you. Chill.

    2. I read more than I post & am slightly confused as to what is going on but I'm glad you're staying

  51. so basically VIP is the Bully. They have a lot of diff names diff style. I HAVE NEVR changed personas---I sm plan ol Drock

    and I am really sorry Tricia

  52. VIP is cool. No bullying like some think.

    On another note, glad you're staying!

  53. So Derek, just to confirm.
    It was VIP who trolled and attacked ttm? ? Just trying to clarify. You had no part in it??

  54. VIP NEVER trolled or attacked TTM - she wanted everyone to believe that was the case. It absolutely was not.

    And this is a general statement: it's okay to disagree with someone's guess or comment. Doing so does not equal trolling. How boring would it be if we all thought and said the same things.

    @ Derek - glad you're staying. You liven up this place, lol!

  55. "#sorryforbeingadramaqueen"--derek

    ROFL is there any other derek? most of us are used to you/"internet" know you/accept you for you. you dont need to go anywhere. stay and be your crazy self.

  56. VIP is *totally* a bully! Getting the right answers and linking to yummy FFF is just downright cruelty! {off to find that misplaced pitchfork}

    1. Well, she's never posted any FFF of Jason Momoa or Tom Hiddleston, so yep, bully ;)
      *waves torch*

    2. Found them:

  57. I'm glad you had a change of heart, Derek. I enjoy reading your comments.

  58. @derek you had me at 'hello'! I miss our banter and Michael Hutchence gift so I hope that this New Derek so bring dat back :)

  59. So she was on speaker at the restaurant when she fired her?? How would anyone know the noise level and what was happening at her house. Come on Enty - your source probably just said she had to run home because her maid started breaking stuff or she was afraid she was going to break stuff because she got mad when she fired her. Don't embellish with stupid details that don't make sense.

  60. I know you are sorry...and it's fine.I just wanted people to know thee was no provocation or reason I knew of RE it all(none I was aware of ) .So I expressed that..
    But it's a turned page for me,.....and were good:)

    Just remember....words matter. and we have - have power over what we express, and what we do not...keep the guesses awesome, the humour intact, and shine on....:)

  61. Wasn't going to say anything, but what the hell. Today seems to be the day with honesty. We ALL have days where everyone and everything irritates the shit out of us. It's a lot harder to vent in RL than it is on a keyboard. Which is why you see people posting the most outrageous statements on FB, Twitter, here or wherever, that they would NEVER say in RL. That being said, it takes some balls and courage (not to mention proper decency) to come back and apologize instead of just scurrying off and pretending you didn't say what you did. So Derek should get some credit for owning up.

    And I echo the others in saying I am glad Derek is staying. Now that things are almost all better (some might disagree) let's move on with the guesses!

    Reese is too smart to fire someone while they are still in their house. Unless she had been drinking and the maid said something over the phone to make her fire her, I don't think it is her. But I really got no one else who would be stupid enough to do this.

    1. Oh Basil, you have long been my fave, and I agree with you soooo much.

      Stay with us, Derek - xoxo : }

  62. ETA @Count, I wasn't going to check your link but of course I did. I see you got your gift of a starfish. lol

  63. No, Derek, coooome baaaaccckkk!

    :) Glad you're staying.

    And, I'm with Surfer: VIP never trolled TTMM but y'all believe what you want to believe. I, for one, wish TTMM all the best. Just tired of seeing it rehashed...over and over and over again.

    Let it go! Peace!

  64. What kind of employee starts screaming and breaking things when she gets canned? Sounds like she had goid reason ti fire her from afar. I wld hv called cops too.

  65. So I guess that means TTM is never coming back? I always figured she would come back eventually.

    Derek I am glad you decided to stay around.

    1. No Brenda, TTM won't be back here but she and many of us are in the Bookie Wook site daily. Come along and say Hi, the link is in my profile!

  66. OT
    Throwback Post

    me and TTM got into a verbal to and fro months ago ...enjoy! LOL
    still a novice at this

    1. Why rehash old Internet drama? Isn't this used as a temporary escape from reality?

    2. @Gina

      very true but some of us here have a ridiculous funny bone and will simply laugh or eyeroll and move on to the next thing. its not that deep for some of us. it may be a ridiculously absurd/funny read for some who missed it. its a saturday night, hopefully some one will appreciate it. ;^)

      i dont think anyone in their right mind would get "re-mad" at that thread.

  67. Oh, i was fancyscreenname at that time, btw.

    1. Fancy! I've been wondering where you went! Good to see ya!

    2. awwww shucks, LowKey

      THANKS! :^D

  68. You guys are all fucking crazy (as am I) and I like you all a lot even if we butt heads.

    Derek, I'm glad you're staying.

  69. Also can we just leave TTM alone and stop bringing up whatever happened months ago? She's moved on so I feel like everyone else should as well.

  70. I didn't realize you were fancyscreenname! Did you change your name again? I knew you were someone OG, you seemed very familiar!

    Ducky, I agree. This happened awhile ago. Things have been going well. Let the past stay there!

    1. @Pip

      i had to shed that moniker. someone else showed up with it a couple of months ago and i wanted to avoid confusion and also i started to get attached to the word FANCY. i would see it around the internet and for a split second think it was about me (fancyscreenname).


      i was starting to go a lil crazy. LOL

  71. Basil makes an excellent point: That it takes a big person to admit they were wrong. I too am glad Derek wants to say. I like him. And yes, I understand that others do not and the (valid) reasons why. I may be presumptuous but I ima he's quite possibly made amends to others as well. Because I'm one of those crazy people who feel that most people are good rather than evil. And I'm not so naive to not know the truth.

    Hugs sweet Derek. Glad we get to share gossip opinion with you some more. I will be emailing you!

  72. What about Paltrow for this?

    Glad everyone is working things out. I know I recently started commenting again, but I have looked at this sight for a long time

  73. "Those that do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it" or something like that.

    Might explain why it feels like deja vu all over again so often around here *shrugs*

  74. Aw, don't leave Derek. Too many other awesome readers have left recently and it was a shame. I'd love to see some find their way back here, but if they're happy someplace else, my best to them. I'm thankful for the incredible peeps who are here commenting daily - Seven, V, Nutty, Lady H, Ducky, shit, even the Count just to name a few.

    @Sandy - what'chu mean we can't handle these wemmin? Yeah we can.

    *Grabs whip down off wall.*

  75. A+ stars do not hire or fire the help. That's why they have assistants. Most rich people don't even know who the maid is or what she looks like. This blind is BS.

  76. Glad you like LowKey. I know just how to use it too.

  77. By the time she got home I'm sure the maid was gone.

  78. she'd better be @Aoife LOL

  79. Just as long as Count Jerkula stays, it's all good.

  80. Glad you're staying Derek. I was not going to visit due to people's reactions and accusations when I started posting. Apparently I was someone else who had caused a lot of trouble, which isn't my style online, or IRL.
    I have no idea what went down as I've been sick but I hope no feelings were hurt.
    People don't realise that there are real people on the receiving end of nastiness. I choose to ignore it. And to appreciate those who have been kind.
    Having said that, where's my beloved Yoj? I miss Riven too. Oh and Sandy, Cobe, Lady H and many others - thank you for your kindness. Xx

    1. And of course the lovely Tricia, and Sherry!

    2. Yay! Called out for being kind. Who here doesn't like THAT?

  81. I feel like this thread is the internet version of joining hands and singing Kumbayah.

    I miss bonfires and s'mores.

  82. She probably fired the person over the phone cause she is scared of flying utensils.
    (no guess on who it is though ...vague clue)

  83. Who needs celeb gossip when there is all this drama in the posts? Can't we all just get along and get back to the topics at hand? Stay, go, forgive, forget, hate, love... just move on. Jeez.

  84. @LowKey, I would pay silver and gold to see Khal Drago sans sackcloth. {drool}


  85. O_o - constant reader inconstant poster here.

    Didn't realize there was drama here until I caught up through today's posts and saw all the comments.

    One of the reason I like coming here is because for the most parts commenters here are light-hearted and funny, and there was a definite sense of community. I used to post on a city news and lifestyle blog in NYC and eventually had to stop because there were always people that trolled any comment that had a personal opinion in there. Seeing people gang up and bully others online just because of difference of opinion is not a fun thing.

    @derek, I didn't quite catch if you were staying or going, but this lone user just wanted you to know you and some of the daily commenters on here (Tricia, LadyH, Seven, CountJ and many others) in some ways make my day with your online daily banter.

    And last - don't let the Trolls win!
    This is a great video I came across recently about internet trolls.

  86. Wow handbags much !!!
    Jason is now JASON HAS A WHIP.
    Hummed to the tune of I don't like Mondays .
    No more of this blue eye stuff, you've been outed as being a bit naughty ;)
    I think TTM still reads secretly. Jax too.
    Derek don't go away, it's still fun.

  87. @ Jennifer...thank you..!
    Look foward to seeing you here!!

  88. Thanks, Jennifer.

    How tall are you?

  89. @count - tall enough *wink

  90. @Jennifer: Playin hard to get? Naughty naughty.


    Is 39 too old for you?
