Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blind Item #8

The FBI is investigating this momager and this B+ list rapper for transporting minors across state lines for the purpose of sex. They are cracking down and apparently there is talk of a grand jury convening. 


  1. Replies
    1. I think it is this. If Kris K drove little Kendall to meet Tyga, she is in big trouble.

    2. Oops. Meant Kylie.

      If so . . . Wow. Just, wow.

    3. I think it's pmk and tyga also but it gets weird when u consider the Kylie and Kim and Blac connection

  2. Kris Jenner is involved somewhere.
    Swedish Montana

    1. Beiber mom and Lil za.

    2. Yeah Tricia Kris j and tyga..
      something shady Kris is involved somewhere

    3. I bet Kylie is the head of recruiting too..

  3. Waka flocka and his mom?

  4. Uh oh @Tina Mallette is in trouble. :(
    Tina/Lil Za

    1. So I was right for once? ?
      I wondered why Lil za was suddenly let back in the diaper pack after being
      "Banned 4 good" awhile back...
      blackmail or a money scheme..

    2. @pumpkintits is ALWAYS a champ!!!!
      Yay our shows return tonight!!!

    3. Yeah homeland 6pm..
      madame secretary
      you're on your own with twd though. .

  5. Replies
    1. JasMINE: good guess, but didn't Enty call him an A list rapper last week? I remember the uproar! Don't deny he would be involved in that sorta thing

  6. Imagine how awesome it would be if Kris was really involved. We would never have to see these pathetic creatures ever again.

    Not that such a crime is awesome. Just the thought of never having to hear or see a Kardashian/Jenner ever again is exciting.

  7. PMK and Tyga....Kylie's friends are being pimped out......

    1. Pmk will always get her 10% bitches! !

  8. Has to be Kylie and Tyga and Kris - Vegas?

    Shocking realization: put a photo of Kendall;s face next to a photo of Todd Watermann in his youth. Completely obvious.

    PMK with at least 4 baby daddies. Jury's still out on the last one.

    1. Yikes! Was Tyga dumb enough to take Kylie to Vegas?!?!! What a dumbfuck

    2. Oh please pmk probably booked the tickets or arranged the private jet and collected her fee..

  9. BS
    Ii think if it's true,it would be known

  10. Media Take Out has Tyga & Kylie in France where consent is 15.

    *please don't judge me for reading MTO*

    1. The more you know
      the wedding
      Paris fashion week
      take your pick

  11. Not Biebs mother - she is now a born again Christian. That is why his father is part of his posse.

    1. Tina- after what i went thru delivering my kids, they better not ever get reborn!! What i did sticks! Lol. Yeah, she's botm again. That shit makes me so tired.

    2. His mom at least doesn't use him for a wingman like his dad
      That father needs to be born again.

  12. If this is PMK, that show will be cancelled. I hope its her, so sick of this family.

  13. Lady H you are the first person to figure out where I got that name LOL, nothing gets past you girl.

    1. @Tina M: Thanks boo! I figured that out right away. Your name always cracks me up!

  14. Oh I hope it's Kris K. They won't cancel the show they will just make the investigation part of the show. Good timing on Bruce's part if that is the case.

  15. @JasMINE, Deb Antney would NEV-AH! Lord, I have to stop watching so much VH1 :)

  16. @BTownGirl I've never seen the show she's on, but I think on some other gossip site I've read comments about her "being hood and running shit". Sooo, yeah I don't know :)

  17. Yeah, you can't just pay em for fucking. You gotta hire them for an appearance, then fuck em before and after.

  18. Count you should be a consultant for these dumb celebrities.

  19. Dear Lord, Please let this be PMK.

  20. Who is PMK? I can't figure it

    1. @Pattty: PMK= Pimp Mama Kris (Kardashian)

  21. I'll believe this one when I see it, Enty. Just like all those "set to come out next month" blinds.

  22. So I've totes csi this shit out...
    is there a millions of milkshakes opening in Paris anytime soon???
    Then I got it.. Kylie and all her friends will have their own milkshake named after them *for a fee* stds and morning after pill are complimantary upon check out. .

  23. I know the age of consent is 18 in most states, but I thought when these cases were pursued it was usually the parents of the underage one that pushed for it. If the parents consent, who pushes for charges?

  24. I wish this was true. Kylie and Tyga are in France RIGHT NOW. So gross. I can hear her rationalizing.

    "But Kylie is more mature because she's grown up with cameras and works harder than most adults"

    NOPE, she's less mature because of the cameras and being spoiled and showing up to get pictures taken four times a year is NOT hard work. Yuck, you people are disgusting.

  25. Don't I wish it would be something to bring an end to the Kartrashian era. The faster the rise the bigger the fall. Please Gods of Karma make theirs be spectacular.

  26. BARF!!!! Tyga's Mom weighs in on his relationship with Kylie...while Tyga just lost his shiz on Instagram

  27. Waste of time. Count is right. Sex for work is the foundation of the entertainment industry. How else are those ugly a$$h^*%s going to get laid?

  28. This makes me feel physically ill. Justice fir the victims, exposure and jail for the perpetrators.

  29. @Rowdy, @Bee Haven, @MinPin, @Robin et al...did you all see this drunk ass interview of Pantera's Phil Anselmo?!?! This made my day! The Danzig impression is just the icing on this Beck's and bud filled cake

    1. Lady H: Danzig and kittens are two of my fav things. I'll have to watch th8s.
      I have a Danzig story frm his Aus tour (I think 2006 or '07 - Doyle was in the Misfits lineup which is why it was exciting!). Backstage, there was all this healthy stuff for his rider. Blood Duster had beer/booze in theirs as is usually the case, road crew, bands, techs etc ALL smoking. Despite about 50 signs everywhere with "Glenn would appreciate if you didn't smoke". Literally EVERYONE was smoking. We actually sent an orange we had grabbed from my friend's place - after we set fire to her carpet (thank you absinthe). You know how metal heads do the "invisible orange" move? They make like a claw with their hand thrust in the air? Well we took an orange and would plonk it in random claws. Anyway, Duster were touring O/S opening for the Misfits along with our orange which was photographed w Danzig and travelled all over the world (even when rotting). Don't know how it made it through customs.

  30. LadyH: LOVE IT! Phil even references aus metal band Portal, who are on an awesome metal label : Profound Law. They have YOB!, Gates of Slumber and other rad bands. Even my hubby laughed at Phil singing 'Grand'mother: big lols. I've had my best times with drunk metal bands. Good times! Thanks for the share! I think there needs to be an OT just for music here. For reals.

  31. Check out Blackbreath, Nuclear Death Terror, YOB, Eagle Twin, Black Cobra (pretty much any band from Southern lord - like APMD) & King Parrot. That's just for starters. Dirge death : Obliterations; Earth, the Baptists. I've seen SunO))) who literally made me puke. Sleep (Dopesmoker is their opus). Pelican, Nails. Oh my god I gotta stop!
    Ps. Danzig is even smaller and diminutive in real life.

    1. Wolves in the throne room..... Southern Lord. The BEST people.

  32. @Bee Haven: great story!!! I'll have to check out some of those bands I am not privy to. Also: this is totally random, but I fucking love the Queensland based ska/hardcore band The Dumpers! :D

    I knew you'd love the Anselmo clip! It's epic! I also love his shout out to Testament LOL
    My ex's brother got fucked up with Phil a few years ago after a show in Anaheim! Said it was the greatest night of his life.
    RIP Dimebag

    @pumpkintittsyz: seeeee I told you she was gunna hook up with you know who instead of Quinn!!!!!!! She's way too far gone.

  33. So many people still grieving Dimebag. I am so accustomed to being invisible on this site, so it's nice to get a call out! And Lady H : do check out those bands! Xx

  34. Is a momager like some type of bager? Like a honeybager don't give a damn kind of thing?

    And if the talk turns into more than talk please repost with red flags.

    I love this site, and get bummed about people who complain about the posts, but this is one of those that if it pans out, needs to be highlighted - flagged. OR, if it turns out to be hot air, please stop posting these incendiary types of things. My opinion only.

  35. lady h
    ****homeland spoiler***
    yes.. carrie is off the rails again, exactly like i like her
    that guy lost his virginity to crazy carrie.. he his fucked for whatever short life he has left..
    and i love that quinn is totally calling her on all her shit
    quinn is so hot!!!!
    i can't believe kiera knightly dumped him..
    saul figured it out and is out for blood.. looks like the saul / carrie happy hunting duo is back on and i am clapping my hands with glee waiting for each episode.. loved the look on saul's face when he realized crazy carrie was right on the money once again as usual and he was "back in the saddle" with her..
    quinn..le sigh.. quinn
    and the story line w/ the terrorist not really being dead.. they are going to put that kids face on blast for aiding and abedding his uncle and throw him to the wolves.. quinn sees this and is pissed.. can't wait to see how this plays out..
    let me know your thoughts..

    1. Yes, I love everything about your post. Like I said last week, Quinn would actually be GOOD for her which is why it wasn't in the cards for now. But it's funny because she is a vortex drawing crazy relationships to everyone around her. Her sister/daughter. Saul's marriage is as good as over now that he has a new pursuit. Now this kid is fucked and she keeps promising things she can't deliver on. What's the connection with the drugs already?!?

      I'm also still trying to wrap my head around the leak source and this ambassadors hubby dude. Shit just got real

  36. This is Wocka Flocka and his mom (manager, Debra Antney). You got it jasMINE!

    Waka Flocka Flame's Mom Denies That Prostitution Was ...

    Waka Flocka Flame's mom/manager denied that prostitution was behind the raid of ... but a TMZ report suggested that the investigation centered on prostitution.

  37. lady.. the drugs are for his uncle the terrorist who is sick but cant go into a hospital b/c he is "dead"
    the ambassadors hubby was selling secrets to sandy who was trading intel to the isa for locations on terrorist hideouts for carrie, etc..
    when they murdered sandy, the new girl let it be known just b/c sandy is dead you dont quit us.
    anymore questions??
    i'm here for you
