Sunday, October 26, 2014

Blind Item #7

This A list mostly movie actress has made her name in a franchise even though she has proved her acting skills in other fare. She also is having huge cold sore breakouts this month which has led to numerous canceled appearances and also delays in a movie she is shooting.


  1. Replies
    1. JLaw in DM for trying to move near Chris

  2. Replies
    1. Sure, if perpetually looking like you just sucked off Mr Lemonhead = acting skills LOLOLOL

    2. Still Alice rave reviews being other fare

  3. A cold sore is a BI?

    She should get a sponsorship from Abreva.

  4. I hope its Emma Stone : )

  5. @Seven---I bet Shakira would...

  6. @7 Cold sores usually mean herpes.

    1. Herpes 1
      Herpes 2
      Different in that one is above the waist, the other is below the waist.

    2. Thanks Rosie. It really isn't the same thing but they really can be horribly painful and look really bad. There is no way to hide them with makeup.

  7. Haven't they heard of Valtrex?

  8. She needs to stop sucking Valtrex penis.

  9. JLaw A +\AA winner


  10. Radar Online‎ - 4 hours ago
    Kristen Stewart recently announced that she is “taking time off” from acting, and a close ...

    Hopefully she stashed enough$$$ away for valtrex

  11. doesn't say oscar winner or nom.

  12. Since Goop (Brad Pitt) has it Chris must have it…

  13. I know, @sifichick, I just think this whole "cold sore = genital herpes" is rather silly gossip fodder. Just because you have a cold sore doesn't mean you're in the same league as Wonky McValtrex.

    Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are very common worldwide. HSV-1 is the main cause of herpes infections on the mouth and lips, including cold sores and fever blisters. It is transmitted through kissing or sharing drinking utensils. HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes, although HSV-2 is the main cause of genital herpes.

    Source: Herpes simplex virus | University of Maryland Medical Center
    University of Maryland Medical Center
    Follow us: @UMMC on Twitter | MedCenter on Facebook

  14. Im confused as to why this is a blind. Coldsores?? So what. Seriously enty wtf.

  15. Michelle Rodriguez maybe

  16. Anna Kendrick. Twilight first big movie, Up In The Air proved her talent outside franchise.

  17. OT: (a herpes bl could use some help)
    Did u guys see Kat Von Dee go tick tick boom on the news camera peeps taking photos of her burnt down Tattoo Shop? The news showed her taking a swing at two different ppl. (Not too smart to go bat shit on news ppl with cameras- dumb betch). The news station reported followed the video of that with another recording of her walking on them at their actual Studio and going off because they asked if they could ask about Jesse James in their interview. She got pissed and walked out on them.
    Crack is Whack / Tude is Rude.

    1. Sincerely-she is seriously whacked out. Btwn massacreing her face, and her choice of men, all you can do is say wtf?

    2. Kat Von D is fucking evil. I know a guy who worked on LA Ink. I can't share any specific stories but she is truly terrible to everyone. That is why her last season had all new people

    3. I'm soo on board with u Auntliddy.
      I thought I'd catch carp for calling her a Betch but I couldn't help it; she's being a bitch - AND the SKEEZY "Defecate a mouse" after the married POS Jessie're so right. WTF?
      I gotta google her face to see the latest.
      When she went off on tbe news peeps she had a black hoodie on with the hood on her head and pulled to try to cover some of her face. She looked like an idiot. (It was early AM tho, I'll give her that - I'm sure she got waken in mid if night)
      Prob arson/insurance scam. Lol
      The place looks like a dump from the outside.

    4. Kat's house also burned down and her cat died in the fire a few years ago too

    5. @Lady h. (Just seeing ur posts here). Oh wow. For some reason I had thought ppl liked her besides the Jessie affair.
      Good to know. Interesting that her house burnt down too. If she had anything to do with that's sick about her cat. Betch. I'm thinking insurance co gonna investigate the mo fo outta this fire. I know I would.

  18. I think Enty is dying to call this a "mouthondirectorsdong" sore.

  19. And enty, what is this, the health report? Pls alert me when someone us urinating frequently.

  20. This one is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Must be getting harder and harder to make up all those BIs.

    No movie would be shut down because of a cold sore. That's ridiculous. You keep filming and take care of the problem in editing, or if there is a kiss involved you use a double. Please. You must think we're all stupid.

  21. Which Disney tweener had to spend an extra 30 minutes in makeup, halting production because the hormonal teenager had a pimple?

  22. @Lady, seriously? Sounds like maybe these fires are intentional. Revenge against her or insurance layoffs? Two fires in one's lifetimes sounds like pretty slim odds.

    1. @Lady H I'm totally jealous of you meeting Nikki Sixx. He IS a sweet guy. A few years ago, when a Baltimore girl went missing en route to their concert in Virginia, Nikki made time to meet with her family & helped get the word out about her.

      Between that & his kindness to his fans, particularly those who struggle with sobriety, makes him A#1 in my book. I have no doubt "The Heroin Diaries" (both the book & CD) has helped a lot of people. His band, Sixx A.M., has weirdly brought me great comfort.

      Have a good night, Darlin'!

      Bluezz is out. :-)

  23. Cold sores aren't an indication that someone has genital herpes. There has to be numerous makeup artists who can cover them up.

  24. @rosie:

    I have numerous friends who now have genital herpes after having a man with a cold sore give them oral sex.

    FACT: Oral herpes becomes genital herpes when it lives on the genitals - the recipient does not care if it's HSV-1 or HSV-2.

    1. Yes, it can absolutely be transmitted that way. Very very important to be aware of outbreaks and even the days before.

  25. @hothotheat Not Anna Kendrick. She's been working on a movie, they haven't had any delays. She also took a pic yesterday because she was challenged by someone for a charity thing. No cold sores on her mouth, also saw her at the New Orleans Film Festival and she didn't have any cold sores.

  26. Could it be Shailene Woodley? Although she has been quite visible lately.

  27. Nope...change that. It's definitely JLaw. She's known for her franchise, but has proven her acting skills in other films.

  28. JLaw and Martin have split up already? Wasn't she trying to move somewhere closer to him?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. You obviously can have HSV-1 and/or HSV-2 on the mouth or on the genitals, since mouth-to-genitals contact is known to happen.
