Monday, October 20, 2014

Blind Item #7

This foreign born B- list singer who would probably be C list if not for her catchy name is openly gay and in an abusive relationship. Her girlfriend has beaten her badly on more than one occasion but our singer sticks with her because she thinks she can change the girlfriend. Not a good idea.


  1. Nice guess@ derek..

  2. I'll throw in
    La Roux

  3. Gloria Estefan

  4. thanks! Although I consider her at least B for a great voice not the name.

  5. Charli XCX (based on the name, not sure about being gay or out)

  6. is La Roux lesbian? She is fugly and that Bulletproof song irks me...

  7. I've always loooved KD!

  8. @T---me too---Constant Craving! and her cover of Cryin by Roy Orbison

  9. Whoever it is, get help.

    1. Yes, exactly. There is no changing another person. That can only come from within.

  10. Constant craving one of my all time faves...
    Remember she did the soundtrack for even cowgirls get the blues(with uma)!!!

    1. Loved this book! It was the lightbulb moment for me. And by lightbulb i mean two by four**

  11. @Tricia---I kinda remember the music video : )

  12. the big thumbs ---kinda gross

  13. Oh, heavens...Constant Craving! Fab. And I know it's trite, but her Hallelujah is the definitive version, like Leonard Cohen wrote it specifically for her.
    "She tied you to a kitchen chair
    She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
    And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah" Yeeeaaaahhhhh.
    But I don't think her name is weird and she should be rated higher.

  14. Hahah .it was an eccentric film for sure

  15. @Kno..another personal fave...Jeff Buckleys version of Hallelujah is pretty haunting as well

  16. I love Jeff Buckley---Sketches for my sweetheart the drunk is my fav album of his

  17. :) at rosie...I hear ya
    @ derek....biuckley is a golden god to me....Lover you should have over....."a kingdom for a kiss upon my shoulder".... Goosebumps. His writing was raw and effin resonant. I hope penn badgely pulls off his elusive mysterious...suffering in the film version

  18. *lover you should have come over(my fave JB song)

  19. @Tricia---is that who they are getting?! Penn is cute ; )
    Anyone but Rob Pattinson which I read. James Franco has a slight resemblance to Jeff as well

  20. @derek...yep. Pretty sure he was on board, hmmm whatbinthink status of that biopic cuz haven't heard anything in a bit:(

  21. you seem to know more than I---I don't know if a biopic is really necessary though---I like that he remains mysterious. Makes his music more haunting.
    But as long as its not on Lifetime fine by me. They already butchered poor Britney Murphys life story...

  22. ^yikes....never saw it
    No lifetime/ no hallmark lol
    I guarantee andy Cohen gets in there and gets it on Bravo..OT- Imma watch that new scripted show that's premiering soon!

  23. If you need to change someone, you need to hit the bricks.

  24. @T---scripted show? We don't get Bravo in Canada (well we do but its different---all crime shows etc)

  25. Hmm..@derek, yes I'll get back with name. First scripted show created for network

  26. "Girlfriends guide to divorce..."

  27. And I'm watching mainly because Janine garafolo is making her comeback!!!!( love.her.)

  28. NOT KD Lang. She frequents a farmers market I go to. Trust me, she doesn't put up with shit

    1. @user lol how does one not put up with shit at a farmers market? These tomatoes aren't heirloom dammit! Nobody pulls a fast one on me!

  29. Was going to throw in Beth Ditto, however she's married and born in the US.

  30. Kno Won Uno, Derek...LOVE KD Lang...She's wonderful. Agreed that her version of Hallelujah is awesome but I just heard Buckley's the other day and they're neck and neck.

    What about Sia?

  31. sia is married to a man

  32. kd Lang looks like she could kick the shit out of someone getting abusive with her. Whenever I hear Hallelujah it gives me chills.

  33. Tricia and Derek, I love you! Know Won, you know nothing. Have a seat and listen to Jeff's version of Hallelujah. Every time you hear someone cover this song on a show like American Idol or X-Factor, they always sing it the way Jeff did. I like KD Lang; however, I never even knew she sang a version of this song. Jeff Buckley sings the definitive cover of this song.

    Jeff is my Elvis, that's my guy. I know everything there is know about him. I was great friends with his mother for several years and I knew the only person who was with him when he drowned. His mother once told me a story about how she met Leonard Cohens daughter in a furniture shop on Melrose Ave and they chatted for a bit, not realizing whom the other was related to. The topic changed to music and Mary (Jeff's mom) asked the woman who her favorite musician was. The woman replied "Jeff Buckley". Mary asked her "Why Jeff Buckley?" And the woman said "Because he sang a cover of my fathers song. My father is Leonard Cohen". I don't what happened after that because I was about to burst into tears and I didn't want to embarass myself by "fan-girling" in front of Jeff's mom. There were other people present, so it isn't like I made a scene.

    Not sure what is happenening with the biopic. Her and I talked it about several years ago and I met the screenwriter and everything. He told me he didn't listen to Jeff's music until he got the job, so I immediately discredited him. Last I read online, Reeve Carney was attached to the role of Jeff. The resemblance is uncanny. Check out Taylor Swifts music video for her song "Trouble" and you can see for yourself. He plays the guy in her video.

  34. @Missjenny---that's awesome---thanks for sharing that : )

  35. miss jenny...sorry just got back her!!! You made my day....I love your share(thank you), and when someone is as enthusiastic and profoundly moved by him, as was I and others....
    He is as eg nomadic in death as he was in life, so your personal connection is staggering to hear about!!

    So many questions....why, s
    Why so....pained and meloncolic dear Jeff. Though I might add, we have a touch of grey, don't we.....he just expressed it better than most.

    Thanks again..

  36. * fun fact for JB fans: he did a groovy(atypical) R&B song called "everybody here wants you"....later in career. It's good, and such a departure for him...
    Also his cover of the smiths"I know it's over" could make the most stoic(think bucking ham palace guard) cry...and I thought no one could outdo morissey in the -I'm in mourning for my life sad department- but Buckley did

  37. Jeff wasn't pained and melancholic at all! He was a dorky, happy-go-lucky guy. He didn't commit suicide. Not at all. Nor was he on drugs, and he wasn't a big drinker. Have you heard the double-album "Live at Sin-e"? You get a glimpse of his dorkiness.

    He was talking about life and how happy he was and singing Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" when he went swimming in that river. He got sucked in and pulled under by a tug boat. Listen to the song "So Real" again now that you know that. Prophetic.

    Another amazing Nina Simone cover he did (that I recently discovered on YouTube) is "That's All I Ask". I cannot begin to tell you how much I love that song now since I found out about it.

    Also on YouTube, look up "JB reciting his poem", uploaded by a user named "Canal de ohsteella2". This poem is heart-breakingly beautiful.

  38. And Tricia,

    I am also obsessed with art nouveau. We have so much in common already. At least two very, very important things. Jeff & Alphonse Mucha :) I love your profile picture!

  39. Miss jenny..thanks for getting back! And I am relieved to hear that. I never thought it was suicide btw, though it was a popular conclusion. I assumed(wrongly it seems) he drank too much and felt giddy and wanted a night swim under the full moon(who hasn't?!!)

    I am very familiar with the Sin-e album, and have been to the venue in's a great place for artists to showcase and experiment.
    Yeah..Jeff was the hot sexy dork guy who broke hearts(probably)but it does seem his heart was broken quite a bit on??

    Art noveau/JB sista!!! Thank you for kind words about the loves it too:)

  40. ^ on way to you tube??ya
    Thanks for info!!

  41. Did someone say Mucha?!?! Muchas gracias!

  42. Ranking seems a little low but Tegan / Sara?

  43. @kat - you can get a super accurate read on someone, based on their veggie purchase alone!!! lol

  44. @jenny. How did I miss out on Jeff Buckley?? I just googled That's all I ask, omg, I've had it on repeat all night. So amazing.....

  45. He was a beautiful soul who inspired many other great artists.

    Glad you discovered his music! Dig deep and sink into it. You will never stop falling in love with him.

  46. greetings from tim buckley starring penn badgley was released last year and was awesome.. i saw it on vod. it's not on netflix but i'm sure you can find it somewhere
