Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blind Item #6

This foreign born A- list mostly television actor who all the women love went on a date with his girlfriend the other night and went back to her place for a few hours. He then left her place and went to a party where he picked up a woman and took her back to his place for a few hours before heading back to the apartment of his girlfriend where he stayed until the morning.


  1. Someone with access to little blue pills.

  2. nvmd simon I married

  3. What a cumberbitch!

  4. Ew who would sleep with Cummberbatch?

  5. i didn't guess cumberbatch b/c i still don't get his appeal
    hunum and his morgana are no longer he just never publicly announced it i think

  6. If it said, "picked up a guy", I would have guessed Cumberbatch.

  7. Cumberbatch was on Enty's Part 5 photos yesterday, captioned date night with girlfriend.

  8. I'm not really sure ALL the woman love Cumberbatch, though he makes the most sense. I'll throw in some Skarsgard just because, and don't give me that he likes men shtick. : )

  9. Some brit tabs have cumberbatch engaged to his girlfriend,.and is he mostly tv?

  10. cumberbatch is fugly---I'd rather do Steve Urkell

    1. Family matters urkell or urkell now?

  11. @Seven, OMG..OT but it's bn bugging me all week when I later read ur response @Eric Dane being here for movie"In The Heart Of The Sea".I wasn't clear-Eric was here @same time as those guys but for a Different movie.He's doing "The Grey Lady" here w/john shea etc.. everyone was at the same lil' whaling museum is what I meant-it was coincidental..oops for the confusion!

  12. Hunnam and his gf live together, so he wouldn't be going back to "her place". Not him.

    I'll have to agree with Cumberbatch.

  13. either over Cumberbatch! Imagine that weird face during sex...

  14. Woah!!!! It's my homie @trainrides! chooo choo! I can't wait until tonight's SOA!
    This is written more for Cumby, since he was mentioned to be with his girlfriend in yesterday's pics. But...We have all agreed that Cumberbatch is an acquired taste, as I often get shit for liking him. Hunnam is just sex on a stick and I want him in mah mouttttth Vroooom Vroooooom

  15. I will give Cumberbatch credit for having a sexy voice

  16. Benny is not mostly TV, altho Enty doesn't like him so could refuse to acknowledge his success in film. So while this could be him, it's also fact that Enty is BS on half his blinds. So not sure I believe this.

  17. I don't get the appeal of Cucumberpatch

  18. Is Cumberbatch mostly TV I'd say he doing more movies than TV these days or certainly 50-50 but many British movie actors will still do a bit of TV on the side, like Tom Hardy in Peaky Blinders, a popular new UK show.

  19. Agree with Lady H

  20. I'd bet half my equities that cricketbatch is gay/homo/whatever the pc word for this is. And he is also ugly, with a nice bass voice typical of non straight dudes who want to disguise.

  21. well damn i thought norman reedus but then discovered he was from florida...huh who'd have guessed lol

  22. Confusing and complicated. I cldnt do it.

  23. Anonymous7:49 PM

    EH? The Flaunt Magazine Party was on a Sunday night! Cumberbatch and his girlfriend was spotted having a dinner date on a Saturday!

  24. John Hamm is a scuzzbag, but not foreign born.
    Benedict or maybe Josh Harnett.

  25. I call BS on this blind. Those of you who rememember your dating days, would you not be extremely suspicious if your boyfriend came home with you, left for several hours in the middle of the night, then came back?
