Saturday, October 25, 2014

Blind Item #5

There is no such thing as charity for this B list reality star from an A list network reality show. At a charity event last week she wasn't getting paid so she lined up designers and brands who would pay her for wearing their stuff at the event. She made a couple of thousand bucks and would have made more but the organizers made her wear one of their t-shirts instead of the one she had planned to wear for money.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hough. Its always Hough. And she dates all the gays, which is all of Hollywood now that they kicked out all the straights.

    Does this tinfoil beret make my ass look fat?

  3. Or
    Erin Andrews....could be any of them

  4. Better than hooking.

  5. Hough know how to Whore anything. She's her own cottage industry.

  6. Isn't this better than the celeb who found out she wasn't going to get paid and bailed on the charity?

  7. Girl knows how to make some extra $$. Don't hate!

  8. At least her heart was in the right place oh wait...

  9. I'm not seeing a problem. She was there for the charity and that's what mattered.
