Saturday, October 18, 2014

Blind Item #5

This aging former A list mostly television actor from a hit network show turned A list mostly movie actor turned mostly television actor on another hit network show is married. His wife and everyone knows on the set of his show though that his stylist does no styling and is his long time male lover. Our actor refuses to ever come out of the closet and at this point in his career after hiding for decades, no one really expects him to.


  1. I like Spader for this if we are talking "partner" instead of "wife"

    1. My friend saw James Spader having an intimate dinner with a young twink at an Italian restaurant in San Francisco. They had a little tiff and everything so while I think James Spader is gay for boys, (not that there is anything wrong with that) I'm not sure this is him. Doesn't he just have one show and his illustrious 80's movie career?

    2. @sugar- Spader has always given me the errrr, sexually fluid, vibe. I was obsessed with him on Boston Legal back in the day!

    3. I forgot about Boston Legal. Never watched it. I'm more of a fan of James Spader the movie star than James Spader the tv star.

  2. Nice Brin!
    Tim Allen came to mind also

  3. Kudos Melissa...was just typing the same thing.

  4. Thanks, Lady H.!

  5. Grammer ? Can't think of movies for him. But I'm still entertaining me sandman here.

  6. @SYF....KG really only did A list VOice over work in im gonna have to say not likely him:(

    I have 1 last guess...
    Mark Harmon
    1st show st elsewhere
    All his films(close to A especially around presidio era)

    Now I run for cover!!!
    Ps..I love him too

  7. Well, if the wife knows and is comfortable with the situation, why are we even discussing this?

    It's one thing if the wife is clueless and is being cheated on with the stylist, but if she's cool with the situation, it's nobody's business.

  8. Who cares? Except if, as pip says, he is duping his wife.

  9. Tom Selleck has had rumors bout him his entire career. magnum then some movies (Quigley Down Under being the best of them) then back to television with Blue Bloods. I like this guess better than Harmon.

  10. I thought of Danson too. Everyone knows Selleck supposedly bats for the other team.

  11. No Tricia! Mark Harmon is my fantasy boyfriend/husband! As long as he's straight I still have a chance!

  12. @auntliddy: The blind specifies that the actor's wife knows the situation. He's not cheating on her. This is their agreement.

    Also, we're talking about an actor who been doing this for decades. Perhaps since the 70s, when openly gay actors could not play straight men, and there were hardly a ton of roles for gay men.

    It sounds like a noncontroversial solution to a problem. It it works for him and his wife, and his boyfriend doesn't mind being his "stylist," this is a non-story.

  13. Spader was A list movie first then television.

    KG, Selleck, Danson and Harmon were never A list movie (but all were A list TV).

    I hate to say it but Macy certainly fits.

    1. Selleck headlined that movie with Paulina Poriskova too. I think it's him

  14. um, excuse me but selleck WAS A list movie. have you seen three men and a baby/lady??? haha

  15. also, i'd say spader, but he is current a list tv. blacklist is very popular

  16. Sorry kids. Gotta be Seleck and if Jilly is ok with it then good for them.

  17. @ALNL...he's dreamy, and so nice.
    Probably not him....:)))

  18. I had never heard that Tom Selleck was a closeted gay, but when I read this thread I was all SMH - of course. So my vote is for Selleck.

  19. Could be Selleck, but is so, why would he do that Kiss and Tell movie with Kevin Kline? Or was it Out and About????

  20. I ate dinner at a casual restaurant at an adjacent table to Tom Selleck and his family once. They looked like a totally normal American family. They were all in jeans and were a bit dirty, like they had just gone on a family hike. I wouldn't even have noticed them if my friend hadn't pointed them out. Pinged absolutely zero on my gaydar. He looked more like a Midwestern farmer than someone with a gay stylist lover.

  21. It is these dinner table stories like the ones about Spader & Selleck that I come to CDAN comments for. They are the golden gossip in my book, like anecdotes from WriterGirlinLA and such.

    Whether or not Selleck is gay, it's interesting to know he has a standard American family who does standard American outings.

    Love the part about Spader's spat with the twink.

  22. Early in his career Mark Harmon claimed to be bi. After the AIDS crisis appeared he denied it. Though a lot of people claimed to be bi in the 70s.

    Topper, Selleck was a prick to me (for no reason) the one time in my life I had to deal with him.

  23. Basil, the movie was "In and Out".

    Joan Cusack was the best part of that movie. :)

  24. Selleck always seemed Super comfortable in those Hawaiian shirts and daisy dukes in the 80s
    plus 3 men and a lady was a huge hit
    plus Her Alibi

    Blue bloods
    on the Tom Tom train..

  25. Anonymous6:30 PM

    This is 100% Tom Selleck. Actually, this blind comes at a coincidental time- a young man whose parents are both friends of Selleck's and my own expressed nervousness to my daughter about something he had posted on Datalounge this week regarding Selleck. She asked me if he compromised his identity-- He did give clues to his identity, but Tom's sexuality is old news among certain groups so I doubt they'll care.

  26. Tom Selleck seems like a perfect fit. Good job folks!

  27. I kept going "the Blue Bloods guy" and couldn't remember his name. Tom Selleck.

  28. John Goodman is in the closet, so maybe him.

  29. I am indifferent to people's sexual orientation, people I don't know I mean (obviously I want to share in the lives and loves of my friends, whatever they may be). But John Goodman? That made me double-take. Really?

  30. Alita : the bear population would LOVE John Goodman as a poster boy! Grrrŕrr!!

  31. Not Spader (hound), not Danson (hound). It's Selleck.



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