Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Blind Item #4

This B list mostly television actor might not have been in much since his hot pay cable show went off the air, but hey, he did have a movie of it too. Anyway, he goes through women like water and since he goes through them so quickly he makes them pay for everything. Sometimes he will buy a cup of coffee, but if they want dinner or a movie or anything that involves money being paid out before sex that day he makes them pay. 


  1. Movie, SATC, Smith, Samantha's Boytoy

  2. Yeah, first thought was Adrian Grenier.

  3. I like the Grenier guesses

  4. Wtf like it's a privilege to sleep with either douche? (piven or grenier)

  5. Piven is gross. Why anyone would be with him, let alone pay, is beyond me. I see this as someone hot, like Smith, but I don't think he is anywhere near B list.

  6. "did have a movie of it too" Entourage, That movie's not out yet.

  7. I'm with F
    Going with the Grenier.

  8. I like Montanas guess as well---plus he is probably broke!

  9. Does this scrub pay if cash must be dispensed for any purpose AFTER the sex occurs for the day!!??

  10. I have to say all I've heard especially as if last 2 days around these parts...Adrian is super kind and beyond polite....although Piven has worked more than him....gotta think it's that ass clown

  11. Speaking of Entourage...haven't they been in production for like a year now?? I've never watched the show and certainly have no intention of seeing the movie, but it seems like they've been making it FOREVER.

  12. @Derek, I thought the same thing about Smith being broke, but just looked at IMDB. He has 2 2014 tv appearances, as well as 4 more projects in post production. I was surprised.

  13. Once many years ago, my (now ex) best friend moved to London with her husband after they both got Stanford MBAs and she went to work for a startup with an older English boss. They had gazillions in funding.

    Anyway they all came to California for business. Due to plans for borrowing an apartment for the boss falling through, since he was in my car when it happened, I offered to let him sleep on my couch. Should have taken him to a motel in hindsight.

    I pretty much catered to his every whim that week. You need hiking boots for the hike my best friend didn't invite me on? Sure, let me take you to the sports store. You need a special type of coffee? Sure, let me take you to a cafe and see if we can find it.

    Then ... we all met up for dinner at a restaurant in my neighborhood. English boss and I walked over together. First to arrive. We're standing at the bar, I ask him if he'd like a glass of wine, he says sure ... so I PAY FOR HIS AND MY WINE. I had really expected him to say "let me get this" but he doesn't make any moves for his wallet.

    Then I kinda thought he would pay for my dinner. I mean - ya think? But no, instead he regaled all of us with stories of him and his grown son flying to Colorado to go heli-skiiing. Have I mentioned they live in ENGLAND? How much did that COST?

    And I paid for my own dinner. Wow.

    I mentioned this to my now ex-best friend the next day and said watch out for him, he's a cheap bastard and if you expect to make any money while you're working for him you better have a good contract.

    I think she said something to him because on their way to the airport he dropped off a cheap bottle of wine.

    Too little, too late.

      I wonder if his apt rental plans falling they was just a set up
      I'd have been fuming too.

  14. @auntliddy got it! This is without a doubt Chris Noth. He is the cheapest mf'er ever.

    1. But he's doing very well on the Good Wife. It's not like he's hurting for work.

    2. Plus he drinks in my husband's bar when he's in the theater district. Great tipper, gotta say.

  15. I think Smith Jarrod is married. Not too long ago there was a pic of him coming out of the water from surfing. I think it said he lives in OC with his wife. (Short hair. :-(. )

    Bummer to hear Noth is a cheap MoFo. That's such a turn off in anyone.

  16. But Chris Noth is married, right?

    I know, as if it matters.

  17. @califblondy I don't think it's an actual legally binding marriage. Plus, I haven't seen them together in quite a while. He's an emotionally abusive, el cheapo dirt bag.

  18. Chris Noth still with his baby mama, working steadily on the Good Wife and great tipper in my experience. I like the Grenier guess.

  19. @Aeol In my personal experience he is an abusive disrespectful pig.

  20. Cheap rat bastard whoever this is.

  21. @aeol...if you read this....what bar is your hubby working at?its my old stomping grounds/where I'm from (Hell's Kitchen)

  22. Hell's Kitchen, on restaurant row. Won't disclose name in interest of Internet anonymity. :)
