Monday, October 27, 2014

Blind Item #4

This former A+list singer is now struggling to stay in the B range and has her semi-regular hosting duties keeping her at that level. One of the reasons for the drop in her status is that she is letting her unemployed significant other now manage her and decided on her career decisions. Not a good move.


  1. Replies
    1. Nice@SM...jinx

    2. Jinx yeah what's Gavin supposed to do all day besides his tennis instructors? ?

    3. Hahaha...I think he's joining her on the voice..trying to get in on act...this could be them

    4. Uhhhh have y'all not been bombarded on the radio with Bush's new song? I mean it's awful, but the band is coming out with a new album and your soon so Gavin isn't unemployed.

  2. Wow. There's a lot if women this could fit. Sad!

  3. Um, Bush just had a new album release. I wouldn't say he's unemployed.

  4. Chestica Simpson

  5. even chestica is not that stupid..eric is on payroll and smokes weed all day
    her business management team would never let him take the reigns

  6. So glad some commenters pointed out that Bush has a new album. This is definitely not Gwen. My guess is Christina.

  7. christina a sounds more like it.. she put jordan in charge of a lot of her life/ career when they were together..

  8. too, girl.

  9. I'm genuinely asking.. has there ever been a positive outcome to a significant other suddenly becoming the manager? I'm coming up goose eggs over here!

  10. Gwen Stefani. Bush hasn't been relevant since the 90's, new album or not.

  11. Ha @ SeaHag + Riven, when the Enties don't like someone,
    they make a point of saying unflattering things about them true or not.
    The same goes for undervaluing a celeb's A,B,C,D list rating.
    You just have to learn to take that into consideration to make the best guess.

  12. what semi regular hosting duties does Gwen Stefani have, being a judge on Voice does not equal host to me

  13. Xtinas current will prob be the next one kicked to his car.

  14. Not Gwen - between the Voice, her fashion lines...she id doing just fine.

    1. Plus, she's got real skills. She'll be fine.

  15. What about Demi L. ? She dates that Valderrama boy and I havent seen him in any thing since 70's show.

  16. Aemish - Where ya been girl?
    I agree..It's a pretty crappy idea to ever have your SO manage your career.

    I'm thinking Xtina for this too. At least her previous husband had experience in the music industry. What does this trick do? Apparently he played guitar in a band never heard of and has been a PA for tv and film and nothing after 2011 a year after he met Xtina. THAT'S IT!

  17. LOL!! I just saw some old announcement about them being engaged and he was listed as a film producer..Wow talk about exaggeration!

  18. What about Fergie? He hardly ever works. And she hosts NYE. Idk, first couple that came to my mind honestly.

  19. Carson Daly is the host of The Voice. Gwen and Christina are team captains.

  20. Gavin doesnt make her biz decisions and she has lots of irons in the fire to make bank. Bush is still touring and making money around the world. Mel B has Eddie Murphy money to fall back on but did her husband, the fake Belafonte ever work?

  21. I'm down with the Fergie guess.

  22. I don't think it's Fergie - what doe she host? Josh has got a TV show and two movies lined up for 2015 so he is far from broke.
