Sunday, October 26, 2014

Blind Item #4

Do you remember that episode in Friends where the guy was no fun when he was sober, but everyone loved him when he was drunk? This A+ list singer has been sober for over 30 days now and everyone who sees her says they have never seen her more depressed and that she is like a robot going through the motions of each day and there is no spark in her any longer. 


  1. Replies
    1. Rihanna looks really miserable in all recent pap shots...and poorly dressed IMO

  2. Replies
    1. Sorry I misread the "days" part. Plus Stevie is legend. Put down the pitchforks yall

  3. Replies
    1. Diplo just announced he's having a baby with another woman.

      I see this as Katy because RiRi's shows have been described as sluggish for a while now. Plus "spark" = firework!
      Make Em go uhhhh uhhhh ahhhhhh

    2. But it's her birthday soon... and she rerouted it from Egypt and everything! !!

  4. Kesha.

    Give it time

  5. Could be Aguilera if she is planning on being pregnant again. But, I really like the Katy guess. Mimi's light went out a long time ago.

  6. Well what is interesting is that alcohol is in fact a depressant. But in any event people result to overindulgence in substances to cope with their underlying depression whether they know it at the time or not and when you get clean you see everything in the sober light of day and you have to learn a whole new way to enjoy life and it is hard because if you are serious about staying sober you need to stay away from the party people and party places at least until you got a handle on it, it can mean needing find a whole new set of friends and if you are famous it is already hard to find anyone you can trust etc. Now they probably need to do something to deal with the depression but meds seems like not the best way to go at least not a first. She could be depressed because she can see all the mistakes she made while not sober - never fun facing all that for anyone.

  7. Katy was pounding and shots and all that when she hosted that college thingy a few weeks ago...on air as well

  8. She should spray whip cream with her breasts!

    Susan Boyle FTW.

  9. Of course RiRi might be upset about something else, the love life perhaps or lack thereof?

  10. College game day 10/5..perry drinking beer on air

  11. If someone has been dependent on alcohol or drugs for a long time, it takes a while for your body to assimilate to the new lifestyle when you quit. That includes how it affects your personality too. It's not uncommon to be less fun and outgoing when sober. Give it time.

  12. Ri could definitely fit. She's promoting her new fragrance today too

  13. Jesus H. Christ! NO ONE is the life of the party when they're first getting sober!

    30 days is fucking hard.

    You're just beginning to get the cobwebs out of your head.

    1. I know right @cornflower?

    2. @Lady H: Thanks, Darlin'. I didn't mean to yell. I should know better by now re whoever writes this crap.

      I'll go back to just reading the comments & skip the actual blind item. HA!

      Smooches to ya!

      Bluezz :-)

  14. Drunk Bobby?

    I like the Aguellera guess. Perhaps she's trying to make sure she gets that seat on The Voice.
    I don't consider Keshsa A+ list.
    Perry and RiRi I guess are bcuz they're famous-I wodntcalk their voices A+ even though I line few of their songs.
    Mimi? Maybe supposed to be her but I can't see her making it 30 days. (30 days without Champagne? No thank you!)

  15. Wasn't Katy recently with Brand? And isn't he a recovering alcoholic? Could be that she is seeking his advice and help.

    If so, more power to her! She will be back on top again in no time.

  16. Yeah, because she was prob self medicating her depression. Get some ssris and you'll feel great, person I dont know but feel free to give advice to, lol

  17. I'm more fun when I'm drunk too.

  18. Lana del Rey. Sparkle jump rope Queen. EOT

  19. Never one path... I was pretty damn near euphoric those first few weeks.

    I was so grateful to not wake up hung over every day. Food tasted different. Sky seemed bluer. I definitely had a glow.

    But its never one path. I agree they need to give it time.

    I really wanted it for myself. Which is different from the mind set of a court order, manager telling you to do it, etc. Could be they need to process a fair amount before they understand that they're doing what's right for them.

    1. @QueenAnne Guido

      You're absolutely right re never one path. I shouldn't have yelled when I posted. I explained up thread.

      Sobriety works differently on everyone's body chemistry.

      Congrats to you!

      Bluezz :-)

      P.S. I've always loved your screen name. Very clever.

  20. I wanna get drunk now.

  21. Tina Mallette nailed it. That's the nature of post-addiction.

    I just love how when they're drinking, it's reported as them boozing it up and dancing on tables and doing lines. When they're sober, they've lost their spark and act like robots. Can't win for losing!

  22. Thanks, blues.

    Whoever it is... motor boating will set your head rightin no time at all. Heck you may even end up with q ridic grin that lasts for hours!

    1. @QueenAnne LMFAO! I'll be sure & tell Mr. Bluezz your suggestion. He'll convince me that it's good to do this daily. You know...for my sobriety & all. Ha-ha!

      Thanks for the giggle!

      Bluezz :-)

  23. *^ to all who shared personal struggle(and triumph:)) Thank you..
    though it is a mere day we have each day and we can only do our best each one....

  24. Of course we all know people who are not fun drunks, some people get more quiet and withdrawn, there is the mean drunk, keeps bouncers and cops busy on weekends, and there's the always fun ready to puke or pass out at any minute drunk which the more experienced drinkers know to stand far away from.

  25. Seconding what @Tricia S said.

  26. Ugh - I feel sorry for her. I'm trying to stay on the wagon to lose's def no fun. And to the person who mentioned anti-depressants, I've been on them all & the side effects are way worse than any slight hangover I might get.

    Plus, if you don't stop drinking you don't get hungover. (少)っ

  27. Withdrawal is not for sissies, either. #BetteDavisWeLoveYou

  28. Preach it @ Heidi. Not something you want to keep doing a lot. Being sober can be difficult for some but you only have to do it one day. Sunday, Monday, today..., you get the picture.

  29. Just pointing out, "sober" and "dry" are two different things. One is a state of mind, the other a state of body. One is much easier and quicker to achieve than the other. Just because somebody is dry doesn't mean she's sober!
