Saturday, October 18, 2014

Blind Item #4

This aging A- list mostly movie actress is an Academy Award winner/nominee who has A+list name recognition. Despite her age she also has a big problem with bulimia and failed to pass a recent physical and saw her part in a number one movie go to an actress of the same generation.


  1. Sharon Stone has drug and mental issues she is beyond unhireable.. word is already out on her lady.. the cracrayyyy. Is strong with her..

    1. She's working though....the actress in blind isnt

    2. Trish-to be fair, stone had a brain anuyism and brain surgery, which prob contributed to big ol' pile of cray that was already there. There should be a rest home for these dames- stone, mariah, paula abdul-to try to contain their bight shiny cray cray. We'll call it,"Denial rest home at Cape Cray", lol. Our mottoo-" you bring the cray for the stay!", lol. Ok, shutting up now.

  2. I think Michelle P lost the part in Golden Boy(just premiered other day) to sSharon stone
    Michee-55/stone 57

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ugh---sorry for the triple post constantly everyone--is anyone elses blogger acting up? I thought it may be my computer but its only this site

    1. Yeah, dereck, mine is acting snotty too, refusing to print comments if not in the mood.

  5. The only marches I've seen in the DM are Julia Roberts and SJP

    It could be anyone but im assuming other issues are why she couldn't pass the physical, because eating disorders come free with a SAG card

    1. LadyH "come free with the SAG card" - LOL!

  6. Actually think it's
    pfeiifer/Julianne Moore
    hunger games(mockingbjay- next installment

  7. Yes it's like getting an ed with your sag card is in the swag bag..

  8. anyways maybe my unability to post is karma haha i'll try later xo

  9. Sharon was also just added to the DM an hour ago

    HoweverMelanie G has been featured 2x in the past 24hrs

  10. Reese Witherspoon
    Rosamund Pike
    Gone Girl

    1. No David Fincher just refused to work with Reese as the lead actress...
      not ed..

    2. But she seemed to take the rejection well and looked at the bigger picture and is laughing all the way to the bank $$$$

  11. Yes blogger acting up for me now, it was a little yesterday but big time today. It seems to work a wee bit better if you open the comments in a new tab.

    So I wonder what it takes to fail an insurance medical for a movie in general beyond drug testing. Given some of the people who apparently have been able to pass and in particular women who would seem to suffer the same or a similiar illness?

    1. Tima- if she is indeed bulic, i wld say heart.

  12. @Tricia, I like your Michelle/Julianne/Mockingjay answer.

  13. Could someone define "aging actress" for me? Reese and Rosamund are in their 30s and had better not qualify for that definition, unless you are a movie producer.

    This sounds like a 60+ actress. Glenn fits the bill best just on age and physique. I'm not saying that she's the actress mentioned.

    Bulimia is rampant among actresses, and it can take decades before it affects the heart badly enough to cause you to fail a physical.

    Pfeiffer and Stone haven't acted much or had a major hit in well over a decade. For the Pfeiffer/Julianne thing to work, you've got to buy that Pfeiffer still has A+ name recognition. I doubt she has that with anyone born in the last 30 years.

    I'd look for skinny actresses, 60+, who are Oscar nominated with A-list name recognition.

    Yup, Glenn fits. Has Jane Fonda lost any major roles lately?

    1. Bulimics are not necessarily skinny or underweight. Telling signs (from having worked with ED clients) : bad teeth, swollen glands, puffy faces, red, grazed knuckles, fluctuating weight, thinning hair.

  14. Glenn is NOT looking skinny tho. And agreed, Reese etc are not aging, ugh that would make be decrepit! Aging hits the face in the late 40s, do that's the youngest I'd go, agree it's probably someone in the 50s.

    I think Michelle would always be A name recognition just because of Batman, which all the younger generations have seen. I've seen recent photos of her and she doesn't appear skinnier than she has before. Anyway I hope it's not her because I like her.

  15. @msgirl: I must have seen a flattering photo of Glenn in which she looked like a US size 4. Just checked Google, and I agree, she does not look in the least bulimic. She looks healthy.

    So we can nix her too, and I'm glad to hear it.

  16. Thinking the Pfeiffer /Moore guess.

    And truly as an actress I was very thin but I'm sure that had to do with being young and too poor to eat. Never been one to throw up food once itc as down.

  17. @ liddy...yes I know stone has had health issues...I didn't call her cray cray , someone else maybe did( tho she a tad bit lol)
    I said she still works...
    Glenn close opening on broadway soon...not her

  18. Pfeifer pretty much looks the same as she always has. Plus, just recently she was in The Family with Dinero, so I would hardly consider her sick enough not to pass a physical to get a movie.

    No way it is Glenn. She never really seems to go after popcorn type movies.

    Other than that I got nothing.

  19. I'm going to throw Demi Moore out there.

  20. Hi Sherry how is today going?

  21. Glenn close has recently opened up about her strange upbringing. She always brings the intensity out in any role.
    Don't think it's her.
    Maybe Toni Collette. Don't want it to be. I love her.

  22. Sherry everyone always says one day at a time, like its that easy. 10 minutes at a time. I'm always here for support. I'll probably need it too. Massive hugs xx

  23. Melanie. Chain smoker and scary thin, could very well be heart issues with her.

  24. FYI Bullemic's typically are a normal weight range and not under weight; they tend always have swollen salivary glands (swollen/puffy cheeks). I call bullshit on this blind bc nothing outwardly other then swollen cheeks and red knuckles would make someone "fail" a physical, a bullemic would be suffering from gastro issues like reflux, ulcers ect

    1. Oops Gina: I basically posted this before I read your comment.

  25. @Gina - while that's true about bulimics generally being in the normal (or slightly above) weight range, they also suffer from issues related to f'ed up electrolytes as a result of all the puking.

    There can be bleeding & ulceric issues (as you pointed out) as well as esophogeal hemorraging, yuck. Anyway, bulimia can have some nasty effects is all I'm saying.

  26. It is a control issue . Someone who is incredibly controlled by an other person needs to do the only thing they can control for themselves

  27. Bulimia facial distortion is the swollen parotid salivary glands- specifically the area in front of ear(think Bethenny Frankel) but also under jaw always bilateral...but the area in front if and below ear can also be distorted with long term HIV med use.

  28. Diane Keaton or possibly Portia De Rossi (although I wouldn't consider her "aging").

  29. Jane Fonda..lifetime of eating disorders
