Monday, October 27, 2014

Blind Item #3

This B list celebrity who would be a D lister if she wasn't married to this old A list celebrity still cheats on him with her ex but does so more discreetly. Plus, she gets paid to be married so it works out well for her.


VIPblonde said...


Tricia13 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brin said...


Unknown said...

Kelly Preston

Unknown said...

But would it matter that she is a beard?

FSP said...


Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Jessica Beil

VIPblonde said...

@FSP LOL Crystal Harris/Hefner, Hef, and the ex is probably Dr Phil's son

FSP said...

Dammit VIP!

Riven said...

Sally Humphries/Wood

Yeah I know there's no "foreign born" designation for the husband, whatevs.

Topper Madison said...

Boy, last names are helpful. I read VIP's answer as Crystal Gayle.

Tyler said...

Totally agree with Crystal Harris and Dr Phil's son Jordan.

cj said...

beth and howard stern. shes a total beard.

Woodsy_gal said...

I love when I see VIP on top of it like this. Girl, you a rockstar! Killin it at the blinds game...
And yes, it has to be our runaway bride, Crystal.

Sherry said...

I thought Crystal Gale too Topper.

Hef's piece it is.

OKay said...

Howard Stern was married and had kids before he ever even became Howard Stern. Why the hell would he need a beard?


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