Sunday, October 26, 2014

Blind Item #3

This former A list mostly television actor who was on two very big long running network hits but was only the lead in one of them has not matched that success in the past couple of decades. He spent the other night at a party for someone else trying to get the paps to take his photo and tried to get reporters to want to interview him. He was a man desperate for attention. 


  1. Yeah Kelsey is a good guess

  2. Ashton has had success in the last 2 decades, Grammar is who I thought.

  3. Maybe Kelsey should guest star on rhobh since that show was his gift to Camille. .

  4. Replies
    1. Hahaha...lady h...are u the one who likes Adrian Grenier...I told hosted by him but its in my apt Bldg...he evidently owns a unit with his partner used as a studio to shoot videos and show art etc....woohoo party at Vince chases errday!

    2. Ps...glad u did wake up cuz it's Sunday fun day!! @.SM too:))

    3. I liked Entourage but Grenier isn't high on my list. I want the party deets!

    4. He's first guest on our talk show

    5. What?!? I thought Miss New York Pollard was going to be our first guest? We need a new secretary because we simply cannot go on double booking Dlisters like this

    6. We sucks but great holiday party and open bar !!

  5. I'm in da house. .

    1. Did you watch Jim Carey skewer mm car commercial last night on snl??

    2. Yippppeeee!!!!
      No I did not! I better check it out

    3. Hellooooo, SM. Thanks for the best laugh of the day so far!!!

    4. Ellen's video of MM's commercial is the BEST!

    5. Thanks cobe I almost peed myself this morning watching. Snl is only funny when real comedians show up for werk..

    6. Lady et al- that was funny! Glad to be in here with fellow cdaners! Had 2 11yr old girls as overnight guests and man, can they talk!!!!! Andceryveryveryfasttoo!!!!!!!!

  6. Eh. It can't be Kelsey because unless my maths is shit, Frasier was a huge success within the last 2 decades.

  7. Ahh
    Corbin Bernsen
    LA Law ended in 94 ish.....

    1. The other hit being Ryan's hope( ended in 89)

  8. Hey @Tricia!

    I've read some nasty stories about Grenier. (Warning: Skip this if you are eating.)

    It's been said he finds it funny to get girls to go down on him when he's super funky and unwashed down there. And he's uncut which makes matters worse.

    I've heard similar stories about rock stars so maybe this considered amusing in some circles.

    1. Dex-that is nasty and twusted and mean.

    2. And y'all thought my cucumber story was bad. SMH

  9. @ Dexamyl...always count on you for good dirt(in this case literally lol)seems he'll be a fixture in my place of residence, but it shall try not to bring up his poor hygiene to him ....ugh..not shocked. My sis lives his Brooklyn, where he does/did and Hooke up with him at a house party yeeeears ago...just kissed thank god!!!

  10. I fell asleep so didn't see all of SNL. For some reason I really don't like the MM commercial. It used to just be irritating but now when I see it, it pisses me off.

  11. Frasier ended in 2004, so just 1 decade ago. That lets Kelsey off the hook. Whew!

  12. Don't these girls do a drive-by first? Apparently they're not able to make U-turns!

  13. David hasselhoff

  14. @Rosie I liked your cucumber story. It reminded me of an old story I heard in college. A fraternity was always getting the cold shoulder from a sorority whenever they wanted to plan a mixer. One weekend the fraternity sent dozens of donuts to the sorority house with a nice note to enjoy their breakfast. A few hours later they delivered a picture of the frat house all naked, with only donuts on their manhood.its probably an urban legend, but I still find it amusing.

    1. This is GREAT. Thanku so much, sherry too, for seeing the humor in it. On this site, once you are marked as terrible and horrid, they rarely see anything good in anything else u may post. So its MUCHO appreciated that you and sherry are sensible enough to get it <3

  15. All Lace. Somehow I feel like those boys really DID skewer those donuts prior.

  16. But the girls blowing Adrien knew what they were doing and presumably blew him anyways. There was consent involved even if it was nasty. That BBQ didn't know they were eating coochcumber salad and I'm sure most would have declined if they were aware. That shit is straight up assault and it is NOT funny. You all can laugh but that's just my two cents.

    Now something FUNNY involves ridiculous shit that everyone actively consents to. Like that time my friends made a pact that they all had to get head while eating a burrito some time before Easter. Then they all had brunch on Zombie Jesus Day to discuss it.
    Meh...apples and oranges, I suppose...

    1. Straight up Assault.
      It was Fucking.awesomely.awesome.
      LoL 'assault'
      My cucumbers tasted better than his dickcheese. Fact.

    2. Yes @rosie
      Serving people your bodily fluids is a massive health code violation at least and is considered battery or assault in many states. FACT.
      I could link many pages to support this, but frankly, that should be obvious to anyone. Plus if I have to think about your nasty ass cooch cumber salad again I think I'm going to puke.
      I hope we are done with this. I hold no ill will towards you but I am simply pointing out that I do not find this funny at all.

    3. *It wasnt ass. It was vag. Just for the record*
      I couldn't get her to agree to anal

    4. I hope it was organic Rosie, lots of pesticides sprayed on cucumber

  17. I was thinking Shatner
