Monday, October 20, 2014

Blind Item #3

This B list reality star who is coming to her own personal end after a long run on this A list network reality show was in tears over the weekend because her guy was cheating on her. She had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the guy thinking he was the one but he dumped her for someone much younger who is the daughter of a permanent A list mostly movie actor/director who he has been cheating with for the past several months.


  1. Replies
    1. Cheryl is leaving?

    2. And JTvtorreigni
      daughter maybe Francesca Eastwood

    3. Yes @ Reno...I think she gave an interview saying that

  2. Alison Eastwood as the daughter?

  3. Her own personal end? Is she dying slowly?

    1. That popped in my head, too - like, who has Cancer?

  4. Guess Eastwood is now the go to for reality star/A lister's kid that steals ppl's men, like Affleck is the go to for cheating?!

  5. When will women ever learn that if he is "the one" you don't need to be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on him, either he is spending his money on you or you keep your finances separate, no man with any integrity would take that much money from a woman in general and certainly not a woman he loved for realz

  6. A man is a terrible investment! Consider stocks, bonds, or a 401-K instead.

    1. A man can spend money on me--I love it...if he asks or expects money from me--I'll disappear like I was a ghost. Name one relationship that ends in "Happily Ever After" if the woman has to give the man money. See: Brit-Brit, Mariah, JLo, Christina, Bethany Frankel, etc.,etc.

  7. I want a woman willing to spend that kind of cash on me. Can be most accommodating to keep said position.

    For a broken down charming and lightly used guido...

  8. Sorry to say this but Cheryl doesn't seem to have any
    Luck with the men she seeks. I don't know who this guy would be, but I get tbe feeling she's one that tries for the guys that are out of her get league. I don't think she goes for a decent looking nice guy - she wants HOT (even tho she's kinda not. And she is a pretty woman but something about her, she isn't in the "hot" zone).
    I see her as acting / being desperate for guys that are physically out if her league.
    Argh. I need to take a kindness pill
    But I guess she bugs me, because of that.

  9. Yeah if you're having to drop some coin to keep a man interested you're not doing it right.

  10. Cheryl has definitely been saying this may be her last season. She seems to be trying to make some post-DWTS place for herself. I've seen her guest host on Extra with Mario Lopez a couple of times recently and she did an ok job.

    I think she has bad radar for guys--and I think she's been involved with more than one of her partners on the show --and married guys are not a good thing, nor are guys you have to support.

  11. Repeat after me. NEVER chase a running dog.
