Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Blind Item #2

This married A list talk show host spent another weekend working. Well, he calls it working. His mistress calls it something else and his wife continues to be clueless.


  1. Since Kimmel is pretty newly married to one of the head writers on his show, I doubt she would be stupid enough not to know his actual work schedule. Plus I think they are a sweet couple.

    I hope this isn't Fallon, I try to think of him as a nice guy. Fame and ego can get to the best of us though.

  2. Not fallon or stewart. Based on I said so, lol

    1. Especially NOT Stewart because I love him, Licky.

    2. Sherry, yes we are very very right.

    3. Exactly x 1000

  3. Theres been a problem in the Fallon home since the baby was born…
    They used a surrogate his sperm and a diner egg …

    1. Misj- diner egg, lololol. From local diner? Lololol

    2. MISCH, why does a surrogate/donor arrangement necessarily mean problems between the couple? Lots of couples go this route, including pretty much every male gay couple I know.

    3. I hope it wasn't scrambled

    4. I prefer a side of crispy home fries with my diner egg.

    5. She was very vocal about her fertility issues, so the surrogate and donor egg are not odd at all given her struggles.

  4. Guessing Fallon. No reason other than I just get a weird vibe about him. Always have...there's just something about him that is not quite right. Can't put my finger on it, but something is up w/ him.

  5. @Nutty_Flavor, there have been many blinds on this site and Blind Gossip about how Jimmy Fallon has been mad at his wife for years for "hiding" infertility from him (though she might not have known) and that he refers to the baby as "his" not "theirs" and has told her that it isn't really hers since it wasn't her egg.

  6. @Nutty, I read Misch's comments as two separate points, not one causing the other. At least I hope.

  7. Oh my! I really hope that isn't true Karen. That's horrible.

  8. I agree with fallon. He acts so fake on his show. His laughs are so fake and rehearsed. Its like he's forcing this happy-go-lucky personality when in reality he's a mean narcissistic mega jerk. When he "spoke for" stephen colbert at the emmys that was about as obnoxious as kanye stealing taylors mike at the vma's.

    1. Btw I heard the rumors about his kid and i would not be surprised if it turns out to be true.

  9. @meme
    Letterman guess
    I gotta go with him too. I don't want it to be him, but it works.

  10. Better not be Craig Ferguson!

  11. This sounds like Fallon. He's been a jerk to his wife for years and there are plenty of blinds about this all over the place. She should just dump him.

  12. Matt Lauer, But he's just being glib

  13. I get the same vibe from Fallon, like he's sneaky, not on the up and up.

  14. I <3 Jon Stewart. NOT him no way. This sounds like Fallon. I agree he comes off like a super fake jerk. If he really does say shit like that to his wife that's unforgivable. How would his wife know (before they tried) that she couldn't have kids? What an A+ Asshole if true.

  15. @Nutty_Flavor

    It's his issue….for some reason he's angry…
    His wife is a player she helped him launch the show got him all the great guests at the beginning…
    People are weird….

    Donor egg…
