Monday, October 20, 2014

Blind Item #2

It is one thing to do a favor for a friend, and it is another to do something that you hate. This A+ list mostly movie actress was at an event over the weekend but refused to pose next to this B- list mostly television actress from a new network show because one of the A+ lister's best friends had her marriage end partly because of the B- lister.


  1. Reese W/Katherine mcphee

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thats a good friend, which is rare. Kudos.

  3. Who is your favorite home wrecker?
    A. Sienna Miller
    B. Rita Ora
    C. Enero Jones
    D Katherine McPhee
    E Kristen Stewart

    1. Senor s- they can all go to hell

    2. I say that the homewrecker is the married one!

  4. As long as she also refuses to stand next to the actual philanderer, OK.

  5. An outsider is NOT a homewrecker. The ONLY homewrecker is a person who has made a commitment and violated that commitment.

    1. @CoBe, THANK YOU!!! +1

    2. And that would be my husband (for now). But the woman can still be a bitch.

    3. I'm sorry bellaluna. That's so awful for you.

    4. Persuing a married man is pretty home wrecker-y. I'm willing to assign blame to each party.

  6. Yes true CoBe but that's not how the world see it. And good for the friend sticking up for her buddy. People should think of the long term effects when they decide to fall for a married mans lies.

    1. I don't think that people should be punished for falling for someone they think is single. If you ask him and he flat out says he isn't married, or got divorced a few years ago, widowed, etc.... You can't be to blame. I will add, this situation is very different from someone knowingly pursuing someone in a relationship.

    2. I agree-but the only way you get off on "no fault" is if you walk away as soon as you find out the truth!

  7. Either Laura Jean Poon or Aniston won't pose with Mcphee becuz she ended Mary McCormack's marriage by screwing her husband when he was directing Smash!

  8. I don't think Mary McCormick ended her marriage. Didn't she take him back? And I agree, the homewrecker is the one on the inside, not the outsider. Also, McPhee is now dating her co-star.

  9. Ok, it takes two to homewreck, the homewrecker and the homewreckee. As a woman, if u know person married, you gotta shut it down. If he lied about being married-cos that never happens- when u find out you leave. First of all its wrong, and secondly of all, and most important to me is this shows you this persons charactor.

  10. Maybe home wrecker wasn't the right word. Man stealer?

  11. For now McPhee is dating her co-star as it is working for her career.

  12. Agree w/ Aeol. Blame is on both parties, assuming the single one knew the other was married.

  13. I've had guys lie to me multiple times about this. My rule is if I'm single, I only date other singles. But I've had guys pursue me that told me they are divorced, never married, widowed, etc. I had a hunch and never saw them again, but just putting it out there that some people do not want a taken person, and have no idea until way later.

  14. It takes two to tango. I doubt this female was ignorant for long about her new "boyfriend's" marital status. It's Hollywood honey, you better know who it is you're screwing.

  15. Katherine was married when she got busted making out in a parking lot in broad daylight. So that's technically two homes/family units wrecked.

    I think people are inordinately touchy about that word, here.

  16. Yes, but the "man-stealer/home-wrecker" (two hideously sexist terms because they lay the blame solely on the "EVIL WOMAN") isn't the one who vowed before god and man to be faithful to his wife.

    When confronted by some woman trying to start something, all a good man has to say is "No, thanks. I'm married and I love my wife." End of story - no one "stolen," no home "wrecked." Face it - most men who cheat are probably the instigators, which makes them the douchebags. This is hard for some women to accept, though, and so they blame the other women for it all.

  17. May Welland Archer is right - McPhee was still married when she & McCarthy were sucking face in an open parking in broad daylight. McPhee has a reputation for chasing her producer or co-stars.
