Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blind Item #2 - A Touch Of Old Hollywood

This C list cult director with a documentary out about him right now making the rounds at film festivals is full of lies. The real reason he was infamously kicked off of his first big break, which became a mega flop, is because the A+ mostly movie actor who has A++ list name recognition star of the film found out he was beating his then girlfriend and had him kicked off the movie. When the star confronted the girlfriend, she tried to lie for the director, but the star saw the bruises and figured out the truth.


  1. Replies
    1. Or Clive barker mebbe

    2. Clive is gay. And is more a writer than director

  2. have no idea if anyone knows a directors name he cant really be C list

  3. Tarantino A list cult director

  4. seeing a touch of Old Hollywood in the title--Ed Wood

  5. The Island of Dr. Moreau documentary. Kilmer or Brando for the star...

  6. Who can we classify as A++?

  7. I like the tarantino guess

  8. Richard Stanley. The doc: Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island Of Dr. Moreau. per wiki: "Three days into filming, New Line fired Stanley. The reasons for Stanley's dismissal were not made clear, but it is likely because of difficulties with Kilmer, who was known to be difficult on sets and was going through a divorce at the time. "

    1. Great sleuthing@wish!! But blind said GF not wife....not That enty doesn't mix that up time to time....

    2. The blind says it was the director's girlfrind who wwas being abused, not the actor's.

  9. Tarantino is an A list director.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. @Trisha - the divorce in wushuliu's wiki sourcing was Kilmer's wife, not the director's.

    The girlfriend in the blind is the director's girlfriend.

    1. Gotcha...then it works well!dang I never heard of the guy. But undid see the island of Dr. Moreau...

  12. Clive barker documentary called leviathon about the making of the hellraiser was funder by kickstarter...not sure but may be on festival circuit...A++ actor....??? He worked with Sir Ian mckellan...but dunno

  13. The star would be Brando, as Kilmer does not have A++++ name recognition.

  14. but when Kilmer was filming Dr Moreau wasn't he A list back then? and it does say MOSTLY movie actor Brando was all movies wasn't he?

  15. I have no idea, but I can't wait for the reveal!

  16. I agree that this is supposed to be Richard Stanley, but why would Fairuza Balk participate in the documentary if this was really true, as she was his girlfriend at the time?

  17. Well it is heartening to know there is someone in Hollywood with some scruples.

    The problem is you know what happened the director probably beat the girlfriend up some more blaming her for being fired.

    The abused woman never wins until she leaves.

  18. Did more research. I think it's Richard Stanley. Baruka would have be 5 at the time that he beat his girlfriend and got fired from his first movie. It's an A++ list actor from back in the early 80's who got him fired.

  19. If John Waters has ever had a girlfriend, I'm really Kate Middleton.

  20. No, Fairuza was in the movie and is in the new documentary. It has always been thought that Kilmer had Stanley fired. I've actually met Richard and heard some of his fascinating stories in person. He is certainly an eccentric, but I have trouble believing this as he is still friends with Fairuza.

  21. Tarantino is A-list, and his first directed movie was Reservoir Dogs. He wasn't fired from that film, and it was a hit. So this blind doesn't fit Tarantino at all.

    Clive Barker has been openly gay for decades, and has been involved in multiple long term relationships with men. There is simply no way Barker was beating his "girlfriend"!

  22. Maybe Robert Altman? And then someone old school like Brando or James Dean or someone like that? Totally pulling this out of my ass but some sleuths on here might be able to connect the dots to make it work.

  23. John Waters?. . .also openly gay for decades. No girlfriends for Waters. Plus, he's so scrawny, I'm not sure he's capable of beating up anyone!

    The Richard Stanley answer fits. Stanley was thrown off The Island of Dr. Moreau early in production under (at the time) unclear circumstances. There is a documentary out on the making of that film right now. In that film was Marlon Brando, who is unequivocally A+ list. Val Kilmer's "listing" is debatable, but "Tombstone" came out in '93 and in '96 Kilmer was certainly closer to "A list" than he is at the moment.

  24. Tarantino is OLD HOLLYWOOD? Crap. I am older than I thought.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I would categorize Val as A list at that time. OT Just watched him as Nick Rivers in Top Secret on cable last night. That shit is still funny. Shop at Macy's and love me tonight!

  27. Didn't Val used to beat his wife too? If so, doesn't seem like he would care about someone else hurting their girl.

  28. @MinPinGirl - I love Top Secret. It's perfectly silly.

  29. Not sure what enty means by' touch' of old hollywood but if, indeed this is a old hollywood blind forget the tarantino and half the guesses here. Old hollywood means prior to the 70's. We need to find the documentary about an 'old hollywood' director making the rounds. Doubt if it is Island of Dr Moreau from 1996 if meant to be old hollywood blind.

  30. Cheryl said...
    Tarantino is OLD HOLLYWOOD? Crap. I am older than I thought.

    Of course, "inglorious basterds" is from five full years ago.

  31. 'Touch of Old Hollywood' refers to Brando here.

  32. I like the Brando guesses, but didn't he had some tumultuous relationships of his own? I don't see him getting someone thrown off a picture for something like that...

  33. Brando did some tv, notably Roots. I think this is him, with Richard Stanley as the a-hole director.

  34. What about Alejandro Jodorowsky? There is a new doc out about his mega flop Dune. The stars would be either Orson Welles, Mick Jagger, or David Carridine.

  35. The Jodorowsky doc has been around for a few years, so it's not exactly new.

    When I met Richard Stanley some years ago, he had nothing but good things to say about Brando, who at the time of filming was reeling from his daughter's suicide. Kilmer's name Stanley wouldn't even mention, which I found interesting. I view this item to be a rumour started by Kilmer because he is upset about the new documentary.

  36. Definitely sounds like it's meant to be Richard Stanley:

    "Other, equally nasty rumors began to spread, including the story, told to Brando by two different people, that Stanley had gone crazy on the set, beating up a member of the crew and punching his girlfriend. 'Of course, Brando's immediate response was to phone my girlfriend and say, 'Is this true?' and she said, 'No, of course not!' So he knew even before he arrived that everyone was lying to him.'"
