Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Blind Item #1

Until he was asked to take a seat by an usher, this B list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and failed rapper was sitting on the floor of a movie theatre in front of the front row and seemed to be softly chanting.


  1. Replies
    1. I might have beat u if i could figure out how to spell his name. Lol.

    2. Grew up in the San Joaquin Valley, got no trouble spelling it, but never know the answers to these. :-)

  2. Joaquin Phoenix

  3. he rapped? :( Good guess though. I wanted this one to be Marky Mark who ws up there for behind the scenes stuff. But he's A+ now :(

  4. I'll go along with that...Morning!!

  5. Replies
    1. Jk I
      Looked at other answers @ 6:31. I was typing as fast as I could but my phone kept insisting on Jawline Phoenix.
      I would have never been able to come up with the superb answer.

  6. Trish- if so what is with this dude? That up bringingvin that cult left some vrry damaged people.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Haah snookie! I morphed it as well....
    Maybe we should have gone by his rapper name...what was that lol
    Hey Brin!! Top of the mornin'. To ya

  9. I thought Jeff Foxx ...High

  10. cuz you all jumped on poor ol' Joaquin !!! hahahaha

  11. @sandy..hey...he did, but largely as a gag I think to make that documentary that Casey Affleck directed of it..
    @liddy...that cult- children of god. I think it was, just beyond sick. The way children were exploited and mistreated, it is a wonder they managed to keep it together at all in life(river was the oldest, and most effected, clearly).

    rose McGowan was exposed to it as a child as well I believe

  12. OK..OT cuz the 1st two things were downers.Last night on TMZ(1st time watching too)made me LOL.
    Mindy Kaling was going into an Event @Standard Hotel & these people congratulated her on getting the Nobel Peace Prize-she was dumbstruck & then realized they thought she was Malala Yousufzai..& then,she was like,"yeah, Malala's goin' in & getting down in The Boom-Boom Room,hey ya!!"
    well,..errr...I thought it was funny

    1. Rolo I read that in the NYTimes style section yesterday. How can seemingly literary types be so clueless? She thought it was funny but I find it pretty sad.

  13. Jaime Fox! Just kidding... I am sure it is Leaf.

    OK, and Rolo you have got to be kidding me about Mindy. This is hilarious in such a wrong way. SMH, I have such little faith in humanity.

  14. @Jessi, hahaha *derp I meant Jamie Foxx as my fake answer & yeah,i think it's kinda cute.At least they knew she won it even if they couldn't quite recognize her-kudos for their enthusiasm,i say!

  15. @Sherry, they're at the Boom-Boom Room!!! Think of the clientele.. i'm impressed that they knew that we even HAVE A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, Let Alone Who Won It! -ya see what i'm sayin'?

  16. we're speakin' kylie k., teen mom but w/money kinda crowd...

  17. "Because I got high . Because I got high. Because I got high...
