Monday, October 27, 2014

Blind Item #1

This foreign born C list musician was at a party the other night and would not stop talking smack about this A list singer who the musician used to be in a band with. The musician says he has to work every day of the week to earn a living because the singer was greedy and didn't want to share the spoils from the band all teens like at some point even though the band split almost 30 years ago.


  1. Rod Stewart the face.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ricky Martin and some guy from Menudo

  4. Andrew Ridgely from Wham!

  5. @Dena, Ridgley doesn't work at all. He's a co-writer on 'Careless Whisper' and has retired to rural Britain almost entirely on the publishing rights of that song. He's got a nice life - surfs, swims, and hangs out with his long-term partner, who is half of Bananarama.

    1. I'm rather surprised that he's with a woman AND he's bald!

  6. Denny Laine, Paul McCartney and Wings

  7. Johnny Marr/ Morrisey.

  8. John /boy George
    Culture club

    1. John Moss is his name(drumm CC)

  9. A small possibility could be John Pul Jones and Robert Plant from Led Zepplin or even Dave Gilmour and Roger Waters from Pink Floyd

    1. Nope, JPJ doesn't talk smack he's just quiet shy and doesn't care, plus they're all worth at least 300 million. The only one who might whine is Jimmy but Robert has clearly told him his reasonable demands of creating new music before he will tour.

  10. Emilio Estefan Jr./Gloria Estefan

  11. Culture Club are touring again in December, with a new album due in January.

  12. The 'all teens like at one point' thing is what's getting me. What do all teens like? My pre-teen and her friends all love Michael Jackson (a lot, and they think that they discovered him themselves.). The Beatles doesn't work here, nor does the Rolling Stones. The Cure is still together. Joy Division definitely does not work in this circumstance. What other band do all teens like at one point?

    1. That's why I thought Morrissey and someone from The Smiths. All teens go through a Smiths phase and they broke up almost 30 years ago.

  13. I think Alice Tate has the best guess so far with The Smiths. Is Johnny Marr C-list? Mike Joyce other one certainly wouldn't be.

  14. Marr is touring now, and is certainly working hard on his Twitter account. Alice for the win.

  15. The Police, Sting and one of the other two, probably Copeland

  16. Someone from Duran Duran talking about Simon Le Bon

    1. It's his birthday today and I love him!

  17. Warren Curcirello (sp) being the trash talker

  18. @Basil, Duran Duran is (still) together, even though they've discarded Andy Taylor is certainly bitter and C-list enough to qualify. But profits in Duran are split pretty evenly between LeBon and Rhodes, who are the main songwriters, plus John and Roger Taylor when the band performs and records.

  19. For anyone else interested in being as in-the-know as I am about the current status of 80s pop bands (an earth-shakingly important topic), I can recommend Classic Pop magazine. Available for your iPad. I'm sure it's the only magazine in the world still providing extensive coverage of Adam Ant.

  20. The only band I can think of that every teen likes at some point is Pink Floyd but they don't work. I'm more interested in hearing what everyone thinks every teen likes rather than the answer!

  21. Andy from the Police.

  22. Pink Floyd. Pretty much a rite of passage for teens to go through a dark side of the moon phase.

  23. The Pink Floyd guys are minted, and Gilmore and Waters are still working. Seperately. Who would be the singer? They both wrote and sang, and the rest had credits too.

  24. I can see this being the Smiths. Morrisey tends to piss people off.
    (PS I haven't seen an age that ends with teen in years and I still listen to the Smiths.)

  25. Well based on these answers I can certainly guess the demographics here. LOL!!

  26. I'm liking this Smiths guess. "How Soon is Now" is like a gateway drug for people between 13 and 19. It's just a great song.

    Not that I can come up with anything but some of these guesses are cracking me up -- since when do all teens like *Wings* at some point?! Menudo?! Wham!?!

    I could totally see hipsters bringing on a resurgence of these bands, you know, "ironically*".

    * They totally listen to Careless Whisper after every breakup. Not. Fooling. Anyone.

  27. George was very kind to Andrew, who apparently couldn't really sing and could barely play bass guitar. Never heard AR complaining for sure. Married to one of the Banarama chicks. They were mates lots more fun touring with your mate even if George did all the actual work though of course Andrew helped with the press and promotion.

  28. Nutty, there were 3 women in Bananarama. ;)

    Hey complainer, try writing some songs - that is who gets the money!

  29. @Mojo - definitely not Stewart Copeland of the Police. His brother was the band's manager (so he wouldn't have let his brother get screwed) and Stewart does A LOT of work for movies doing the background music. It could be Andy though I guess.

  30. Only makes sense (a) if the singer went on to a solo career or (b) idf the singer was the songwriter. If the complainer only performed then the residuals get pretty small. A wkile back Dionne Warwick went broke and listing her performance royalties at $4K or so a month. Yes, she's older but Burt/Hal wrote her a lot of number one hits. The writers and producers gets the biggest share of the royalties.

  31. @Parissucksliterally You are right - there were three women in Bananarama. But the band still exists, incredibly, and they are now down to two. (Thank you, Classic Pop, issue 5)

    @ 0_0 , that's a great answer, particularly since not many people know Slash was born in London. And the line about the singer certainly describes Axl. But Slash left the band 20 years ago - in 1993 - not 30, and technically speaking, the band still exists. And, as D Brown points out, it's all about publishing, and the GNR boys shared that five ways (although Steven got a smaller chunk)

    That said, Marr also got 40% of the Smiths' publishing, so I got nothin'.

  32. The music ones are usually right up my alley but I don't have a clue with this one.

  33. I know the original KISS has these exact problems but I don't think any of them are foreign born.

  34. A correction - Slash left GNR in 1996, not 1993. And he's apparently touring with Aerosmith.

  35. Brenda L – Gene Simmons is foreign born, but this is certainly not him.

  36. I think KISS is still considered "together" too....

    Gah could it have been Ringo talking smack about Sir Paul??? Wouldn't Ringo be considered permanently A list just for being a Beatle?

    I'm going with the Smiths/Morrisey/Johnny Marr guess simply because it makes sense.

  37. Agggg...the Police makes sense as well.

  38. Genesis/Phil Collins.

  39. Trilby Good one!!

    How about the Rolling Stones.Mick Taylor is in bad shape and has always bitched about them or Wyman is no longer with the band either..
    Can't Get No Satisfaction...Long shot but throwing it out there.

  40. Whatever Andrew Ridgley is doing these days (and I don't think he's the subject of the blind), it is working fabulously. He looks amazing.

  41. Except the hair loss of course but he is the spitting of his dad who is/was Italian and Eygptian. Yeah I was Wham! fan - I still think George Michael has one of the best voices in pop music.

  42. Oh the nostalgia. Culture Club - I tumble for ya?

    When did the Clash break up or did all those guys write music.

  43. If it is The Smiths, I'd have to go with Andy Rourke. He lives in NYC now and is a DJ. Johnny Marr has worked with a lot of other musicians/bands since he left The Smiths. Andy Rourke declared bankruptcy in 1999.

  44. Sorry, meant to add that it seems like Johnny Marr doesn't necessarily work because he HAS to. It seems like he works because he WANTS to. He was great w/ Electronic, the the, Pet Shop Boys, et al. Before legal action was taken against Morrissey/Marr they were receiving 40% each, while Mike Joyce and Andy Rourke were receiving 10%.

  45. Andy Summers also works for this, he only gets 15%, as opposed to Sting's 70%.

  46. Alice, FTW.

    Since The Smiths have been nominated to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame, I hope they don't do a KISS and not perform.

  47. You have a better chance of seeing Lennon/McCartney perform live than The Smiths ever sharing a stage together again. Marr absolutely detests Morrissey and with good reason. He's a colossal dickface.

  48. it's the guy from the Smiths who sued Moz.

  49. Marr co-wrote all the Smiths songs with Morrisey, so he's getting the same songwriting/publishing monday Morrisey gets from the Smiths.

    If it is the Smiths, it has to be either Mike Joyce or Andy Rourke.

  50. Money, not Monday :)

  51. @ Nutty, thx for the magazine tip. I'm going to definitely look into it. I used to love Adam Ant. He used to date Jamie Lee Curtis.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Andy Summers from the Police.

    Andy has brought up the fact that Sting has earnt MILLIONS on being the sole credited writer of 'Every Breath You Take' because he wrote the lyrics - although, Andy actually came up with the music for it. That song is one of the biggest royalty earning songs of all time!

    Andrew Ridgeley's wife is one half of Pepsi & Shirlie - the Shirlee half!

    British Lurker at your service ;)

  54. Switching my answer to Johnny Marr after reading that Johnny Marr had to pay Mike Joyce £475,000.
