Monday, October 20, 2014

Blind Item #1

The wife of this A list talk show host recently called her parents and told them she was thinking of killing herself because her husband said he was in love with his most recent fling and it wasn't just sex. She did almost kill herself a few years ago when her husband got particularly close to another woman so the family has flown for an extended visit. Our talk show host has moved into his apartment in the city.


  1. Haven't we already gone over all the A-list talk show hosts?

  2. He's such a piece of phlegm

  3. Why stay married? Looks like he stays married to torment the wife.

  4. this isnt even a blind item. All over the place.

  5. I don't watch 'Today', but how does Matt Lauer keep his job? He's not particularly handsome or charismatic. Aren't there plenty of other middle-aged white guys who could sit next to Savannah Guthrie?

    1. Mutty- ikr?????? I think that about him always.

  6. What is the Morning Drivel Fest demographic? I don't think I know anyone that watches this stuff. I think I last watched Good Morning America in the late 70s. (Nineteen hundred and seventy something)
    Too many "human interest" stories, not enough news.

  7. Lauer is a douche bag. Give my Roker or Willy Geist anyday. They at least have personality.

  8. I thought she filed for divorce the other day. I think I remember reading that headline but I wasn't interested enough to click. She should have left him years ago. Did she stay because of the kids or because she loves the perks of being his wife?

    1. She's left him before (or tried), so it must be for the kids.

      I'd say the perks aren't worth it.

  9. No doubt he ha an iron clad contract Nutty. Plus I bet lots of grandma's love watching him, not knowing what a dick he is.
    He really lost me after the Ann Curry thing.
    He's glib.

  10. David Letterman

  11. The Today Show is a news show, not a "talk" one. I think this is someone with their own show.

  12. Why does matt wife even bother staying. Still not sure this is them. Whoever it is depends too much on the man to find her happiness, kick his ass keep the house and move on

  13. Does anyone know if Matt was always a louse, or did his behavior grow from having a histrionic wife who was always threatening to kill herself at every turn. I know he's a total creep now, but I wonder if feeling trapped by her has contributed to that.

    1. Gayeld- brilliant thoughts. I never ONCE thought it may be her and not him.

    2. Blaming the victim? Maybe her fragile mental state is due to years of a philandering husband who has finally broken her?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I don't think The Today Show would be considered a talk show, would it? I'm thinking this is someone with his own show or a co-host of some sort. Like a Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz kind of a guy. I would say Strahan but he isn't married.

  16. Ooh wait - what about Fallon?

  17. I was about to say Fallon as well. I loved me some Jimmy but thing he's turning into an egomaniac.

  18. I like the Fallon guess too.

  19. @Bacon, as much as I thought Cruise made a complete idiot of himself during the Lauer interview, it turned out to be true. Matt has become glib.

  20. My first thought, was Jimmy Fallon. I don't know why but I just get the feeling (have no concrete evidence) that he's a jerk in real life.

    Although Lauer is a good guess too. Lauer is a joke! Does anyone even watch the Today Show anymore? He has NO sex appeal, NO charisma whatsoever. I honestly do not know why NBC is hanging on to him and wasting their money paying him million. I guess they are a bunch of idiots too.

    I read NOTHING but horrible things about Lauer in the media (albeit I take all that w/ a grain of salt seeing as media isn't always truthful - but when the same thing is being written about someone for years on thinks there's some truth behind it).

    IMO, the wife is better off w/o this PoS. Whoever it may be.

  21. Howard Stern and Beth Whatshername

  22. Dear Wife, don't even think about doing that, he is NOT worth it!

  23. Back in the day, Lauer WAS considered a handsome, charismatic guy who made lots of middle America housewives swoon. Not all of them, and that's not their exclusive audience, but it was what it was a couple of decades back. Since then he has accumulated a very expensive contract and lots of power. So he stays.

  24. First suicide attempt, the dude should have ran like a scalded dog.

    Dude is cheating with women, so it can't be Howard Stern.

  25. Come on girl, grow a backbone and leave.

    Dude needs to just end it.

    Never got Matt's appeal.

  26. They should fire Lauer and bring back Ann Curry!

  27. If her entire existence is at his heels, then she needs continuous CBT for self confidence. Poor lady.

  28. The woman is ill. Threatening suicide because of an unfaithful spouse is pitiful. Twice is really dumb because the 3rd time he might hand her the pills & the booze with a straw in it & say "Go!" because it's cheaper than alimony.
