Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blind Item #10

These two foreign born A- list mostly movie actors don't really get along that well because the younger of the actors hit on the wife of the older actor. The younger actor swears he didn't know she was married to the older actor. Notice though he knew she was married. They have sucked up their hate for each other and are working together though.


  1. Orlando Bloom/Chris hemsworth

  2. Daniel Craig...? Nevermind...

  3. Jude Law/Colin Firth?

  4. Ben Kingsley Daniel Radcliff---filming together--Ben has a much youngr wife.

  5. Patrick Stewart and someone? He's not mostly movie though... Or is he these days?

  6. thank you thank you

  7. Good guess@D.now to solidify with the fandom pix! I say Radcliffe will be in one. If Kingsley is that's a slam sunk(he so rarely papped)

  8. Sir Ben pulled a Matt Damon, except the Mrs Kingsley is half her gradpa husband's age. Nice score for her though - from waitress to "Lady".

    Sorry - don't know how to make it clicky

    "The actor Ben Kingsley has secretly married a Brazilian former waitress half his age. The 63-year-old Oscar winner is said to have made bit part-actress Daniela Barbosa de Carneiro, 34, his fourth wife.
    She became Lady Kingsley in front of just a dozen guests sworn to secrecy at a country house in Oxfordshire, on Monday."


  9. I don't think marrying Sir Soandso makes her Lady Soandso; she must marry Lord Soandso.

  10. Colin Farrell for the younger actor. Who is he working with that's older and foreign born on True Detective?

  11. @ 0_0 That's not correct.
    Despite being born Krishna Pandit Bhanji to a Kenyan Father, Ben Kingsley as he later renamed himself, is a British citizen and so his knighthood was not honorary. He is a Knight bachelor and so his wife is entitled to be addressed the same as one would the wife of a Baronet.
    That is she is Lady Kingsley. As she is not the daughter of a titled family and her husband is not a serving or former member of parliament that is the only acceptable form of address.
    She would however, be referred to on legal documents as Dame Daniela Kingsley or the less common Daniela Lady Kingsley.

    Apropos of nothing much. Ben Kingsley and I grew up on opposite sides of the same suburban park in Salford and attended the same university.
    I can assure you that he is from a working class family in an area that at the time of his upbringing was the poorest area in England.

  12. Yep, Colin Firth + Jude Law. Think I heard this before.
