Monday, October 20, 2014

Blind Item #10

This still married C list celebrity is married to a former A list tweener. She thought he was still into her even though she has been dating different guys. It turns out though that he has been hooking up with this foreign born A list model turned actress in a hit summer movie. Now our former tweener is trying to win her husband back. This is a crazy relationship. 


  1. Kevin/Danielle Jonas

  2. Hilary Duff as former A tweener

  3. and the model in the new Transformers hooking up with Mike Cormie

  4. Somebody wrote this whilst doing drugs. :(
    a Jonas and Emily Ratatouille

  5. lets hope Texas mom isn't reading!

  6. Nice Derek!
    Duff/Comrie/Emily R

  7. I feel like Hilary D. is still into Nicole Richies husband. She is like no Aaron Carter wrong ex!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Which one is the former tweener?

  10. 1) "...C list celebrity is married to a former A list tweener. She <----"...
    So, SHE is the C list celeb, husbando is former tweener. Right?
    2)"Now our former tweener is trying to win her husband back "
    Now the C list celeb is the former tweener.
    Are they both former tweeners?

  11. Grammar this bad makes me dizzy.
    comrie/duff seems a good fit, but he's a retired/former athlete rather than a C list celeb.

  12. Yup! Way to Gump our way through this barely coherent last blind of the day, y'all!

    Ooooh I almost forgot Motorboat Monday for Gweeds and Mo' Momoa for everybody else!!!

    I also have some interesting news, because apparently, all professors hate teaching, mentoring and associating with undergrads in any capacity. My department has to train a few undergrad honors students as research assistants so that they can get some experience. None of the tenured professors in my field want to bother with this, so I get to handpick my own personal assistant that I do not even have to pay for myself. I teach them how the sausage is made for their CVs and I get my own gopher in return! YAYYYYYYY!!!!!
    Now I better stop procrastinating and get back to work for the day so I can start to set a better example :(

  13. Someone's been sniffing the bath salts.

    So they're separated, she's seeing other guys, then he sees another girl and the Mrs gets all jealous and wants him back. Oh, and they're tweeners.

  14. Duff/Comrie/Ratakowski...til someone better fits.

    1. Good call with Emily ratata. She's probably it.

  15. Avril/Nickelback guy/ model

  16. I'm just all kinds of confused with this one.
    It's John Cusack since I'm just so bummed at hearing how much of a tool he is :(

  17. The model is cara delevinge. She's filming in nc.

    Unless it's a past hit in which I would guess camille belle.

    1. TE Cara would be hooking up with a girl.

  18. Emily rata.. was born in San Diego

  19. John Cusack is a complete tool. I know so many people who have worked on set with him. He used to hit on all the xtra's. If they refused him, he would make sure they weren't allowed back the next day. My good friend was one of them.

    1. @crilla bummer to hear that
      I enjoy tbe movies he's in.

      We'll call him "John Ewwsack".

  20. The way this blind reads to me.

    "THIS", meaning the blind is about the C lister celeb.

    She is the C-list celeb, married to a former A list tweener. He (the former tweener) is cheating with a model from a hit movie.

  21. Why is everyone talking about John Cusack? Did I miss a recent story? I saw him at a concert last year---he looked mellow....

  22. Emily R was born in London. She then attended elementary in Del Mar and high school in Encinitas. My sister knew her way back when.
