Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Blind Item #10

This is probably going to hurt her future income as an escort. I know when you charge by the month or have a contract you like to be referred to as something other than an escort, but it is what you are. Anyway, the former B- list reality star who didn't last long on this A list reality franchise is HIV+ and she can thank the guy that is currently paying her and passing her around. 


  1. Woah. Shit got way too real.

    1. "Woah. Shit got way too real."--FrauHeisenberg
      ^^Laughing My A$$ Off!

  2. If she knows she is HIV+ and not informing her partners, that's a crime. And he's a douchebag.

  3. Sorry for her but I have no clue and she probably shouldn't be outed like this anyhow.

  4. If she is HIV+ then she can thank herself since she didn't use protection. Also are we outing people with HIV/Aids now?

    1. Hasn't Enty been trying to do that all along with all the heavy handed clues about Britney Spears?

    2. Enty wishes he had in site to Britney medical records

    3. E has definitely implied Brit's HIV+.

      #1 During a required physical last week this singer indicated she is HIV+. If you follow the partners and they were not safe, this could lead to some incredible revelations during the next year.

      #1 You know that required physical from yesterday? Reason for the physical? Abortion. Father? Unknown.

      Britney Spears

    4. Ugh I don't believe it. And if she does that is her businesses.

  5. Evel Dick from Big Brother just came out as being HIV+.

    1. I really respect that. HIV/AIDS is very stigmatised. I would hate for someone close to me to suffer without asking for help because they are too ashamed. Empathy and assistance could make or break the rest of their life.

  6. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Porsha RHOA

  7. Anonymous11:39 AM

    someone who was just on DWTS?

  8. seriously sifchick? Damn.

  9. Bitch needs to be put out to pasture.

  10. HIV status is a NOPE.

  11. Please don't reveal this.


  13. Porsha was on another site with "flu like"symptoms but I read that she is still on RHOA and currently filming and was not let go as first mentioned.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm not willing to guess on this one. -nods to Sandybrook-

  16. Danielle Staub. Worked as an escort.

  17. Just curious -- why is everyone so opposed to revealing HIV status, but there is no stigma in guessing an Alzheimer's diagnosis? They are both illnesses and there is no shame in either one. If anything, it is better to know about an HIV status than a disease that cannot be "caught".

    I just think it's odd. HIV is not any kind of "special" disease. It is just another disease.

    1. CoBe is absolutely correct.
      That said, I have no idea who this could be.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. @dragon, I know. Like E would not only know she's HIV+, he'd also know who she's been sleeping with, the date of her abortion, the unknown status of the aborted fetus's paternity, the reason a physical would be required, etc., etc., etc. {eyeroll}

    @CoBe, because it's a disease primarily transmitted via sexual encounters, and also considered a "homosexual disease" (extra eyeroll). It's the same pearl-clutching that happens when someone has herpes.

  20. Agree 100% with CoBe. I think the stigma from the 80s never left but it's 2014 and people are educated (or should be) about this disease. Used to be thought of that only gay people got it so no one would admit it for fear of being outed or perceived as gay. Time to lose that thought and realize it doesn't matter who you are.

  21. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I'm not gonna bitch about HIV status privacy if she's still letting herself get passed around. That implies she's not informing her partners, in that case I'd say grab a bullhorn and scream it from the rooftops so people know to keep themselves safe from her.

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  24. Late to the end of day blinds here today..but for this, ;0(and it is sad RE of who) I think is Sarah Winnchester from RHWOC(she was Gretchen drunk annoying friend). She was meant to be on cast member, but didn't become one...her older sketch fiancé" was her pimp I think. ...and she claims to be an heiress (thus doesn't need "to work" but that has been refuted....

    Anyone who watched that season knows who I'm talking bout

    1. Wow Tricia I totally forgot about Sarah Winchester !

  25. She ate the bow off of Heather DuBrows cake....

  26. @Tricia That's a great guess. And she didn't strike me as someone that gives a shit about anyone else but herself and getting famous.

  27. I like the Gretchen's friend guess, it would fit. I'm fine with naming someone who is that promiscuous and irresponsible. If a man or woman knows they've slept with her after she's been "outed" the victims have some recourse. If it's all hush hush and the people involve don't cooperate you are left with a bunch of people who are spreading AIDS. It's a virus, deadly and this goes far, far beyond stigma or shaming - innocent women or men might end up dying.

  28. Just googled Jo, she's been with bf for 2 years sand he's CEO of Marketing Firm, so now she's a sales rep for him.
    "Marketing"? Hmmmm. Lol

  29. @SYF..I had Jo...but then her man looks legit and she was even if with slade lol..I think she found a dude with money because music didn't work,out...
    But the other one mess...definitely B-(whereas Jo was B+\A when on)

    Sara was let me"actress "....then an heiress..I think she met her old dude same way Gretchen met hers(Jeff who passed away)... Escorting.

  30. And that's how they became friiiieeends

  31. @unknown.....agreed.

  32. Adrienne Baillon is a talk show host since last year (The Talk). Ypu have to pass fairly rigorous screenings before working for CBS. she is actually doing quite well for herself

  33. Also she was on KUWTk for 3 years

  34. 50-something Lisa Vanderpump, who has two clubs in LA and two Bravo shows, is secretly a destitute prostitute with HIV??!!

    Do people write these responses to be funny?

  35. @Dexamyl...dunno..good point lol
    I always like your commentary by the way:)

  36. Erica Mena? Was on KUWTK in a bit part.

  37. She can thank herself if she is willingly sleeping with these men unprotected. It is her responsibility to protect herself. It is abhorrent if she is knowingly passing on HIV.


    And Lo and behold...

  39. What an irresponsible ones at that.

  40. But I still "Braaang-it" , even if late...

  41. Way to follow through @Tricia!!

  42. Hey@Kat!
    Wish we were meeting over a lighter subject...But, pretty sure this is her. She was Uber..phony and bizarre and ultimately, freaking sloppy and was fired. I always thought she was an escort and her friendship with Gretchen..convenient if not seedy.

    The debrows had her # so to speak...and she knew it

  43. What a jerk. Someone knows that they have HIV and infect all of these women. That is DISGUSTING!

    Poor woman, but she is responsible for her own health. I will say this too, I thought people on the "Sheik" circuit were always tested for HIV?

  44. @potpourri...don't think the woman I suggested-Sarah was that level in her biz....She was more of a LA escort/actress type..small time seedy clients...Hollywood at its

  45. If he's wealthy enough to hire her for months at a time, he's wealthy enough to support her for the rest of her life and see that she gets the best treatment. So, there's that. Blackmail I can approve of.

    1. Justifiable Blackmail. I agree but not if others are unaware of the risk. Which seems to be the case in this situation.

  46. &TriciaS. Another Excellent guess. Had never heard of her before, what a piece of work she is it sounds like.

  47. I'm on the thought train of - if you're HIV+ out there as an "escort" and you are sexually active like that? Hell yeah you should be outed. It's not like you have lupus or fibromyalgia or are dyslexic FFS! This is 2014 bitches get with the program. Wouldn't you want Typhoid Mary outted if she was cooking at your favorite restaurant? That's what I thought.

  48. left field guess here but
    katey lee joel from top chef 1st season??

  49. If you are working as an escort and not disclosing you're HIV pos, you should be outed. My son contracted from his wife of 10 years who was unfaithful (unknown to him). If we'd known he was exposed, we could have saved his life. Instead, silence left us floundering for answers when he became ill and we had no clue what was wrong, until it went into full blown AIDS and he got the associated pneumonia. It wasn't until then he was properly diagnosed. Because he wasn't in any of the 'at-risk' demographics. Non-disclosure cost him his life at 40 years old and left his only child fatherless at 16. This is like having Ebola and not disclosing for fear of being isolated.

  50. Angelina of Jersey Shore? She lasted about a minute in there

  51. First of all, the number of men who contract HIV from females is so low it's nearly non existent.

    And yes, if Typhoid Mary was cooking my food I would want to know because I have no control over that. However,is there something that makes a man think that an escort who is having sex with people for money to support themselves is someone you should be engaging in unprotected sex with? Yes, she should have protected herself as it's her responsibility but it's there responsibility as well to protect themselves is it not. I'm not getting the part where prostitute and unprotected sex seems like a logical decision, I don't care how much they charge.

    And nevarmore, sorry to hear about your son, but is this what the wife confessed or what he told you with no confirmation from the wife? I'm asking this because I had a good girlfriend who was convinced she infected her husband with HIV and his doctor was going along with it......that is until she found all the gay porn on his computer and all the emails from the men he has been having anonymous sex with, then she realized he had it when they married and knowingly gave it to her.

    I've seen guys claim this and know for a fact that these same guys like to see pre-op hookers and like getting screwed by these girls and going down on these girls without condoms. And then they want to claim their unsuspecting wife was cheating and gave it to them. That is such bullshit. Sorry

  52. their responsibility



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