Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bewitched Returning To NBC Next Year

Next fall, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the original show, NBC is going to air Bewitched. They haven't even shot the pilot yet, but NBC paid a lot of money to acquire the rights so you can bet it will be aired. I remember when they made the Bewitched movie I was pretty excited to see how they were going to shoot it and thought it was going to be a can't miss. Then of course they cast Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell and asked them to pretend they had the hots for each other and they had the chemistry of a meth lab explosion. I think the movie had promise, but who they cast was just horrible and I hope everyone in the studio responsible for it got fired. I want them to have new jobs now, and they probably do. They are probably the brains behind Bad Judge or something like that. Anyway, the new show will focus on the granddaughter and how she has magic, but how even her magic can't find her love. 


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