Thursday, October 02, 2014

Ashton Kutcher And Mila Kunis Have A New Daughter

Earlier this week Mila Kunis gave birth to a baby girl and named her Ashton because, you know it works equally well for a boy or girl and this way Ashton the father can always be looking at himself even when he is not looking in a mirror, which is not that often. Actually no one knows the baby name yet, but it wouldn't shock me if it was Ashton. I hope Mila has the sense to name the girl something normal. I wonder if Mila went through with her plan for a natural birth or when the pain started she went straight for the drugs. if I had to have Ashton Kutcher hovering over me for hours I would want drugs and I am not even having a baby. A spokesperson for the couple said the baby is healthy and that is really all you can hope for. I also noticed the statement didn't mention how Mila was doing so I assume Ashton's person wrote it.


  1. mazel hope she doesnt take after him.

  2. Wow bitter high school journalism Entern is writing this one.

    Hope Mila and child are safe and healthy. However she chose to deliver.

  3. +1 Sherry
    Kind of strange to use their baby's birth to diss the parents.
    So glad you're not upset the baby is normal?

  4. I second the mazel. And power down enty, on whether or not she took drugs. Its none of your business! We mothers do what we have to to get our babies out. No comments from the peanut gallery needed.

    1. Yep. When men start having the babies, they can start giving opinions. Otherwise, STFU.

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  6. I LOVE Snarky (truthful) Enty - blinds from him/her make my day!
    But LOL @ your take on him/her, Sherry! :) Good Morning!

    1. Commentary and/or blinds, I should have said. I've only been reading this site since spring, but I've learned it's Original Enty and Snarky Enty who've captured my mind and heart! The Entern blinds, & particularly the blinds from Tweener Enty, BoyBand Enty, &/or (especially) "Reality" Enty... Meh... PHFFFTTTTT!!!!!

    2. And I know I need to have more coffee so as to organize my thoughts more cohesively into ONE post - sorry - I need to get some of that Turkish coffee Tricia posts about - but, anyway:
      I suspect when Snarky Enty says what (s)he says, it's accurate. The common thread in all those posts, & the celebs consistently snarked at, is a strong sense of ethics and disgust for hypocritical, arrogant, unkind, or uber-assholian behaviors, &/or extreme selfishness/narccissism (sp.?) - (even allowing for a very broad Bell Curve for those behaviors in the celeb fishbowl.).

  7. I'm actually looking forward to seeing a picture of this wishes to the new family!

  8. She will probably be a great mom!

  9. Imagine if she'd had Macaulay Culkin's kid.
    Parenthood's been known to turn douchey asshats into regular people. It's a baby's super power.

  10. I kinda like them together. Congrats to them on their baby.

  11. Aww yeah- congrats to their little fam!

  12. Go to hell, whichever Enty wrote this. Trying to be all edgy, but you just come off as a bitter loser.
    If they are happy together, then Enty should just shut the fuck up.

  13. This is obviously a male Enty.

  14. They must be soo enacted

  15. Trilby, people who frequently make a point of exhibiting a strong sense of disgust at certain behaviors are likely disliking in others what they dislike about themselves - a lack of character. Takes one to know one.

    1. Awww, put down the wire hangers and have a drink, Momma!

  16. So, when did Demi start writing for this site?

  17. Personally I agree with Enty, both of these people are self indulgent and evil twats. Glad the baby is fine but all he's doing is reminding us how THEY decided she wasn't getting pain meds. HAHA. Yeah. Anyway douchey people have douchey kids so I don't even care what the call douchettey. Glad they are both healthy but yeah I'm over it until Ashton decides to go into competition with Jessica Alba for his first BILLION and there is war in the streets of the west side. If Mila couldn't see how awful this guy she deserves everything that happens to her.

  18. Congrats on the baby!

    Truly happy for them. Hope she is OK.

    Here is what she said

    “Will you do an epidural even?” Ellen asked.

    “No,” Mila quickly replied. “I know. I’m crazy.”

    “I did this to myself, I might as well do it right, I mean,” Mila shared. “I wanted this, it’s not like, no one made me do this!”

    So, yeah, a little snark is not out of line. .....

  19. +1 @Sherry

    A simple congratulations will do, BitterBettyEntity!

    Meh...I've known some women who said they were going natural but changed their minds. Not a big deal to me.

  20. Congrats! I bet she's a pretty thing.

  21. I like Mila so congrats the baby girl and I have to say I always love it when horndogs like Ashton have daughters, their lives will be hell as soon as the daughter reaches puberty until she is married off to a guy he likes.

  22. Thats going to be a cute family. Regardless if he's a douchenozzle, they are a very good looking couple

  23. lol @ Tina, now that's the kind of snark I enjoy! And so true too.. hehe

  24. I think it's cute that Kelso and Jackie had a baby! She's going to be insanely gorgeous and super smart. Like him or not, Ashton is ridiculously smart and Mila is up there as well.

  25. If you run your mouth about natural childbirth, then expect to get questioned about it. Do whatever you feel best for yourself and baby when you give birth, but when you put your business out there, people will question you and/or call you out on it.

  26. I can't stand Kutcher but adore Mila. Mazel to them both.

    And E, STFU about going through on her natural childbirth plans. My sister planned on a natural childbirth but they had to induce her due to pre-eclampsia. Contractions went from zero to nine in less than an hour. When she finally gave in and asked for pain meds, the b* L&D nurse on duty at time sneered at her and said, "So much for your 'natural delivery plan'."

    When you go into labor, give out a snarky tweet about how you could totally handle the pain, unlike Mila Kunis.

  27. I bet their baby will be so cute!

  28. My favorite Joan River's line re: childbirth. "knock me out & wake me when they're 18". Man, I miss her.

  29. Probably will be a gorgeous baby! I've known 'gotta be all natural' childbirth advocates who had second thoughts after hours of labor, plus sometimes problems arise that call for plan b. Just be thankful Us and E weren't there to film the whole thing.

  30. Hope she looks like mila and Ashton straightens up now. But her pride won't throw in the towel.

  31. I think she got a scheduled C-section, because she just casually walked into the hospital NOT in labor.

    I feel sorry for the kid already, since Asshat is horrid to women.

  32. I actually like him better than her. Bet the baby is going to be really pretty. Ashton did start out as a model.

  33. If they're happy together, I'm happy for them. I really don't get all the Ashton hate. Not one single person here actually KNOWS him, but everybody's decided what kind of a person he is - and it's not good!

  34. Maybe the bundle of joy will bring him down to earth. I'm hoping.

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  36. As someone who has birthed two babies naturally, I just want to say if I had both births to do over again...I would want drugs...the more the better. Labor pains hurt like hell and I never side eye anyone who says they opted for other alternatives.

  37. It would be funny if she named the kid, Jackie.

  38. they named her wyatt isabelle kutcher

  39. sounds like a trucker name

  40. I sat next to them at lunch recently. They looked every happy, normal. (They sat by a window in a very popular place so clearly they love the paps)

    Teen girls came up to him and sweetly asked for a pic. He was super nice to them, obliged. Mila was kind of rude.No judgement, just relaying an interesting afternoon.

  41. yes all celebrities play the "i hate the paps!!!"
    seat me in front so they can see me card
