Saturday, October 25, 2014

Anna Shannon Confirms She Was Molestation Victim

Normally I would never reveal the name of a victim of molestation no matter how much everyone knew it was someone or did the math and knew there was really no other alternative. However, the daughter of Mama June, Anna Shannon wants the world to know she was the victim of Mark McDaniel and that she hates him and hates her mother for seeing him again and hooking up with him again and wants nothing to do with her mother until she is no longer involved with him.

Mama June is turning out to be a huge liar about all of this. After denying that she was hooking up with McDaniel, and despite the photo of them in a bed together, she continued to deny it. In the wake of TLC's cancellation of Honey Boo Boo yesterday, even more photos surfaced of Mama June together with the molester and I'm disgusted. How could a mother be with a man who molested your daughter? He went to jail for molesting her. This was not a one time thing. He did it repeatedly over the course of almost a year and she knew. Your daughter is scarred for life because of a man and what do you do when he gets out? Start dating him again like nothing happened. It makes me want to throw up to think that she is bringing him around her other daughters. How old is Honey Boo Boo right now? A little older than Anna was at the time, but probably right in the area where this guy likes his targets. Don't forget that this guy had other charges for molesting other girls but their parents refused to cooperate so it is not like Anna was his only victim. 


  1. What a mess. This family is going to need so much therapy. Apparently June is buying this creep a house?! and the daughter in highschool must be mortified and being tortured by her classmates let alone how Honey Boo must be feeling. They should get all the money that June has supposedly been "saving" for them and move in with Anna. She seems to be the only "adult" with a functioning brain in that family.

  2. How awful for her. To have been abused like that and then have her mother betray her all over again.

    Get as far away as you can Anna. Stay there.

  3. What was expected? The whole success of that show(proud to say never watched) was capitalizing on the exploitation of this family and there...redneck -(self proclaimed) lifestyle..are we shocked this "mother"allowed her own daughter to be abused and exploited and turned the blind eye??
    What a disgrace....and they should pull every show that does so...
    Note to k-trashes...tick tick tick tock

  4. I can't wrap my brain around a mother that would do that. It's just mind blowing.

  5. Its your fav girls birthday Reno

  6. Disgusting excuse for a human. Her children I hope are all taken away from her.

  7. While I'm still not sure that photo is real (Mama June looks a lot younger and thinner in it than she is now), if the daughter is willing to come out about being the victim, something in the milk ain't clean. I watched the first season of the show, and the impression I always got was of a FAMILY that loved each other, and it seemed that despite not being book smart, Mama June had a pretty good head on her shoulders. I hate to speculate, but I think June herself was probably molested when she was young (she did have Anna when she was only 15) so this sort of behaviour might seem the norm to her. Damn shame. At least we know why Sugar Bear split (which I thought was a stunt for ratings). He probably knew what June was doing.

    All those kids should go live with Uncle Poodle.

    1. Head over to TMZ if you want further proof; photos of them car shopping and house shopping together.

  8. Uncle Poodle is just as bad---he was arrested last week for harassing an ex boyfriend!

  9. He didn't go to jail for molesting Anna, Enty--that case was dismissed by the grand jury. He went up for molesting another girl, a neighbor's according to Radar and TMZ.
    I had a bad night last night. Back on Monday my doctor called me and said the blood test confirmed I'm in menopause--at age 40. And then I have to hear about "Mama" June. I just can't. I never get to have my own kids (and don't no one mention adoption to me, that is just the bunk) but this bitch gets to have kids, puts them in the eyesight of a pedo and what do you want to bet she'll be prego again by the end of the year. I just can't. I'm not even really angry over my infertility anymore, just resigned, and as for June, well, I guess if God wants to give kids to Pedro's girlfriends that's his prerogative. nothing I can do about it, story of my life. I'm also a surviviors of abuse--my mom's beloved baby brother tried to rape me when I was 14--and I'm starting to believe that God just hates children, period.

    1. @ delete account: please please get another doctor's opinion. I've learned the very hard way that you should always get a second opinion. Please do it.

    2. I've never been able to have kids, either... it's tough! sorry you're going through that.

    3. Delete account I'm sorry. . I know biological children is such a hard thing to lose even though you never had it.
      get a 2nd opinion. I have had Many bad Dr's give wrong diagnosis before.

    4. Hey, what about adoption?

    5. Sounds like you need some professional help. Something's not right in the water here.

    6. Hugs delete. Just hugs.

    7. Classy, rosie. Real classy.

    8. Delete account :(

  10. This disgusting piece of shit should never have had kids. They need to be removed from her custody. I can't even with this cunt. How could a mother do this?

  11. "Pedo's girlfriends," not "Pedro's."

  12. @Delete - so sorry x

  13. I feel so badly for Anna. My mom knew I was being raped and molested by her husbands brother and she continued to let him babysit for me. Therefore it went on for 12 years.

    Why aren't CPS and/or the authorities involved? The kids should be taken away from her if she's going to allow that monster to be around.

    1. CPS and local police did launch investigations yesterday

    2. Oh, thank God. I can't believe HBB's dad hasn't filed an emergency motion and had her removed from the house. I'd die for my girls and can't understand how parents can do these things.

    3. @Pink- I have always told those close to me that I would have rather had no mother than the one I had. It would have been much less damaging.

    4. Chris, Pink and others who have suffered abuse, my heart goes out to you.

      My mama may have been a drunk but I will never forget how she fought like a mama bear the one time she saw a boyfriend touch us. And he was gone the next day.

      That memory has always stayed with me and I firmly believe makes me the tough bitch I am today.

    5. Pink- my heart gies out to you and all vitims of sexual abuse. And i will NEVER understand hiw a mother does that, but it happens alot. That is some sick shit knowing your child is being abused and letting go on!! May they fry in hell.

    6. My mom's boyfriend, she knew and let it go on until I ran my ass away at 15. She stayed with him until he eventually died several years later. Never.left.his.side. This is bringing up terrible flashbacks and I don't have enough weeeeeeeddd but I wanted you to know that too many people share your experience. It can feel so isolating.

  14. What do you expect from white trash?

  15. @Basil
    Aenna Sharon's father is David Dunn

    Dunn tells the newspaper of June: “She took my vir­ginity and I took hers... Anna looks just like me. They want­ed me to sign away my rights to Anna, but I refused. I don’t know who my own daddy is, and I always want Anna to know who her father is. But June won’t let me see her.”

    Mark McDaniel never was in jail for Anna's molest(dismissed case) but for nother molest

    1. I've never seen the show so I was under the assumption they were all fathered by this honey bear character?

  16. There is going to be more coming out about this. No way would they cancel a hit show that's already wrapped filming unless shit is going to get REAL.

    Those poor girls :(

    1. Vera- i had same thought. If they cancelling, there myst be a ton of shit gonna come out. Look at goselins- they keep that going snd i pray to gid one of thise kids grows up and sues tlc for billions, because they sat back and filmed them being abused by insane bitch mother kate.

  17. they all have different dads---honey boo boo is sugar bears biological daughter

    1. Shit, how many kids are there?

  18. Kinda speechless on this one... I cant compute how anyone can do that. He molested your kid. I would go to jail for murder if somebody touched my kid and shes fucking him? Wtf? I just cant evrn understand it. Smh

  19. @Pink, I'm so sorry you went through that.

    I'll never understand the psychology of a mother who doesn't intervene in these situations. I could live a thousand years and never understand.

    1. Queen- i think you hv to be equally as sick to understand, which is why normal prople font get it. Be grateful.

    2. Jesus christ, i apologize here and now for all my f curse typos!!!!!

  20. this is typical mother behavior. psychology and sociology both support mothers in particular behaving this way and ignoring/denying abuse to their children.

    it preserves their paradigm and way of thinking and self concept, shattering of any of these can lead to a psychological breakdown so its natural neurological self preservation.

    i have also several examples of anecdotal evidence to support this behavior. examples which come from other mothers, but mine included.

    I've seen this happen to both men and women as well, with their mother's denying the abuse (sexual or physical) and continuing to be with the abuser in the way of undeniable evidence and proof of the abuse.

    most mothers cannot handle or process that they have invited the abuse into the home and foisted it upon the children they are supposed to preserve and protect, which is why they ignore it.

    i am unsurprised at all. this happens way more than any of you would like to admit or think about.

    1. Ive worked in the field fir many years. This behaviour is atypical. It happens, and these women are as bad, if not worse than the perpetrators. No protective awareness. However this is a small section of mothers, including mothers if abused children. Nonetheless repugnant.

    2. To this day, despite walking the fuck in while it happened, my mother still refuses to accept my brother molested me for 5 years. I agree with Headrot so very much. She just cannot handle her 'failure' as a mother so it just didn't happen or wasn't as bad as I remember.

    3. No, while it obviously does occur, this is not "typical" mother behavior.

  21. This woman chose not one but TWO child molesters as partners. That she chose to date the man who molested her daughter and was jailed for molesting another child speaks volumes about how "loving" and "sweet" she is, as has been said on this site before in her defense.

  22. @delete account i cant even with you. whining about how you cant have kids.

    oh how sad that you wont contribute to over population.

    why do you think your genetics are so important to pass on?

    is there some reason you cant adopt? or is that reason because you "must" have your "own" kids from your own genetic blood line?

    if just having the experience of motherhood was so damn important to you, adopt.

    otherwise, go choke on your own deflated and void uterus.

    1. +1 that post had me scratching my head. Im glad you said something.

    2. It sounds like delete wanted to bear children and less than a week ago was told this is likely not possible. Perhaps she hasn't had time to process and grieve this loss or seriously consider the notion of adopting a child.
      It is actually quite saddening, as is that both of your mothers were able to contribute to overpopulation and to grace the world with the unsympathetic, rude, and judgemental twats that are the two of you.

  23. @Basil, I think you're on to something. The mom may very well have been molested too, which makes it seem more "normal" to her. Not trying to excuse her behavior but explain how an otherwise loving mom could look the other way.

    @Vera, good point. For them to scrap the whole season means they've weighed the PR this story will bring and decided they need to cut their losses and chose the right side now. Some networks would release a statement saying we need to fully investigate, the facts are not all in,......etc. They obviously got all the facts they needed to make a quick decision. More stuff wil come out and it won't be good.

    @Pink & Delete- my heart goes out to you both. Sending hugs and good thoughts!

  24. A registered sex offender cannot be around minors. If Idiot June is bringing the man anywhere near her children, they both will go to jail. I hope the authorities are keeping an eye out to make sure he stays far away.

    I think all these kids have different fathers. Maybe BooBoo's daddy doesn't know he has the right to take her away. She's the one I would most be concerned about. She's already a damaged child who craves attention. All this negative attention is not helping.

  25. @rosie not an option for people who think highly of themselves and their own self-importance. god forbid they do not fufill their important destiny of continuous repopulation with their superior genetic line.

    1. Sad existence- ive never understood this. My sweet nephew is every bit FAMILY as my genetic family. Ten shades darker and i have zero patience for this self important and grandiose behavior

    2. Nearly impossible in australia Rosie and Headrot. Seriously, google it. They basically tell people here not to bother. So many little children needing families and love. So many willing to give it, yet our legislation makes it impossible. Debra Furness campaigns a lot regarding this. We're down as foster carers, and having worked in the system, placements are mostly short term. Im envious and amazed by your US laws regarding adoption.

  26. Or be a foster parent. I was fixed but if I change my mind there are options for me that I personally find more noble that giving birth. Families are created in more ways than one.

  27. I know of case, a friend of a friend. She had one bio daughter, then fostered and afopted a girl and two boys. 5 yrs ago or so, husband arested for molesting adopted daughter. He admitted it. He is in jail. Guess who keeps in close contact with him, and plans on living with him when he gets out? The mother!! And the bio daughter. By the time he gets out, molested girl wl be 18, so he can live there even if she still lives there.He never bothered the boys, so they are ok. Once when she was missing jailed pedo husband, someone said, how can u miss him? Doesnt he disgust you? Oh i just miss him, sob sob, says she. There is chapter and verse in this sick syndrome.

  28. Gee, who'd have thought that Mama June was a piece of trash who would allow her children to be exploited as long as her own selfish needs were satisfied?

  29. What a horrible thing to say, headrot. How miserable you must be. Your therapy clearly isn't working.

  30. "Typical mother behaviour"?

    I'm sorry if your mother was horrible and allowed you to be abused, but this is not "typical mother behaviour" any more than pederasty is "typical father behaviour". This is atypical human behaviour and the outrage people express over it isn't people ignoring that it happens, it's people disgusted when it does.

  31. As usual, Bee H. is correct. There is nothing "typical" about this behavior. It DOES happen more than we like to think, but definitely not the norm.

    Hugs to those facing infertility and/or histories of abuse.

  32. Ugh, ugh, ugh, ICK NAST is about all my sleep deprived self can manage.

    Oh, and this: *throaty guttural sounds* hoarhnk hoarhnk hoarhnk. (The sound of my furry little precious' hoarhnking up hairballs. )

  33. The attraction of the show was the white trash aspect and then people are surprised when mamma june acts like white trash....
    Seriously, she's f..ed up, and will blow thru all her tv $$$ just like pretty much everyone who wins the lottery.

    @headrot: ease up on delete account, you have no idea what the pain of infertility or early menopause is like.

    1. ...but I do, and I can't afford adoption fees.. So that means I can bitch about delete's poor me whining yes?? Thanks!

    2. o_O im so sorry for your situation- are you in the US? If so, there is the option of foster adopt- ive seen it happen twice, i believe all expenses paid, and maybe even insurance til theyre 18? Anyway, Dont lose hope!

  34. Can I offer another view? Nobody does these horrible things on purpose. They are broken people that I refuse to believe are irreparable. That goes for Mama June, whoever the guy is (yes he deserves help to whether he knows at this time that he needs it or not), and all victims. People are not evil, they just need help. Not everyone can be helped but everyone deserves a chance.

  35. Somebody rescue Honey Boo Boo!!

  36. Why is anyone surprised? In 2012 when Honey Boo Boo appeared Mama June had a then 6 year old Alana dancing on a table at a bar for dollars. Mama June was right there encouraging her to dance for money.

    Honey Boo Boo: Dolla Make Me Holla

    Honey Boo Boo Child in Statesboro Bar

  37. So what does this mean in terms of Sugar Bear and Mama June breaking up some weeks or months back? For a while everyone was making it sound like Sugar Bear cheated on her, and I could swear there was one lone headline where he said he didn't cheat on her. I mean, did she break up with him instead to get back together with this molester?

    1. Perv got out of prison in March. That's probably why June wouldn't marry Sugar Bear & just did a commitment ceremony instead. She was waiting on her man to get out. Truth be told she sent him $ in prison as well.

      Sounds like June was the one doing the cheating if she's been seeing the perv since he got released. I think that is what Anna stated.

  38. Never was a fan of Mama June (or the show) and didn't buy all this "She is such a down-to-earth, loving mom" hype. She is rotten for getting back together with this creep. Poor Anna. She should distance herself from June for good.

  39. I dont watch the show but I did watch that funny gogo juice video on youtube when Honey BB was on Toddlers and Tiaras about 100 times. Anyways just wanting to share that I just discovered Anna announced she was no longer wanting to be on the show at the end of last March. The exact time Junes new man got out of prison. So this must have been going on for a while : (

  40. I am not totally surprised. What I noticed on the show is that June is not that interested in Anna, only in the grandchild. In the later episodes Anna moves out, and June only (ok, most of the time) cries about the granddaughter leaving.
    I also remember several of them saying that relationship between Anna and mom wasn't great to begin with; she never raised Anna, grandma did, and in the light of recent events I can also understand there is some resentment there.

  41. Hey Headrot, you have some nerve commenting about anyone whining. 99% of your posts are you whining about how you're a drug addict, abused and suicidal, and you have a problem with someone else discussing their problems! Why? Is it infuriating to hear about people's problems that aren't self-inflicted? In case the needle doesn't get you, remember that it's down the road, not across the street. Good riddance to junkie garbage.

    The other vile cunt that posts know who you are, you pedophile bitch. You're truly the saddest creature I've ever encountered online, but I guess a happy and fulfilling existence is serving innocent people diseased tuna crotch cucumber salad, right? I hope you reap what you've sown threefold, but you apparently already are. So enjoy!

    Delete Account, I doubt you want me to defend you, but I just could not ignore the hypocrisy from people that truly consider themselves caring and morally superior. Good luck with your issues, and maybe give acupuncture a try. It really can work miracles.

  42. I just want to point out that where I live, there is a high number of "rednecks" Some I consider friends. Choosing a molester over her children isn't redneck behaviour. The ones I know would invite dude on a hunting trip where there would likely be an "accident"

  43. You an Alberta girl too, CanadianMiss?

  44. I have to say very quickly---I disagree with Headrots opinon about that. As much as it a woman's choice to keep a baby it is also a womans choice to try and have one. Keep trying. and if it aint gonna happen---then you knoww the other options. I am shocked with the lack of sympathy Delete got. Shame on all of you so-called "feminists". and yup Astra we see eye to eye 70/30 of the time. Never move next door to Rosie da pig.

  45. Haven't read the comments but I read Enty's blurb and here's what I don't get. He says apparently there were other victims but their parents refused to cooperate.

    This guy went to prison for what, 10 years? For molesting Mama June's daughter Anna?

    So, if Anna was the only complaining child, who was her cooperating parent that got him locked up for 10 years? Mama June? Or Anna's father whoever that is?

    Because without the cooperation of one of Anna's parents, the guy wouldn't have been convicted.

    And yet...she hooks up with him the second he gets out of prison?

  46. OK, I read the thread, never mind.

    @delete - ignore the trolls. That one is famous for being vicious. Nobody can stand her except people who don't know how vile she is. They quickly learn.

  47. Wow, some people here have reached a new low!! Disgusting.

  48. I was referring to @headrot who I sincerely hoped had disappeared forever, but like a bad penny surfaced here because she thinks she owns everything concerned with sexual abuse. She can sniff out that topic like a truffle-hunting pig. And she certainly seems to be a pro at it - for a while she linked to her blog in which she whined about suffering from sexual abuse well into her 20's. Then of course when people got concerned about her and - scandalous! - clicked through to her blog - she attacked them for THAT.

    And she likes to pretend she's suicidal and then go silent for a few days. Woe be to anyone who takes the bait and sends words of encouragement - she saves her most vicious attacks for those sympathetic people.

    Unfortunately @rosie seems to have found a soulmate in @headrot.

    I have a policy of not responding to trolls but I make an exception in the case of @headrot because she's truly POISONOUS.

    So @delete, it's a badge of honor to be attacked by her. Just don't bother to respond - she doesn't deserve it.
