Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Amber Rose Caught Wiz In Bed With Twin Sisters

The straw that broke the divorce was when Amber Rose walked into a house she shared with Wiz Khalifa and found him in bed with twin sisters. Apparently she caught him with Jas and Ness Rose who not only share a fashion line but also shared Wiz. I'm not sure what they see in the guy and not sure why they would want to help destroy a marriage but that is what happened. A friend of Amber's says that she immediately freaked out and called the friend and told her what happened and the next day she filed for divorce. I guess it was one thing for Amber to think or know that Wiz was having sex with groupies while out on the road but the thought that he would also have sex with women in a bed they shared as husband and wife was too much. That and catching him in the act too probably. 


  1. Jas and Ness Rose? Her sisters and twins? idk anything and I probably dont want to either. :(

  2. This scandal needs more spice. Wiz talk about her female affairs.
    Make this scandal fun

  3. Wiz is honestly just living the Dream. He makes a shit ton of money for shitty raps, he's high all day and he fucks who he wants. Amber was naive to think marriage would change that.

    1. We all wish we could live like wiz don't lie

    2. +1 jack ducky. I just wonder how she could've been so naive. He's a bell end.

  4. I'm more grossed out that the sisters were in a threesome with each other. Ugh.

    1. Same here Pip. Who wants to see their sister screw? Shudder.

    2. Blech, too much. I'm all for "pretend" sister porn but biological sisters? I CAN'T. Blech. I'm going to vomit.

  5. I don't buy that she's completely shocked and outraged by his behavior.

    1. She dated kanye so I doubt anything surprises her anymore.

  6. Where was their kid? It's all kinds of skeevy. Time for Amber to move on and up. I still blame Kanye.

  7. I really don't know what she expected….

  8. Omg. This is so gross. Being a twin, i will NEVER see what in the real fk people see in this. Im going to fro up.

    1. I can't stop gagging since I read this. For real, LITERALLY gagging. And I don't even have a sibling. Blech.

    2. I saw a W4W mother/daughter Craigslist post a while back. Like, the mother/daughter were looking for a woman for a triple-They were serious too. I gagged for a good few minutes. Wtf?

    3. This must be another one of those things that men just can't explain to women.

    4. @Rosie...Cool! Are you guys identical or fraternal? And your comment is so true, I have always found the twin fetish thing vomit inducing as well. I have twin brothers, though, and I tend to think gross twin fantisies usually involve females rather than males.

    5. We're identical: ) its so much fun!.. But we cant even barely TALK about sex let alone THIS.. men do say this stuff, over the years we've heard it alot and every time just fall apart with shudders and gags. Its so gross. Haha

  9. They may have shared a womb but sharing a dong is just taking it to a whole other level.

  10. Ok, really? having a threesome with a sibling!! I know I am a prude but come on, that is just wrong!! More wrong than sleeping with Wiz in the first place.

  11. Those sisters have issues.

  12. What did she expect? She knew what she was in for when she married him and will now have 18 years of support for 1 year of marriage. I dont feel sorry for her. She is a pig.

  13. I think Enty is exaggerating some of the minor parts of the story. He implies that Wiz did this in the home where they lived together. According to other reports, this was not where he and Amber lived, but a 2nd home that Wiz owns. Still doesn't excuse what he did. Not a Wiz fan. Just showing that Enty will enhance a story.

  14. @All Lace- I read the same thing as well

  15. Wait are these girls related to Amber?

  16. No the twins are not related to Amber it is confusing, the writing and the one slut's name being Ness Rose.

    I'm with @Connie. HE's A PIG. (And fuuuuuuu glee!)

    1. Ah ok thank you! I was lost but now I'm found.

  17. They probably didn't mean to destroy their marriage. They probably figured she would just put up with it like all Hollywood wives seem to do.

  18. Dear LAWD that must have been some good weed.

  19. Ok...First off...gross. That's absolutely disgusting that 2 sisters would fool around with the same guy at the same time. To me, that's incestuous. It's disgusting,not hot. least Amber knows she was married to a straight guy.

  20. From my experience, prostitutes and gold diggers hate skanks because they are giving it away while the hookers and diggers are trying to get paid for offering the same thing.

  21. I would KILL my man if he cheated on me with Thing #1 AND Thing #2!!! I always wondered where they went after Flavor Flav!
    Also why are all of these broads named Rose? Any other name would stank as rank...

  22. Wow, Connie, SHE'S a pig?! She got cheated on and somehow she's at fault? Nice!!

    I don't really feel sorry for either party because people cheat on people all the time and just because they are high profile it's being talked about, but I also think it's rather unfair to say she got what she asked for for marrying a guy that sleeps around. People can reform, and if he made promises to her to stay faithful and she believed him, I don't see how it could even be remotely her fault if he broke those promises.

    As for 18 years of support for one year of marriage, would you prefer that he not be monetarily obligated to care for his child (assuming she ends up with custody..)? Or just because they weren't married that long, he should have no responsibility for caring for what he wrought? Sometimes I think spousal support goes too far, especially in Hollyweird, but she already got a mil straight up out of the prenup, so who's to say it won't be solely child support he ends up paying?

    And now I've officially spent way too much time talking about the breakup of two people I really don't care about, so I'm done, ha

  23. I saw this on Gawker this morning

    One of the commenters said that Wiz looks like he could slip underneath the crack of the door into your house - like a flat Stanley LOL

    TBH I'm not surprised

  24. So not only is George Clooney a married man, Amber Rose is actually garnering a smidge of sympathy for herself. Fucking crazy ass world we live in.

  25. The word on the Urban blogs is very different. It states that Wiz was living in a different home and they were physically separated. Amber Rose showed up at his house at 2am and found him in bed with two women. I feel very little sympathy for either one. Amber Rose was a former stripper and full time Gold Digger. She also gets a million cash and $5k per month alimony before child support even is counted. He got a child and she got her paycheck. People that look no further than the surface rarely get more than the surface.

  26. Yeah that would do it

  27. How do you call four crappy t-shirts on a crappy looking web site a fashion line?

  28. Yeah, there's no way that's not incest.

    I remember back in the day on Happy Days, Fonzie "went out" with twins once, all together, and even my 10 year old self thought that was disgusting. I realize that few of you will remember Happy Days 😛

  29. the k trash sisters, kimmode and kourtney used to have 3somes all the time when they were younger and hooking.. yes kourt hooked too..

  30. i think the kourt sex tape that she did when she was "underage" was a 3some w/ kim.. if anyone remembers that info,, do share..think that's true..

  31. @Sugar, it's late so not sure you'll see this, but if Kourt was underage, then Kim was too. I'm pretty sure Kourt is the oldest.

  32. yes but that's why the tape got confiscated from the fbi. kourt was a minor. and kris but kim on the pill at 14 so kourt was 17
