Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Amanda Bynes Was Kicked Out Of School - Parents Don't Seem To Care

I have already written this week that I didn't agree with the decision of Amanda Bynes' parents to end the conservatorship of their daughter. I'm sure they had their reasons, but from the brief statements they have given the media, it sounds like they not only ended their conservatorship but don't even talk to their daughter. How can you just let her move and then not even followup at all. Amanda's dad said he had not spoken to his daughter since she moved out. Really? Nothing? You didn't want to check up and see how she is doing? According to friends of Amanda at school and at the gym she would always come to class high and at the gym was wasted too and spent more time looking at herself in the mirror tha actually working out. At both places she was confrontational and more than once she fought with her dad in public. She was doing these things while she was living at home so it doesn't sound like her parents were doing all that much to control Amanda or her actions even when they had the power to do so and were probably counting down the days until they didn't have to be her guardian any longer. Her school also wanted no more to do with her and kicked her out after being a pain and being caught cheating on homework and exams. Amanda has been flying back and forth across the country again and it sounds like she is no better than she was previously. Someone needs to help her.


  1. Actually nobody needs to help her...she has to figure out how to help herself after she understands she is in very bad trouble and danger.

    1. Exactly Sandy.

    2. They seem to be more enablers than anything. And you're right Sandy. She is an adult, albeit a developmentally stunted one.

  2. Why don't u help her then? Gez

  3. Why don't u help her then? Gez

  4. she won't take her meds so she won't get better

    1. +1 Simon. She needs to be treated pharmacologically and psychologically. And the final decision about accepting Tx rests with her.

  5. She's a very sick girl who can probably pull it together to charm the owers that be. Or shes such a huge pain in the ass no one wants to bothered with her. Id go easy judging the parents tho; family members with mental issues can wear you out.

  6. S.O.S. Shout Out to Nick Cannon!!!-- you could seriously use some Positive P.R. & You DID say that she was like a lil'sista to you, so, Man Up & walk the walk from all your talk, & be that Big Bro that she never had but(as you said)desperately needed!! GO HELP like you said you would!!! just sayin'-I hate blowhards

  7. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Part of schizophrenia is not recognizing your own illness. Her parents are undoubtedly agonizing over the actions of their daughter, of which they have no control. Someone close to me has the illness, and the way they treat their parents is heartbreaking and so cruel. Legally they can only do so much for their adult daughter.

    1. Anandamide: it's sad. They get better with Tx and either din't like feeling nothing due to meds, or they believe they're fine & stop taking them.

  8. She is an adult, if she won't let her parents help, then they can't. They can't lock her in the house. They've gone above and beyond so far.

    This is such a shame to hear, I thought she was going to be a success story. :(

  9. I seem to recall her parents being in denial that she had done any drugs, then again that she had mental illness. There is also this - they allowed her to become a child star. I don't give them the pass that others are giving.

    1. Ms Cool - I agree. Sounds like shit parents to me. They made lots of bad decisions and now AB is paying the price. There will be many people harmed because of her parents decisions. Parents like this get no pass.

    2. Yeah they seem like idiots.

  10. Anonymous6:17 AM

    she can only help herself, she is not in prison and she is an adult. her parents probably did all they could with the crazy.

  11. Her parents messed up taking her out of the hospital, when she was getting the proper help she needed.
    I know it's hard to see your child in that state, but they did her no favors.

  12. For all this talk of parents and school, I imagined she must be 21. Apparently, she's 28.

    At this point, she's not her parents' problem.

  13. I don't buy the schitzo rumors. She wasn't acting crazy until she started using drugs.

  14. Cosign all the previous posters who said she has to help herself. You cannot make an addict do the right thing.

    Good luck Amanda, you're going to need it.

  15. I thought it was weird when she had a couple traffic incidents that the cops said she acted normal. Did we ever hear a definite diagnosis or was everything speculation?

    1. Is she an addict or mentally ill?

    2. They do look the same

    3. Kat and rosie-she has mental issues she trys to self medicate with drugs of her choosing. Many people with MI s do this. Bad combo

    4. Thanks auntie. I think addiction must be a mental illness or a symptom and she's more like a child who needs to be taken care of, age 28 or not. Everyone knows the mental health care in this country is dangerously inadequate so we will let her run lose bc she's 28, then when people get hurt wonder why wasn't she locked up and treated before?

  16. I'll take BOTH for $500 Kat

  17. My younger brother was diagnosed as schizophrenic years ago. Everyone in the family one at a time tried to help him. But, he would not help himself. I now believe he couldn't. He refused to take the doctor prescribed meds in favor of self medicating with drugs and alcohol until we each individually realized he was unhelp able. He has been homeless since he threatened our mother with death when she was the last to take him in. He now roams around Boston somewhere homeless because at 55 years old, that is what he wants to do. Unfortunately, Amanda is heading in this same direction -- once she is out of money and people willing to put up with her. Mental Health treatment in the US is deplorable.

    1. David, so sorry about your bro. Reminds me of girl i wentvto hs with. As i got to lnow her, turns out she had older brothet. When he was about 16 or 17, in high school, one day he just jumped out the window. It was onset of schizophrenia, and already he was homeless wanderer. And that was in 60's.

  18. That's so sad, David. I'm sorry your family and your brother have to deal with this. Mental illness sucks.

  19. Don't judge her parents until you've walked in their shoes. This has got to be heartbreaking for them.

    I know schizophrenia usually kicks in during the 20s, but does drug use induce the illness in someone with tendencies or is drug use common because they are trying to self medicate as symptoms come on? Does anyone know?

    1. All Lace there does seem to be a correlation between drug use & onaet of schizophrenia or schizoid illness. However, they could do a study to quantify a link between eating white carbs and the illness.
      It is in a lot if cases a form of self medicating. It does seem some people are more predisposed to the illness and perhaps the drugs can exacerbate the already existing illness.

  20. I disagree with Enty on this one. He seems to feel that Bynes' parents are somehow obligated to take care of her for the rest of her life. I don't. She's well over eighteen years old, and she has plenty of money for doctors, shrinks, meds, etc. if she has any interest in caring for herself. If she chooses not to, if she's back in her little fantasy world, that was her call and it's her fault. If she crashes and burns, possibly ends up in prison, that'll be on her, not them. Give them credit for at least not being parasites like Britney Spears' family.

    1. I just see it as birthing a retard. If you do that it's your job for life. You don't set that kid out as a victim for predators and get to walk away like you did a good job. They're dumping their problem on society and that's not right to the human they brought into the world. There will be collateral damage of innocents too. Have to agree with Enty this time.

    2. Good lord. Really? Whatever.

  21. It's up to her at this point.

  22. Gor all saying its up to her: if these are serious memtal issues, she cant make good rational decsions for herself. Thats part of the disease. And---, dont use word retard, its very insulting.

    1. Thanku! Its amazing what people on this site pick and choose what constitutes a "Piece of shit" (thats what im routinely called)
      really, some of the posters never fail to amaze me.

  23. Her parents let Dan Schneider do what ever he wanted with her as a child. Why is this a shock?

  24. I think this girl has some really really dark demons from her childhood. She is numbing the pain from this. She needs help and that's hard to do when you don't want to dig up those past incidents that are not fun to relive. I wish her love and strength on this journey. I also hope her parents don't give up on her.

  25. Lace in my situation my father had this illness and he was self medicating himself off and on. My mom tried to help him but when he started to become violent with me she decided that was it and packed us up and left. He passed 4 years later from a drug overdose. I was 15 ( I'm 48 now) and it still feels like it was yesterday.

    David I'm sorry for what you went through and I agree with you 100% Mental Healh Care in the US should be treated the same as treating any other serious illness.

  26. The court decided to end her conservatorship so according to them she is fit to take care of herself and like the rest of us is solely responsible for her current demise.

    By the way I remember Amanda giving her "opinion" back when Britney was having major issues. Amanda was on television stating that Britney needed to come and stay with her because Amanda's parents were so great and would take good care of her in the same way that they were taking care of Amanda.

  27. @Bee & Anjel, thanks for the feedback. @Anjel, sorry for what you went thru but thanks for sharing your personal story.

  28. Amanda is an adult. Whatever her situation is at present, it's NOT her parents fault. Actually, if you think these multiple long articles SPECULATING ON and sensationalizing bumps in the road to Amanda achieving stability are in any way helping her, you're everything you accuse her parents of and worse.

  29. I wonder if her parents were like mine, who didn't believe in psychology, or that they could possibly have given life to someone with a mental health disorder-- a Weak person.
    Let me tell you, I'm over 30, and have just started to get the treatment I need for the bipolar disorder I've shown symptoms of since my teens. I don't begrudge my parents' shortsightedness, but I wish they hadn't been in such denial. I've had to rebuild my world, and, once you're well, it is No Fun to confront all the damage you've done, I'll say that. And it's definitely hard to know who to trust.

    1. Best of luck to Amanda Bynes... I have no idea why I've always had a soft spot for her. She's cute!

  30. Dumb as a bag of rocks. Honestly don't care.

  31. Since her parents put her in the greasy clutches of Dan Schneider, how much could they REALLY care about her?

  32. I agree with those that said amandas parents have probably done all they can. They can't just take her freedom away or baker act her without reason.

    I've lived with a bipolar, although that may or may not be her issue. and its absolute hell. it can eventually be a decision to die or not to die or be sucked under physically mentally financially and emotionally and know they will just go on to the next one. I don't mean to sound rude or uncaring.

    I wish and/or hope that while her parents were conservators that they managed to put some/most of her money into a trust that she cannot get at so if she does go downhill again she won't be left destitute.

  33. Note- my bipolar was an exhusband who was self medicating with drugs & alcohol. On his off days he'd go thru a 12 pack of budweiser by noon. by 6pm he'd be thru a pint of vodka and starting on pot and he'd be rubber legged.

    best wishes to all those who have issues like this or family members. and bravo to the poster that is getting her /his life together- you have my best thoughts & prayers for recovery

  34. Seriously??? I don't blame her parents. My sister was so difficult growing up, that my parents were at their ropes end with her. I saw how difficult it was...and I bet a million, Amanda is a 100 times worse.

    She's also an adult. Her parents don't need to take care of her. She needs to get her own act together. Her parents tried, but what are they supposed to do? Spank her and send her to her room? They can't control her. Bashing their head into a wall would be easier.

  35. I think Amanda's parents have a major case of denial. I am sure that denial would include anything Dan Schneider related. They probably think he's a swell guy.

    That being said, watching Amanda circling the drain is giving me a major case of the sads. I'm afraid for her.

  36. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Mentally ill people do not win personality contests. I know parents of such people, and shaming them would not be helpful.

  37. For the love of god no one better sell her another living animal.

  38. That sounds like a whole lot of speculating, Enty. All I know is that Amanda may be an adult, but she is sure as shit unable to care for herself due to her conditions. She will be a ward of the state one day. Very sad.

  39. Being an addict is very different from being schizophrenic. Of the two you'd rather be an addict, you can recover from it. We are presuming she is schizophrenic because you don't go to a mental health facility that is not a rehab for several months for an addiction.

    Being an addict AND schizophrenic, that's a whole heap of trouble.

  40. In Ontario, and I may be wrong but I seem to recall there was a running controversy because they changed the laws so adult schizophrenics can't be forced into a mental hospital by their families except in very rare circumstances or they can't be blocked from discharging themselves or forced to take their meds because it "violates their rights" never mind schizophrenics are capable of killing people if not themselves. And the law only steps in when they do commit a violent crime which is too late for their victim.

  41. Enty is such a huge ass. It never touts personal responsibility. Nope. Everyone is always a victim. Moron.

    1. Victim or villan. No inbetweens.

  42. Didn't her parents announce, while she was still under conservatorship, that they stopped her meds, because they believed she didn't need them..? Maybe her parents need their own conservatorship....

  43. Last year Enty wrote he met Amanda's parents. There was no blaming them for her actions then. Now he's blaming them. Why? Sounds like Amanda was counting down to the minute when she could get out of their house. Not a whole lot her parents can do at this point. Knowing Amanda though, I'll bet she gets arrested sooner rather than later and when that happens, it's unlikely she'll be walking out.

  44. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Her parents apparently don't believe in mental illness in general or just with her. They don't think she is or had ever been mentally ill, which is why they screwed up her conservatorship and why they're not stepping in here. They think she's just being petulant & spoiled.

    Neither of which is associated with starting fires, or talking to yourself, public outbursts to strangers, barricading yourself into changing rooms.

    This pisses me off to know end. This is half the reason the country's mental health crisis exists. Idiots like the Bynes who don't take it seriously/stigmatize it is one, lack of resources for those who do is the other.

    Their daughter will be dead within the year from her problems if they don't step in. Since they're the only ones that really can with her an adult. Damn shame.

  45. She is severely mentally ill, and using street drugs instead of her schizo drugs, her parents are not prepared to deal with a mentally ill adult child with such a severe prognosis. Part of them wants her to just be better, as though she can control it. Most schizophrenics don't even believe they are sick. She's been ill since she was 15 and got little or no treatment due to the fact she was working, making money for everyone and being "handled" as an adult her parents seem to want to let her go to "figure it out" on her own. You wouldn't let an adult child with cancer do that and yet these people just want to pretend it's not happening - she's going to kill someone - and it could have been prevented. A real shame. Nobody seems to want to go back to court to help her. No one. Very sad.

  46. It's called tough love and I'm sure her parents have done the best they can.

  47. So should they drug her like everyone says Britney's parents do or let her run wild and do what she wants? You can't have it both ways. Look at Margot Kidder. She disappeared for years and was basically homeless by choice but then later in life made a come back. I don't know if she finally started taking meds or what. Not everyone has the stamina to control an out of control adult. Every situation is different. Our country could give a shit about the mentally ill. Amanda is lucky she has money of her own (for now anyway).

    1. Minpin- Mental illness=not able to make the right choice. Your mind is sick. Doesnt make, choose or opt for correct path. They are unable to discern correct path

  48. She probably needs to be put in a home and she refuses to do it. I don't believe her parents can do much unless she gets in trouble again.



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