Friday, October 31, 2014

Amanda Bynes Released From Hospital

The judge that ordered Amanda Bynes remain held against her will in a psychiatric hospital last week for an additional 30 days has reversed course and freed Amanda last night. Amanda celebrated by having a huge meal on Sunset Blvd while talking to herself and then wandered the street looking for a place to stay but was repeatedly turned down. This is my big question in all of this. is why Amanda was allowed to leave the hospital on her own. The hospital was notified that Amanda's mother had been given a conservatorship over Amanda which places her in charge of Amanda's life. Why didn't the hospital call her and tell her to come get Amanda? Instead they just let her walk out on her own. The doctors had argued she is still a danger to herself and others and very sick but they let her out on her own without calling anyone. That seems incredibly dangerous and foolish. 


  1. They probably were glad she was gone. She shouldn't be out on her own walking Hollywood Blvd. eating too much food and talking to herself.


  2. Hello to all you ghouls and goblins!

  3. Good morning Hlloween troll! HAPPY FRIDAY!

    1. Hear ye! Hear ye! We hath a winner for best costume.

  4. Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!

  5. Dan Schneider needs to rot in hell for eternity.

  6. Well, me and Sharon played a game in the back yard, and we had a picnic down by the river

  7. Q. What do goblins and ghosts drink when they're hot and thirsty on Halloween? A. Ghoul-aid!!!


    1. *taking notes* My five-year old might not get it, but one of the ten-year olds will spend the rest of the night telling it to everyone else.

  8. Hear ye! Hear ye! Happy Halloween!

  9. Happy Halloween sandy and all ( some new um, names)...

    Sandy you counting minutes to happy hour already lol??

    1. Hear ye! Hear ye! The Queen hath spoken.

  10. Less than 7 hours Tricia!

  11. Oh mom, you should have seen this man came along on this beautiful grey horse. Wasn't it pretty?

  12. Aamanda probably threatened to sue the doctors and because she has money they believed her.

    But ofcourse she threatens to sue everyone on twitter and every other person who bumps into her while walking down Broadway too...

  13. Howdy, ya'll!!! I was so scared to comment here the first time! Yaaaaay! Happy halloween!!! Poor Amanda, she's such a nice kid, bless her heart!

  14. Q. What is a Mummie's favorite type of music? A. Wrap!!!!!

    Get it, wRap? Ahahahahahahaha!!!

  15. Replies
    1. You seem like such a nice fella, but I so afraid to say your name and you end up killing me. Don't do it, please!!!

    2. Just don't say it thrice babe ;)

    3. Awwww, Beetlejuice!! ♡

  16. I don't see this ending well.

  17. This sucks, team Amanda! Hope she is getting help, it doesn't look like it.

  18. Q: Why do demons and ghouls hang out together?
    A: Because demons are a ghoul's best friend.

    Hey Everyone, let's all dance the Monster Mash.

    1. I'm too tired. But I'm there in spirit.

      (Ha ha, I made a funny. )

  19. Uh what's with all these random posts?
    Regarding Amanda, TBH, her Mother only has control over her finances correct? Not over her person. When Brit's dad had conservatorship it was over her $ and her person so unless I'm wrong, what can her mom do but stop her cash flow?

    1. Every now and then, the posts get hijacked haha Kind of funny really, and a nice distraction from the norm. But only every now and then. Otherwise its dumb.

  20. Wow, Enty. You really are a dick/bitch. That first sentence--"held against her will"--reveals all I need to know about you. She is MENTALLY ILL. You write this, and then talk about how dangerous she is. She was, in your words, "held against her will", BECAUSE SHE IS MENTALLY ILL. Your ignorance and lack of compassion is about par for your course. I hope no one in your family has mental issues, and if they do, they don't come to you for help.

  21. this seems completely asinine, inane and dangerous.

  22. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejui------

  23. Mentally ill people have legal rights. They can walk around and be crazy all they want as long as they don't break any laws or become a danger to themselves or others. You CANNOT keep someone in care just because, in your opinion, they'd be better off.

  24. Hello my dear child. Want to play a game?

  25. She probably left AMA (against medical advice). Signed a bunch of forms saying she won't sue the hospital if something happens to her after leaving earlier and against doctors orders. They can't force her to stay in the hospital beyond the initial 72 hours after being deemed a threat to herself or others. I'm not sure how that works with a conservator in place, you'd think they would have been required to be there. Can someone with a conservator sign documents without them present?

  26. Her Mom PETITIONED for conservatorship but that has not been granted yet.

  27. You haven't had much experience with our local mental health system, have you Enty? This is standard fare for them.


    1. @LadyH. I'm just surprised they didn't drive her to the next town over and dump her off at McDonalds.

    2. Exactly @Gayeld. The only was this could be more believable is if they dumped her on Skid Row with a full vial of klonopin and a ready made noose. Our mental health system is fuuuuuucked

  28. Bullshit. No way this is true. As f--ed up as our system is, hospitals are a pain in the ass to leave, even when you are 100% recovered. Money or not, they wouldnt release her by herself. Her parents can sue the hospital.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. She's out and has been tweeting up a storm this morning, all her crazy talk :(

  31. In the online People article it said that in California a court appointed guardian makes all financial and medical decisions but not mental health ones. After being ordered another 30 day stay a hearing had to be conducted within 4 days if she asked for it. Amanda did and petitioned for it to be overturned and it was. I have so many questions about this starting with where do health decisions end and mental health decisions begin? If her mother is her gaurdian and controls her finances where is she getting money? Did Brittany's case go through California courts? Is she making her own mental health decisions?

  32. She has called Sam Lufti ugly so he is definitely in her bad books.

  33. Again, no one has yet been granted a conservatorship. Her mother petitioned to do so but it has not had a hearing yet. There is no conservatorship at this time, that's why she is on her own.

  34. They don't care. I had two family members attempt suicide and end up in hospital. The damned hospital wouldn't even keep the one who failed (one succeeded) one damned day 'til we could get there. (We were out-of-state).

    Family member tried again once released, but thankfully failed.

    So fuck hospitals. Greedy money-grubbing soulless bastards.

  35. I stand corrected! Her mom got control of her finances only, not over her..see link

  36. She was denied a room at a few hotels. Where is she going to sleep? The bus station?

  37. Oh man, read her twitter. She seems to understand that her mother now controls her finances, and she is aware that she was tricked into going to the hospital, but she still firmly believes that her dad sexually/physically abused her. She also thinks (which who knows, may be true) that she's going to court today and explains the bandage under her eye saying she had "micro cysts" removed.

  38. her insurance ran out?

  39. Wonder who's going to get sued when she kills herself or someone else?

  40. Does anyone think Amanda is confusing her dad molesting her with Dan Schneider molesting her???
