Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Amanda Bynes' Parents Get Conservatorship But Her Doctors Are Still In Control

Yesterday, doctors treating Amanda Bynes convinced a judge to let them hold her against her will for an additional 30 days. At the end of those 30 days, that decision making will probably be left in the hands of her parents who obtained a conservatorship over their daughter for the second time. In their petition, the parents said Amanda is a danger to herself and others. I think Amanda getting the DUI and all of the attempted shoplifting would justify that. Apparently Amanda also was handing out gifts to random strangers that totaled about $100K which is about how much Amanda makes each year. Her parents didn't talk about her residual income and only said that Amanda makes about $12K a month from a property she owns and rents out. Not a bad rental income from one property and that her total net worth is close to $6M which is higher than when she was first placed in a conservatorship. This is the best thing for her and hopefully at some point in her life, there will be meds which will help her and maybe she can actually go to school or go back to acting or just live off that rental income forever.


  1. was researching this last night. sam lufti has disappeared from the conversation. the press surrounding this very private issue is probably not helping anyone. i hope she gets help and recovers.

  2. She seemed to be doing really well for a while, so I'm sure she was on meds that were helping her. The problem is when meds are working so well, sometimes people think they don't need them anymore. I'm guessing that's what happened here. Didn't her parents actually take her off the meds quite a few months back?

  3. Yeah it's so damaging for these facts to play out in the press, but it's also what got her help.

  4. Hear Hear T.E. Cruz !!!
    & Hopefully,Enty will heed your words.

  5. She needs to be under doctors supervision for a long time. Someday she will be on her own and needs to have a clear head to make her decisions then. until that time her parents aren't there anymore they have her best interests in their hearts.

  6. @Sarah,WOW! -that's actually a really good & important point.I never looked at it that way..

    1. I do wish the coverage would subside now that the point has been made, and help is being given, but I do believe things would have gotten much worse without intervention.

  7. I love Amanda Bynes, she had such a great vibe before, I hope she can get back to that.

  8. Get well soon Amanada.

  9. Her parents took her off her move...???? And they're in control...again..? Will they finally accept the fact that she's always going to need meds..? Or are they gonna play doctor again...and see an improvement...and take her off the meds....yep, smart pair. I'm sorry...but this could have been avoided if she hadn't been surrounded by idiots.

    1. @Harvest Moon, I totally agree!

    2. THIS.

      After getting her somewhat stable last time, her parents allowed her to go off her meds and claimed her problems were due to the pot usage. I'm not sure her parents are truly capable of making decisions for her since they seem to be in denial that she has long term mental health issues. It seems to me that a disinterested third party might actually be the best choice for long term conservatorship.

      Just my two cents. Back to lurking...

  10. Sounds like she and her parents may not have been happy with the meds and changed them to something that worked. And that they are getting her help. Glad she has enough to live on.

    This Sam Lufti guy is a parasite. Does he just look for rich unstable vulnerable women to prey on? Hasn't he been hanging around with Courtney lately?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Wait, I thought Sam Lutfi actually helped to get her back under care?? Not saying he's not a creep, he very well may be, but this one time, he did help...

  13. Her rental income is $120k, not just $12k

  14. Mental illness is really horrible and sad to watch. Maybe people will rethink all the smack they've talked about Britney's parents.

  15. The ONLY reason Sam Lutfi got her back to her parents was to try & get some kind of job re her conservatorship. Everyone was bitching about how old her parents are & how taxing this is on them. What better way than appoint Lutfi w/some responsibility.

    People forget. Sam Lutfi is the one who got Amanda back to LA the FIRST time her mom got the conservatorship.

    Lutfi has probably been shut down so naturally there's no more mention of him. So he's slithered back down the drain. Lutfi is no fucking hero! He's a leech!

    And yes, during the years that Sam Lutfi tried to sue (unsuccessfully, thank goodness) Britney Spears,, he attached himself to Courtney Love. I believe he still has some contact w/Courtney.

    I wish people would wake up & see the fucking sick pattern of behavior of Sam Lutfi! He preys on mentally ill people who he can possibly make a buck off of.

    Lutfi was the one who was drugging up Britney & isolating her from friends & family. Lutfi is responsible for Britney's sad MTV performance when she was clearly under the influence.

    Say what you will about Jamie Spears, but the man got a supportive crew together to get Britney the help she needed & will continue to need for the rest of her life.

    I only hope that Amanda's parents do the same. Eventually, go back to the Judge & get permission to hire the necessary people to help them. They don't have to do this by themselves.

    Goddamn it! I was never even a Britney fan, but I hate how her dad gets torn apart on this site when so much of Britney's breakdown came while she was UNDER THE CONTROL of SAM LUTFI! He is pure evil.

    Christ on a cracker. I broke my promise of not ranting anymore. Fuck me.

    I'm just gonna go put my head on my desk & take a nap.
