Thursday, October 09, 2014

Amanda Bynes Attempts Shoplifting Twice In One Day

Amanda Bynes skated out of two potential jail situations yesterday when she was caught attempting to shoplift not once, but twice. Pro tip. Don't wander around high end stores talking to yourself looking like you don't have the means to buy something or people and security cameras will follow you everywhere. The first thing Amanda was caught trying to shoplift was a shirt valued at $128. Amanda tried to skip out with the shirt under her arm, but an employee stopped her before she could get out the door so Amanda ended up paying for it. An hour later, Miss Sticky Fingers was at it again in Barney's. She was more subtle there. She saw a hat she liked and put it on her head and tried to walk out the door, but the security tag went off. Security escorted her to the back but never called the police. Instead she was let go after agreeing to never enter Barney's again and signing a no trespass agreement. If Amanda was caught twice, how many times was she not caught yesterday and will she do it again today? She is begging for help and neither her parents or her sister seem all that anxious to help her. 


  1. Mandy go see Lindsay she can teach you how to steal shit w/o getting caught. (altho this sounds a bit more like she was high and forgot what she was doing.)

  2. She should call wino 4 ever

    1. See barneys kicks out cracked out white girls too.

  3. This is giving me too many shades of Britney 2008....I feel bad for her....

  4. does anyone know if that "secret twitter" thing is legit?

    1. Cami the "fake" twitter account was definitely fake bc yesterday she started tweeting from the verified Amanda Bynes account. The same crazy stuffs ole she's going to sue US weekly for printing lies about her. I can't believe Enty didn't post her tweets.

  5. Refills glass of prosecco, grabs bowel of popcorn, pulls up chair, sits down and leans back.

  6. Sad. Not going to end well.

  7. At this point what can her parents and sister do other than tie her up and leave her in a locked room?

  8. Sounds like she's off her meds and trying to reclaim her 'control'.
    It is sad.
    I agree Becky Mae, she has shades of Britney. Mental health issues are hard to fathom from the outside.

  9. Don't blame her family. She's an adult - if she doesn't want help, there isn't much they can do. I've been there. Maybe they can't devote their lives to keeping a 24 hour watch on her to keep her clean.

  10. I thought she was schizophrenic

  11. "Begging for help?" I'd say those close to her have already given their best shot at helping her. She's a grown woman who's responsible for her own behavior and her own acts. When she gets busted (and she will), it'll probably be the best thing that could happen to her at this point.

  12. Maybe she thinks the actual bars will be more beneficial then the emotional bars that have been put around her. The old "If they're going to treat me like a criminal, I might as well Be one.." trope. It might help. Nothing like having choices taken away as a result of Own actions to make one appreciate choices.

  13. I feel bad for her parents. It must suck watching her self destruct.

  14. Enty is so fkd when he/she finally had kids. Or deep love of any sort. The way he/she writes is clearly someone who just doesnt have a grasp of shit. Things are always more complicated then they seem. Oh to be ignorant again!

  15. Right now it seems to me that her doing this is probably the safest way to get her arrested--which will lead to her being committed again, and that will make her take the meds again.
    I don't know what they can do with her long-term because it seems like she is not going to be reliable and I'm not sure her parents are going to be able to take over supervising long term like Britney's dad.
    She's sick, and needs to live in a more supervised situation, which it seems like she is resisting what would keep her on track.
    It's very sad to see her go backward so quickly but it seems like proof she is not ok.

  16. i had a relative who was mentally ill. He was o'k on meds but when he would go off (as they often do because of side effects) he would wander the streets at night and say crazy things just like she is doing. Very sad and if she won't take meds, it's going to continue on. Her type of illness very often doesn't show itself until they are in their 20s just like Amanda.

  17. Here's all her tweets from the past two days when she broke her silence...

    Don't believe anything the tabloids are saying about me. They dislike me for some odd reason & they continue to insult me everyday

    Treat others how you want to be treated. The truth will set you free.

    I'm transferring to NYU or Columbia from FIDM to study psychology, so you'll see me in New York if you live here but I HATE stalkers!

    Well I am suing In Touch for lying about me entirely

    I am not insane and they lied about me in every way

    They continue to write lies about me and it really hurts my feelings because they are calling me insane and I'm actually really smart.

    I finally hired the best lawyer in new york city to sue in Touch magazine because they are utterly insane and & lying to the public about me

    I'm also suing Star magazine for doing the exact same thing and the true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and

    Expecting different results

    So I'm laughing all the way to the bank because I will sue them all

    I will sue any one in the media who lies about me and says I ever gave them an interview when I never gave literally any magazine a quote

    I am getting married and my boyfriend and I are going to be on the cover People magazine .

    because although they have made up things about me before, they will omit any error they've made

  18. Don't judge her family, Enty-bot. Families I know who have a mentally ill member suffer enormously trying to help them, and often the mentally ill person just won't accept help.

  19. She's probably right that she is smart, but that doesn't mean she isn't mentally ill as well.

    It must be so frustrating and terrifying if you ARE smart and can SEE that your behavior and thoughts are abnormal, but can't control it. My heart breaks for everyone going through this.

    1. Ugh, it's like living in a different kind of prison.

  20. yet she gave paid interviews to intouch and star

  21. I don't think she was actively trying to shop lift, she's hallucinating and didn't realize what she was doing.

  22. If at first you don't succeed... at least she's focussed on her goals, and tenacious (please get help Mandy)

  23. Lost in the gun debate is a compassionate conversation about mental illness and involuntary commitment to compassionate care for those afflicted.

    I don't blame her family one bit. They are limited in what they can do.

    Frankly, near permanent conservatorship for Britney seems cruel. But at least it keeps her in a functioning zone. (It's the profit making I find loathsome. Pimp your daughter for dollars... man, that's Joe Jackson low.)

  24. @FearN, er...ummm...not so sure I'm up for a "BOWEL Of Popcorn" this early in the Morn,hon..mb later. LOL ;)

  25. btw,I DO think she was attempting to shoplift those nice items, & I DO believe in that Defiant Stage of Mental illness as well- the whole situation is very serious & I wish Media wouldn't photograph her(as I hypocritically comment which just feeds the media attn.)

  26. *she's in that... derp

  27. What is anyone supposed to do? They can't force her to get help, and it's got to be hard to watch a family member go through this and not be able to do anything about it. Or, maybe they want her to die so they can get what's left of her money. Who knows, I wouldn't put anything past Hollywood child star parents, especially ones that allowed their daughter to work with Dan Schneider.

  28. Enty, for a lawyer u aren't too sharp on the basics! I have a family member with bipolar/schizophrenia, and until they harm themselves or another, there is nothing her family can do! I'm sure they want to help, but there's literally no options, it's a shame :(

  29. her excuse for doing it was pretty funny "I forgot my wallet!"

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. The hat, I get...but did she even try on the shirt first to make sure it fit?

  32. The DM has pics of her in a car with two really busted looking guys

    I'm afraid people are going to take advantage of her - like that pap with Britney

  33. Her mother is trying to get to her through Twitter. Go to and look at Tweets & Replies.

  34. Amazing what being white and a celebrity can do for avoiding a prison sentence.

  35. If she is going to shoplift, I wish she would steal some new sun glasses that fit her face! The ones she wears are horrible.

  36. When I was younger I used to shoplift a lot. Not because I couldn't afford them but just because it was fun. I was just a kid, no more than 13, but then I realized how wrong it was. I went to the places I usually stole from and told the managers. I also told them that I was a kid and I had learned my lesson. All of them said pretty much the same thing, "We were all young and stupid at one time and we all learned that things we did weren't always right" and that all was forgiven.

    Basically, what I'm saying is we have these kids star on TV shows and movies and never give them a chance to do stupid things and learn life lessons. Amanda has been sheltered her entire life, it's time she learns her lessons. These stores needed to have her arrested. Spending some time in jail is the only way she's going to ever learn that she needs help. People need to quit thinking of that cute little girl from Nickelodeon and treat her like an adult that needs professional help, not just her parents being in control of her life.

  37. The sad part of this is her parents had the means to protect her and they chose to drop it! By dropping the guardianship that they had on her they essentially turned her loose to not having to see her doctors, not take any medications or anything. Of course they felt she didn't need medication as she was doing so well UH DUH idiots she was doing well because she was ON medication!!!!
    As a parent and guardian of a bipolar/schizophrenic I can tell you it is no freaking fun and not a walk in to park on any given day BUT you do it if you love them and want them protected and safe.
    I get so p*ssed at the BS thrown at the people who know nothing about what it takes to be a guardian and what you have to do and all the oversight you are under. The doctors, court appointed advocates, attorneys and the judge! Let my son say I am doing something and my ass is hauled in front of the judge to explain what is going on so fast it isn't even funny.
    If the police take Amanda Bynes in on a 5150 hold where if necessary they can get it extended and her parents can get the courts to again appoint them as her guardians.
    You think for one instant Britney Spears wanted to quit tomorrow all she would have to do is say it to a doctor, advocate or someone and they would be in court within a week and she would be saying it to the judge and would be retired so fast everyone's head would spin! She enjoys it and until she wants to stop it wont.

  38. If she was a woman of color the police would've been called both times.

  39. @aOF TRUE BUT I think that's the point she is trying to make unfortunately----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello MARIAH/WIONA 4 E va?
