Thursday, September 04, 2014

Your Turn

Have you ever had a near death or out of body experience?


  1. If that ever happens nobody better try to turn me around from the light.

  2. My mum 'died' and was brought back with those electric shock paddle things. She said there was nothing. I'm not sure how she knows there was nothing but that's another philosophical debate.

  3. Yes. I went into seizures when I was a teenager and almost died. I could literally see myself dying from above. I can still barely talk about it.

  4. No but the subject matter fascinates me\

    @Lady thank you for sharing your experience. Glad you made it :)

  5. Only if la petite mort counts.

  6. I had meningitis as a six month old. Apparently I died, or at least my heart stopped briefly. I don't remember white lights or anything.

  7. I did DMT once, which I think is maybe the closest you can get to a near death experience by choice and feel reasonably sure you'll come back. It was incredible.

  8. I wouldn't say I had a near-death experience, but I did have a dream once that seemed like one. My best friend in middle and high school died in high school due to complications with her leukemia, and I always felt guilty I didn't do enough/ wasn't there enough for her at the time, because she was living in a different city from me at the time and I also had a hard time dealing with death. Over the years I would think about her a lot. One night she appeared in my dream and told me that I shouldn't be afraid of dying, and she would show me. She took my hand and I had a feeling of panic as it felt like I was spiraling down in a whirlpool, until I hit the bottom and all I felt was floating in complete peace, detachment, and euphoria. Then I jerked awake with a deep breath. I think I must've stopped breathing while I was in the dream.

  9. I almost drowned when I was 8 and was nearly run off the road by a big rig a few months back

  10. My 2 year old daughter, when she was a baby, coded at least twice. It will be interesting to see if she will have any stories when she gets older.

  11. Eerily similar experience to Lady H, except I was on the operating table. I heard the doctors say I was coding (or choking) and could "see" myself on the table. I wasn't scared then, but I will never have surgery again.

  12. My mother died for a few minutes giving birth to me and said she watched everything happening from the top of the room..

  13. about once a week on my vespa

  14. When I was 16 my swim team went to a swim meet in a city about 150 miles away. It was winter and the roads were icy. On our way home that night I was in the front seat with several other kids in back and the mother of one of them driving. She sped up to pass a car, but just as we were passing it we hit an ice patch. The car slid right, bounced off the car we were passing, went down into the median, across, and up the other side into the path of an oncoming 18-wheeler.

    Somehow or other the lady driving managed to keep control of the car after all that and steered us back into the median where we came to rest. But believe me when I tell you, in situations like that time really does slow down and your life really does flash in front of your eyes.

  15. I was run over by a large delivery truck when I was a toddler. I somehow came out of it unscathed. I reportedly had tire tracks on my back, but the driver stopped just in the nick of time before I was crushed. I heard that he was so traumatized that he quit his job!

  16. Yes. Anaphylaxsis. I was out of my body. I saw and heard the doctor ask if he should "call it" the nurse brushed the hair off my face and said, "look at her, she so young. Let's try again". In the meantime I floated up out of the room into the atmosphere and started to slowly come away from my "self". My memories and personality were slipping away from me. I knew I was dying and I begged God "not like this not now!". I was 28, freshly married. Just like that, boom free fall and slammed back into my body. Woke up the next day on life support. It was not pleasant. I don't recommend dying.

  17. Not personally, but I once worked with 2 women who both flatlined during labor. One said she was focused on returning to life to be with her baby but the other woman had the opposite experience...she wanted to stay because it was so peaceful but was told she had to go back. I also knew a guy who OD'd on drugs. He claims he spoke to "beings of light" (his terminology). He told them he was so tired and wanted to stay; they told him he could rest for awhile but had to go back, which he did. This happened back in the 80s and he has been sober since then, but initially went to AA meetings every day for a really long time...

  18. I died. For me also it was not pleasant. Maybe because of the way I died. I was brought back after 10 minutes. Was fully cognizant the whole time in a place I always think of as 'the waiting room'.

  19. I would call it more astral projection than an OBE, but I "dreamed" that I left my body and flew around in spirit form to see my family all over the country. Mind you, I'm terrified of heights and flying, so this would never happen even in a dream. When I returned to my "napping" self, I could see everything going on in the house before I returned to my body. There are really no words to describe the experience. Maybe enlightening would be one.

  20. Once during an intense bout of food poisoning.

  21. Back in the late '70s I had a patient who arrested during his cardiac cath. Luckily we brought him back via defibrillation before we had to intubate. We stopped the procedure while the MDs reviewed the films and the charge RN arranged for a bed in CICU. I was talking to the patient - but didn't tell him what happened. He said "I must have fallen asleep - I had the strangest dream" I asked him what it was and he said "I was going through a tunnel and my mother was waiting at the end (he mentioned she died a few years before) and she looked so young, like she did when I was a kid. I ran up to hug her but she waved her hands at me saying "go back, go back" ". I didn't tell him that he had arrested (the MD did later). It just gave me chills - still does, even 40 year later.

    1. @ Susan - that gave me honest to goodness chills. Especially the part about his mom looking young. I'm looking forward to seeing my long lost loved ones like that someday!

  22. QUICKLY---

    about twice a year i experience the "trapped in your body" sensation. there is an official name to this and it deals with sleep issues. its when u are somewhere between sleep and being awake. you FEEL conscious like your brain is active but your eyes are closed and you cant move. i forget what it is called. it is really freaky and it certainly FEELS like death. its like a comatose state. drugs involved, btw.

    1. Joy- its called sleep paralysis, and i just had it ladt week! Sometimes unpleasant, but cant hurt you.

  23. Two years ago, my guts blew up and I was in septic shock. I remember joking with the EMTs on the way to the hospital and then essentially nothing until waking up in ICU, cold and wondering what the hell happened. It was three weeks later. I didn't know this until much later, but they lost me in the ambulance. No lights, no worried talks to God. And I thought it was only gas!

  24. @JoyStaley Sleep paralysis ugh I had that before.. scary shit! haven't had an episode in a while

    One time I was sleeping at night and suddenly I was kind of floating I couldn't see my body but I knew it was there on my bed. the light was on and the door semi-open exactly the way it was before I felt asleep it was too real

    I had sleep paralysis, my son had night terrors when he was 3 years old almost every night for about a year. I have dreams that always come true and I've seen many weird things

  25. Wow, these are all amazing stories. Thanks for sharing everyone. It truly is such a fascinating subject.

    @Joy, I think you are speaking about sleep paralysis. I too had this when I was young tike, and I thought for years that I was visited by some ghostly demon. Scared the crap out of me. Not until years later I read about Sleep Paralysis and am now convinced that was what happened. Or at least I want to believe that over some evil thing standing above me while I couldn't move.

  26. I had sleep paralysis for a while during puberty. This was also during the time I was obsessed with X-Files, so I was semi-convinced that aliens were coming for me. I would try and force myself to move my hand, because they couldn't get me if I was able to change sleeping positions. I had episodes a couple times a week for several weeks and I was a little terrified of going to sleep during that time.

  27. Once when my lids were young, i was napping on couch waiting for them to get dropped off from school. Suddenly i looked up, and there was my spirit, sitting, with hand under chin, watching me with amused look. She watched me for a while, then went in my room- i went with her- and brushed my/her hair. When i woke on couch, i went to dresser to see if brush moved. It was. It was great, esp since ahe went back where she belonged, lol.
    I too have had many dreams of me traveling thru time and space, communing with others in dreams-very interesting.

  28. Not me but my aunt had a NDE when she had malaria. She said she went to a place and met someone she didn't know who told her how to get "back."

    Btw, anyone who is interested in reading more about this subject, I highly recommend the book Psychic Connections by Lois Duncan which has a chapter on near death experiences. Really fascinating stuff.

  29. I have seen both heaven and hell. Jesus is real.

  30. I would recommend

    Just fascinating stories from all over the world with so many similarties. And people tend to see things according to their own religion/beliefs but still have so many similarities between them all. Its a real rabbit hole.

    My favorite was one from an Atheist who asked which religion was right and was told All Of Them and then showed a mountain with all the religions climbing towards the top. All trying to get to the same place, back to God, Creator.

    Just lovely life lessons in those stories.

  31. I was 5yo, I had had an asthma attack. I was in an emergency room hospital floating by the ceiling, I was laughing, I could see a male doctor pressing on my chest and nurses running in and out, my mom was crying. I told the cherub angel next to me that they were funny. I went to grab the outreached hand of the cherub angel when a voice said "no not yet". Next thing I was back on gurney.

  32. Yes, a few years ago got into an auto accident and just remember feeling like I was getting pulled somewhere and I decided to fight it. My life was not going to end at 21.

  33. I love the stories, thanks for sharing them. This stuff fascinates me. Kind of like the "Heaven is for Real" book.

  34. Such fantastic stories - thanks, everyone. I've know many people who have had NDE's, and one friend in particular who died during childbirth and was revived. She very vividly told me about floating above her body, watching.

    The closest I've come is being accidentially overdosed on nitrous at the dentist's office. I worked there, and the dentist thought he was doing me a solid, giving me loads of nitrous before he extracted my wisdom teeth. I stayed mentally alert and focused on regaining the ability to move my body. Don't know how long I was out, but my brain never stopped. Scary shit. I've never taken nitrous since!

  35. Frufra, my mother was accidentally overdosed by our dentist. She said she thought she had died, and was floating, and came back to him slapping her face gently and trying to wake her up. She says it was actually "lovely" and she wasn't afraid. He says she just overreacted, but had the nurse drive her to Emergency because he was so worried. My mother has never let him forget it.

  36. Yeah, and in it I was fucking Joan Rivers and her plastic face flew off leaving the bloody sinew underneath. Then I woke up and realized HOLY SHIT THE FUCKING BITCH IS DEAD and went along with my day.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I have almost died two times due to my really pain-in-the-ass nut allergy. I was Code Blue both times. The last time, when I was 22, I remember very vividly. I had eaten what I thought was a chocolate chip muffin, but it was really a PEANUT BUTTER chocolate chip muffin. (Learned the must-never-eat-food-without-a-label lesson the hard way. Even if the sales girl INSISTS the item has no nuts.) I ate and swallowed a bite that was I'm not kidding you the size of a Hershey kiss. Fortunately, my boss at the time called campus police. And fortunately, my campus was Carnegie Mellon University, which is five minutes from University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, where the doctors miraculously saved my anaphylactic dying ass. I remember praying to God with all of my might to let me live. Thank you Jesus for the police officer who helped me. I did not have an Epipen. I did not have my asthma meds.

    Ironically, what I remember most is what I was wearing (J. Crew cords, teal sweater, floral undies); I remember thinking 1. My parents are going to kill me; 2. Shit, I have a paper due. 3. I have an article due for the school newspaper. 4. Fuck. I better be let out of the hospital in time for my sorority formal. I was shaking so hard from all of the medicine and shock jammy jams they were doing on me I thought it would NEVER end.

    In addition, since U of P is a medical center where doctors are learning to be doctors, five SUPER HOT doctors got to see me in anaphylactic shock in my undies. It was not pretty. And, I made the police report at my college.

    It's amazing I didn't die from humiliation, actually.


    Anyway, food allergies - real honest-to-goodness food allergies, are no joke. Always read labels, always have your meds. Never eat food if the person making the food can not tell you every single god damn thing that is in the food. And I say this as a foodie who loves food. I know a lot of people with food allergies fear food. But that's no way to live.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Proof of Heaven is a great book on the subject, by Eban Gregory. Great stories everyone.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Yes it is. I highly recommend it. There is another one called Life After Life by Raymond Moody (I believe).

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Yes it is. I highly recommend it. There is another one called Life After Life by Raymond Moody (I believe).

  41. Eben Alexander:

    I have been absolutely fascinated by this subject ever since I read the books about George Anderson in 1994 (and my family received an incredibly accurate and impossible message via him - I'll share some other time if anyone is interested.

    Anywho, I've read every book I can get my hands on about near-death experiences. Eben Alexander's book is great and I highly recommend any books by PH Atwater and Raymond Moody.

  42. Oh. I forgot to add since my post wasn't long enough: I remember holding my head in my hands in the back of the cop car on the way to the hospital and feeling so fuzzy and hot. My eyes were tearing so bad. My face was insanely swollen. That is where I thought I was going to die. And I also remember in the ER when it kind of settled down, the doctors made me call my Dad, who straight up yelled at me (with love) and said, "Susan. Listen to your father. Do not eat any thing that's baked. Ever again."

    OK. I'm off to watch some Joan Rivers tributes. I am so stressed and I'm single momming it this week. The hubs is away for work. Eek.

  43. Yup.
    Still an atheist.
    Organ donor.

  44. My daughter had surgery a couple of years ago, she was 13. Later she talked about the mural in the courtyard of the hospital. But she was never anywhere she would have seen it. She was able to describe it in great detail, and where I was sitting while she was in surgery. The courtyard was only accessible from a floor she was never on, and the OR and post- op rooms had no windows. She described it from above, as if she were floating.

  45. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I love these stories - thank you everyone.

    I have not had an NDE but I do have a very vivid " memory " of dying. It sounds so strange, but one time a friend was playing around with my when we were wrestling ( for fun ) and she put her arm around my throat. I had a very vivid image of myself, possibly in a different body , fighting to breathe and realizing it was the end and feeling very sorrowful about that. I'm still on the fence about life beyond death, but it felt like a past life memory .. If that makes sense ...

  46. I died briefly after a severe asthma attack. There was nothing. My father said the same thing after a serious heart attack.

  47. I'd been taking penicillin for a few days and laid down to take a nap.

    All the dreams I had were about dying, like my deceased-IRL aunt wanted to show me some photos upstairs, and we kept walking up, up, up the stairs which never ended.

    After about the third dream like this, I woke up and realized I wasn't breathing.

    It's my opinion now that when we start fading, our brains go into OHSHIT!!! mode, and do what they can to jolt us back into life.
