Thursday, September 18, 2014

Your Turn

What makes you feel old?


  1. My cousins who's diaper I use to change will be 13 in a week. That makes me feel soooo old.

  2. The "you must have been born in 1996 to buy tobacco products" signage at the supermarket!!!!

  3. Folks younger than me becoming adults with their own opinions, ones that I can no longer sway or manipulate.

  4. I am forever young, baby!!!

  5. Not my age, but when I think about how many years since some things happened, I go crazy.

    HOW can I be out of college 24 years?
    How can Nirvana be played on the "Oldies" station?


    1. Oh God, I felt that way the first time I heard "My Sharona" on the oldies station. My best friend's favorite song in 8th grade.

    Where they post things that happened in 2002 because it's undiscovered history.
    It's completely demoralizing.
    "TIL: Some old people have found the internet!"

  7. When I realize I watched the original Scooby Doo and Transformers as a kid and I know of a time with no internet and no cable television. Cartoons were just for Saturday morning.

  8. When I had to explain the origin of the phrase "jump the shark."

  9. The guys that check me out these days are considerably older than I'd like : (

  10. @jackducky, just wait until they graduate. Watching someone walk across a stage to get a diploma 18 years after you watched them being wheeled into the viewing room at the hospital makes you feel old.

  11. Sending a kid off to college at the same joint I attended. It was like, "Wait, didn't I just graduate?"

  12. I have two grown children ages 26&27 that I adore and I'll be 50 in November. Enough said.

  13. The signs that state the year one has to be born to buy tobacco/alcohol.

    Not knowing who the newest pop sensation is. I have never heard a thing from Rita Ora, have only heard one song from Iggy Azalea, no idea who these new boy bands are, and the last popular song Ilistened to from Rhianna was Umbrella. Ella Ella. Aye, Aye, Aye.

  14. @Anjelicka I love you!!

    I am a few years behind you, and I wanna adore 50 too!

    But for now, I am like @paris..

  15. Calling a couple of kids "degenerates" after they pissed me off. Yeah, that made me feel old.

  16. Depeche Mode albums turning 25 or more years old............

  17. My turkey neck, the rest of the face is great, but the neck -- someone needs to invent something not surgical, they'd make a fortune.

  18. My 20 yr old assistant not knowing how to mail a letter. She had no idea where to put the return/to address or even the stamp.

    Overhearing another adult explain to a teenager what a VHS tape is...

  19. Having my daughter getting ready to turn 18 next month.

  20. Any 90's movie that gets remade. Cant believe I know what you did last summer is getting a remake

  21. The fact that my husband is six years younger than me. This past week, I had to tell him what a K-Tel album was.

  22. The cute little boy I nannied for when I was in high school is in the Marine Corp, married, and expecting a child!

  23. Every now and then, I will catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and see my G'ma S staring back at me and it freaks me out! But, so damn grateful it's not G'ma M I see.

  24. Mirrors make me feel old too. And forget the guys checking you out being older than you like. After the age of 50 you become INVISIBLE!!

    2+ weeks to 54 and every morning when I drag my ass outta bed I feel old.

    1. Too true, but I figure I had a good run. Let the stares, whistles, and lewd noises go to a younger woman who can appreciate it.

    2. "After the age of 50 you become INVISIBLE!!"


      Hurray for hwood that keep sending out the messaging - 20'something strippers are the bomb! And, if you're over 40 - and a woman - pack it in because you're expired goods.

      Would like to see those same assholes say that to their mother, grandma, sisters --- and oh yeah those bimbos once they reach 40+

  25. My 20 year reunion, that I didn't go to.

  26. None of the "kids" at work get my Seinfeld jokes, interns born on the 90s, not being able to understand my son's slang since he started riding the bus, not being carded anymore

  27. Kurt Cobain has been dead for 20 years. Think of that.

  28. There are too many, but the one I hate the most is if I do something physical that's out of the ordinary, I'm dying the next day.

    I'd hate to see what would happen if I ever had sex again. :)

    1. @Califblondy, you crack me up!! :)

  29. The little cousin I used to babysit is now the PRINCIPAL of her school and has two children of her own...granted, I am only 8 years older than her, but still..she was my first babysitting job. I second the Saturday morning cartoons only and the "before" cable life. Explaining that to my 13 year old makes me seriously want a nap.

  30. The little cousin I used to babysit is now the PRINCIPAL of her school and has two children of her own...granted, I am only 8 years older than her, but still..she was my first babysitting job. I second the Saturday morning cartoons only and the "before" cable life. Explaining that to my 13 year old makes me seriously want a nap.

  31. Preferring to stay in and drink over going out.

    Heck, preferring to just stay home or go for a wak rather than go out to a nice place.

  32. my birth certificate

  33. My daughter starting to apply to college.

    Seeing the year of birth required to buy alcohol and realizing they were born AFTER I graduated college.

    1. Not getting carded when you buy alcohol.

  34. And right now I'm at the River (Colorado - to is its "the" river) and I'm sitting inside with A/C rather than out enjoying PWC on the water. I'm still having my coffee. (Then again, so is my nephew sitting beside me). STILL!!

    PLUS, the thought of bathing suits aren't as fun as before.

  35. My student workers didn't know who Frank Zappa was the other day. They weren't aware of the existence of Moon or Dweezil, either, and forget Ahmet or Diva.

  36. My last doctor was younger than me.

  37. All things i can no longer do.

  38. Today's "pop culture"

    Today's totally unrealistic and absolutely delusional definitions of "beautiful" "young" "viable" "worth it"

    Thank God -- I've realized I'm here on this planet in this life -- for NO one else - but me and my storybook.

    So with that - nothing makes me feel old. I am eternally young. And those who judge by wrinkles, laugh lines, a number - can go "f" themselves.

  39. that Hutchence has been dead almost 20 years ~sniff~

    1. Met Michael Hutchence and his then gf Helena Christensen - Australia Day - Jan 26/92- taking a ferry from Sydney to Manly Island.

  40. Pulp Fiction is now 20 years old too.

  41. Having to explain to a coworker who Depeche Mode are.
    (I'm going to see Erasure tomorrow night. Probably over 20 years since I last saw them live.)
    Listening to a coworker ask who "this band" was that was "covering Lenny Kravitz's version of 'American Woman'".
    Being referred to as ma'am for the first time stung a little bit as well.

  42. I got carded well into my late 40's. Thanks to growing up in the eternal twilight of the Northwest, I have almost no wrinkles.

    And from the ogling side of things, checking out cute women and then noticing they have kids as tall as them makes me feel old.

  43. About half of the celebs that come out of these blinds...

  44. Having to explain to my 9yo who Michael Jackson was when his school included MJ in their "Black History" month

  45. When I am filling something out online and I have to scroll and scroll and scroll to get to my birth year.

  46. My friend's son hand-wrote a letter from camp this summer using the text sideways symbol for a smiley face :) instead of an actual smiley face. It makes me wonder how many other symbols now are seen by young people in the same ways the letters of the alphabet have evolved where they know the general gist of the meaning to the symbol, but the symbol itself is now its own totally thing disconnected from how they originated.

  47. Facebook. Worst thing in the world after you've reached forty. :-(
    I seldom go there any more, and when I do, and it's only when I have to, I see on my feed more of my friends I went to school with becoming grandparents. GRANDPARENTS. :-(. (Shudder.)
    That's why I prefer Twitter--for some one reason Twitter makes me feel a lot younger.

  48. When 80% of the bands I've seen in the last year had their first hit in the 70's, 80's or 90's.....oh and when I don't know the name of the band up in lights at the local theatre...that's depressing...

  49. They do have this non surgical thing for the turkey neck. It's called Accent Ultra and it seems to work. Mirrors. The sign to buy alcohol....that has a year born near the time I was first allowed to drink. knees every Damn son now 15! My friends showing their grandchildren on Facebook....ok...sorry folks..49th birthday coming up..

  50. The fact that I only know about half the people pictured in your Random Photos !

  51. Store clerks calling me "Ma'am."

  52. I first felt old at age 36, when I realized that all the kids born when I graduated from high school were graduating high school. It gets worse after that. LOL

  53. If I turn on a radio station, especially a top-40 one, I hate every piece of shit song I hear. I hated that shit when I was in my teens and twenties, but if I'm honest and I look back now, some of those songs were at least music. The garbage that passes for pop now makes my ears bleed. That's how I know I'm an old bastard.


  54. How long it takes to get over a big night out. How did I once drink midweek and turn up to uni/work? Hangovers linger much longer.

  55. @Patty SHOUT! Factory sells the complete series of original Transformers and they also have the three series that followed it that was only in Japan (Headmasters, Super God Masterforce and Victory). Yeah, I have them all, sue me lol

    What made me really feel old was back in June when all those sites were running stories about the 25th anniversary of the Keaton/Nicholson Batman movie (My favorite movie of all time with my favorite actor of all time, Michael Keaton.) I can still see every minute of the day it came out from waking up, parents leaving me money and going to work, my grandma picking me and my friend up, buying tickets for every showing to sitting in the theater from 11:30 am until a little after midnight.

    I also felt old when I realized a year ago I am now more than twice the age as when I graduated high school. I thought school would never end and then when it did, the years flew by and all of a sudden 19 years had passed since I walked to get my diploma.

  56. Realizing that my 20s were actually 20 years ago and people who were born the year I graduated from college (1993) can now legally drink also makes feel old.

  57. My daughter (age 12) and I were watching King of Queens, and Carrie kept saying she needed to get film for her camera. After the show my daughter asked me, what does "film for my camera" mean? I was floored and explained it to her.

  58. I HATE Ma'am!! I just started getting called that (at 28). I feel as tho no one, even elderly ladies, should be called ma'am. I'd rather be called a broad.

  59. Teaching the children of parents who were once my students. I'm quitting once I start getting their grandchildren!
