Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What Does Britney Spears Not Want You To Know?

Sometimes a strong offense is really good and sometimes, like in the case of Jada Pinkett Smith or Kim Kardashian always talking about the great sex life they have with their partner, the whole talking too much means something is probably rotten in the state of Denmark. Yep. I managed to get some Hamlet in a post that includes a Kardashian and Britney Spears. Britney is in this post because her dad had his lawyers send a letter to the porn star Cali Lee (above) who was hooking up with Britney's now ex. According to TMZ, who saw a copy of the letter, the porn star was warned that David Lucado signed a confidentiality agreement that he wouldn't reveal anything about his relationship with Britney. That is normal. The fact they are worried enough though to send a letter to someone they can't control makes me think that there are some big secrets to learn and they are scared that David told the porn star.

Perhaps he told her what kind of relationship he was having with Britney or knows things that her dad would rather not be made public about her condition or health. When you play this aggressive, you are really hoping to stop something. It is possible that David didn't tell her anything. It is also possible he did, but they would only be able to go after him and how much money does the guy have? He might have a little bit if he and the porn star split the tabloid loot. 


  1. I think David knows BritBrit is MV

  2. Aye aye aye

    I saw Britt on ET last night promoting her new lingerie line (I kid you not) and her and Zoe Saldana are good friends apparently---strange...

    1. @derek-They were in the masterpiece Crossroads together.

  3. That dog's like "FML"

  4. I think they are just trying to prevent an inevitable "tell all" to a trashy magazine.

  5. I saw that too Derek I wonder if she even knows it's her line

  6. It's nice to know that lawyers, doctors and therapists respect confidentiality with their clients/patients. I know in most cases it's not them leaking info, but someone on staff, but is nothing sacred?

  7. I'm guessing this is feeding into the Brit is HIV+ rumour. Old E loved Brit, new E, not so much.

    I feel bad for that little doggy. He does not look happy.

  8. @Lotta

    Exactly. Would you trust a porn star with possibly having info on you? Pay her off, threaten her, or have her killed(j/k).

  9. She was on Falcon last nite. Skinny, looked about 40.

  10. @Etherone---lol---and trailer park Taryn!

    If you are sick like Brit is rumored to be and you have a dog and the dog bites you or something then would you pass the disease to the dog?

  11. Leave Brit alone! Doesnt she have enough with MI?

  12. Juicy info, enty. God only knows all the secrets britney's crew is hiding.

  13. When your ex-boyfriend's next bim is a porn star/pro, you should take that as a high complement Brit-Brit. Amateurs/civilians no longer get it done for him. How soon will he put on the K-Fed 50(LBS)?

    1. Umm important to note.. He didn't get k fed money to eat out on...

  14. Zoe was in "Crossroads" when they were trying to make Brit an "actress". I think they are still friendly, friends may be a bit of a stretch.

    Everyone already knows Brit is on meds for mental health, long been rumored that she is HIV+ also.

    They should just let Brit retire & be mom to the kids away from HW.

  15. Just what the world needs... Another 15 minute pig. Her parents must be proud.

  16. there is no info here at all. no story, just click bait for wild speculation about poor troubled Brit Brit (our lady of Cheetos)

  17. You keep using that word, "star". I do not think it means what you think it means.

    1. +1000 for Princess bride reference.
      I think her dad is just trying to capitalize on her endorsement now before he sends her off to the glue factory. .

  18. If the truth is indeed stranger than fiction, I can only begin to imagine the house of cards that is her life.

  19. Whatever it is, it's her secret to keep and she shouldn't have to worry about her personal life being sold. Leave Brit alone!!

  20. What does Britney Spears not want you to know?
    Her private personal and medical business.
    She didn't disclose anything to this porn 'star' so she has every right to protect herself.

  21. No - if they were really worried about her spilling they wouldn't have sent her a threatening letter, they would have sent her an offer$$ to sign her own confidentiality letter.

    1. That's next.. they're fishing to see what she knows. .

  22. I bet TMZ is working on this girl real hard right now to spill....

    1. I bet she's well used to getting worked real hard to make her spill....

    2. Its just U- you mean to make him spill...

    3. If it's done right she spills too.

  23. They can't stop her from saying anything. If dude broke the confidentiality agreement, that is on him. This chick is a whore, you think she's going to be worried what happens to a trick when she is fielding offers in the $20-50k range?

    1. agree Count- if they are worried about it they would just drop $100k on her to shut her up- a drop in the bucket.

  24. He always looked like "that" kind of guy to me. So not at all surprised. Poor Brit.

  25. @Kno Won U - high five for the Princess Bride reference!!

  26. Somewhere else they're reporting that Daddy isn't allowed to pick her men anymore but she doesn't have a good track record either.

    If the last one blabbed to the porn star they will need to pay her off. She didn't have an agreement.

  27. I don't think Brit Brit is MV at all. She's all electronics, and everyone knows she can't sing. The real MV can't ever put out a new album ever again, because the real singer died. MV only put out 5 albums total, if I'm recalling correctly.

    Still think it's Shania Twain.

    1. What does MV mean? What's the story?

    2. I thought MV was Jennifer Lopez?

    3. Hadapurpura - MV is code for an a series of blinds by the original enty. Here is a link to where the MV clues are on enties site. MV link Basically MV is a huge recording star that really used another singers voice- ( mv is for mill ivannilli) Enty has a running list of clues about identity of MV, she is a huge bitch. I don't know who it is but VIP has guessed Jennifer Lopez.

  28. @sherry: oh my gawd. I read an article where Burtburt was going all "The Other Sister" and being like "But daddddddy!!! I wanna pick out my OWN boyfriend!" *stomps foots aggressively*

    In Brit's defense, Daddy set her up with Jason T who cheated on her, and now this David Lucado is a walking dingleberry who blabs to porn stars. How hard is it to find someone better than KFed and Adnan FFS?!

  29. It's not a man she needs. It's one good, true, honest friend.

  30. KFed's looking pretty good compared to her other exes. At least he didn't cheat (that we know of) and he keeps his mouth shut.

  31. @crila16-yeah, I don't understand why people think Brit is MV. Everyone knows Britney can't sing for shit. That's no secret. Shania Twain is a good guess for MV. She had huge albums, and then just stopped making music for no reason.

    As for this girl, Brit's people have nothing on her. They can threaten all they want-they are obviously hoping she'll be intimidated enough to keep her trap shut-but legally they don't have a leg to stand on since she never signed a thing.

    1. It wasn't for no reason. . Her husband mutt lange wrote and produced her entirely. She was his product.. When he cheated and they had a nasty divorce he stopped working with her..He slept with her best friend, her assistant for years and Shania refuses to let their son around her anymore. . Oh and Shania ended up marrying the best friends ex husband that got cheated on..Wife swapping sort of. She can sing but she can't write and doesn't want to put out anything less than what she accomplished with mutt. She's not broke so she just does her Vegas shows. Why put yourself through putting out shit music when you have a huge catalog already to feed from. .If you listen to her first 3 music videos on YouTube before mutt she can sing very well..
      Ot gossip. . Sean Penn directed her What Made You Say That video back in the day and they had quite the affair which is why Madonna hates Shania so much. . I remember one awards show where M was refusing to pose for photos w S because of Sean penis.

  32. I forget who she was talking about last season but Wendy Williams said this is how secrets get spilled and tell all books written. The person signed a non disclosure agreement but then slips the info to a friend who agrees to split the profits when they spill the goods.

  33. Fuck this guy

    Britney deserves someone who will really love her

  34. @Hothotheat - Didn't KFED have his first baby momma pregnant while either engaged to Britney and/or knocking her up too? To be considered slighty higher than turd status ain't the highest complement. But background dancers and DJs can't be denied. Can't anyone play a fucking instrument anymore?

  35. That's the really sad thing, Britney's never gonna have a real boyfriend. They may find someone who is one of her biggest fans that will treat her well (and that in itself would be good) but she's been out of touch with "real" folks for too long. How are you gonna have a functional relationship with someone when you haven't been functional in years? I agree with Its just U. Britney would be better off with a real TRUE friend.

  36. First-time poster here, longtime lurker...I don't think it's Shania Twain. Before her nose job she gigged quite a bit in southern Ontario - wasn't as cute but could sing.

    Hey, did you know that "Shania" is Ojibway for "not an Ojibway"?

    1. Agree SueGW- no way it is Shania.

  37. @Sue Grasby Walters

  38. I think the secret is that Britney is a Stepford Wives robot. The real Britney has been hiding in Louisianna for years with her sister

  39. Greetings Sue Grasby Walters!!
    yeah, I don't think its Shania either but whaddoo I know.
    What is "ojibway" ??

  40. Hello and a huge welcome @Sue!! You know I'm a huge fan of anything with the word "Walter" in it ;)

  41. MV isn't foreign, which, considering Enty is supposed to be a lawyer in LA that would exclude anyone British, Irish, French, and Canadian. Top contenders are Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez. I don't think either of them would shock the masses if it was discovered that they couldn't sing and in fact didn't sing on their albums.

    1. He revealed he did work for Sean Connery. His clients don't have to be American.

  42. Anonymous9:22 PM

    MV's name comprises 13 letters ... the only possible people who can fit (considering all the clues) are Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez.

    JLo has been on a massive crusade of late to get some 'street cred' ... she's got Iggy singing with her on an upcoming release and is working with French Montana and someone else ... Fat Joe, I think? ... despite all the rumours about her lip synching, she has also been churning out a few songs over the past years - certainly since the person behind MV's success was rumoured to have passed away. I think she may have sung one or two things live, too.

    Britney, on the other hand ... is any of her new stuff new, or just regurgigated words ... such as when she had that 'hit' with Will.I.Am, and basically 'sang' "Britney Bitch" over and over? I suspect it's a case of the latter ... she's always lip synching; and they could easily "record new tracks" using vocals from her old songs and mash them all up together to make it sound fresh and new.

    Poor Britney is just a mind controlled puppet nowadays - the dead eyes are a giveway - it's obvious that even her Twitter account is being 'handled' by someone other than her.

  43. Watch "20 Feet from Stardom" Darlene Love sang lead on a number of Phil Spector hits but she was basically the voice of another singer. As for Shania Twain - no it's not her, and in Ojibway it basically translates into "on my way" What is Ojibway? I am our language, I am Anishinnabe - but it's okay you folks refer to me as Ojibway it's better then wearing a headdress and thinking your honoring my heritage. Shania was adopted by her dad who was one of us (Ojibway) and her mother and siblings born prior to the marriage basically became Ojibway - both traditionally and legally. The Canadian Government devised The Indian Act - prior to 1985 if a Indian man married a non-Indian women she would have all the benefits under the Act but if a woman married out she would lose her status and be referred to as non-Indian. I don't refer to myself as "Indian" - it was and still remains in some areas as the acceptable term. my name redronnie does not refer to my race but my political leanings and no I am not a Communist.

  44. @redronnie I was making a bad joke and am mortified - apologies, I didn't think it through. That joke made the rounds at the height of her fame.

  45. I thought MV stood for midget vagina. I dated a woman with this condition one time and it made me feel like a stud until I figured out that anal was off the menu as well as traditional and that only left oral. Maybe I should give Leo her number.
