Thursday, September 11, 2014

Was The Apollo Nida Blowup Staged For The Cameras?

Yesterday, Apollo Nida was supposed to report to prison to begin serving his eight year jail sentence. Instead of arriving when he was supposed to, he waited until the Bravo cameras were in place recording Phaedra Parks at their home. Then he forced his way inside the house and while cameras were rolling yelled and screamed at Phaedra and got mad at her for not putting money in his prison account and for telling him she won't bring their kids to visit him in jail. He then grabbed a bag and stuffed some things inside and left. This all seems so contrived and set up. The guy has been doing public appearances for the past month and probably has plenty of cash to fund his prison account. It sounds like the first three episodes of OITNB and it is interesting that he waited until all the cameras were set up before he decided to make his appearance. Now, you could argue that an arrest warrant was issued because he didn't show up on time and he would risk having his sentence extended, but chances of his sentence running longer are slim. Plus, Bravo now has something to promote for next season to spice things up.


  1. I find it hard to believe that anything on a "reality" show would be nothing but totally 100% for realz.

  2. Is "going to prison" the new "going to an ashram?"

  3. Phaedra looks different, in a good way but different.((confused))

    1. Fancy, it's the angle. I thought the same thing.

  4. If he had been acting instead of swindling people he wouldn't be going to jail. And if they would go ahead and stop calling this shit reality well I have no idea where to go from there. It's so much crap. Just stop already.

  5. and I will be watching! love LOVE love Phaedra!

  6. @sherry

    well she should always enter a room/talk to people at that angle. lol

    it's a good one. she reminds me of a young Beverly Johnson.

    1. She DOES look like Beverly Johnson who of course is still gorgeous to this day. People never cite her as an icon but she had some firsts for fashion magazine covers as a black woman.

  7. Set-up for the cameras, no doubt.

    Everyone is getting sick of the RHO- shows and Bravo needs to step it up, or more of them will falter like NJ has.

    I wish Derek J and Miss Lawrence had their own show. Spill the Tea is a HOOT.

  8. Of course I get my fix of them with Fashion Queens, too.

  9. Tamara tattles said that whole story is false. He is in prison.

  10. They should at least give Miss. Lawrence his own peach! Get rid of Cynthia and Petah zzzzzz
    bring back Sheree!

    1. Ooh yes! Please bring back, 'who gon' check me, boo?' Love her

  11. Yeah Katie, tamera tattles has the real story. Her alarm malfunctioned again, Apollo never went in the house, cops were there for five minutes. Enty took the fake story tmz made up and CNN stole and aired without checking facts.

  12. I want a Mama Joyce spin off!

  13. If you want to ruin your marriage and get a divorce or go to jail contact Andy Cohen.

  14. yeah Mama Joyce is badder than all of them combined!

    1. Mama Joyce is the only reason to watch RHOA.

  15. Isn't their whole LIFE staged for the camera??

  16. Phaedra bores me but I think she is a good and decent person who probably shouldnt be on reality tv. I mean shes an attorney ffs, why isnt she in court litigating? I wonder if she's a retired attorney now.

  17. Try to imagine how little i care.

  18. awh I love Phaedra planning events like her baby showers! so over the top and tacky lol---and I love when she fights wit numb nuts when he is creeping on Moore Whore

  19. Totally coordinated by the producers. They pull all the strings.

    C'mon, we all know better at this point.

    Probably threw a little money his way. Phaedra may or may not have been in on it (we know the producers love setting up their cast members).

    You know what I would love to read? A tell-all by someone on the inside. I want to know about every shit-stirring email and text, every argument they planted, every ex-lover and friend they resurrected -- everything they did to manufacture drama.

  20. These people are not celebrities. Their gossip bores me to tears.

  21. Not a loyal RHOA watcher, but I will never forget the episode where these two were having a pregnancy couples photo shoot, trying to be seductive with these huge pickles - everything about it was so wrong! LOL!

  22. Regardless of the reality show involved anytime I see a item header asking a question like that there is at least a 90% chance it was staged.

  23. Who the hell are these people??

  24. Nomnom.. I want a tell all too..
    Peter is Everything!! He is a man's man who takes no shit and always has his wife's back. But takes her money.
    I want Sheree back. She should be a party planner.
    One of them, Phaedra or Cynthia should have their own party planning business.
