Monday, September 29, 2014

Today's Blind Items- Everyone Is Trying To Kill It

Never have so many people been working so hard to get the story of this cheating quashed. The problem is what everyone is willing to trade. It has so many moving parts and everyone needs to contribute or it will get out. At first glance, it does not seem like that big of a deal. A married A- list mostly movie actor who has been around for what seems forever despite his relatively young age. Television and now movies, this is his time. He has an interest in keeping it quiet from his wife. His lover is not married, and she is a B list mostly television actress from a middling network show that is due to go to syndication. The producers of the show and the studio that produce it want no bad news to shake the money that syndication will bring. You might stay to yourself that people will probably still watch it. True. There is one little tiny problem though and that is our actress has also slept with someone else and if that is discovered then production would come to a screeching halt. If the first story is released then a certain someone on the show is going to start putting together some puzzle pieces. It could get really nasty really quick. The problem is there is nothing really to trade that the tabloid wants except for money. They would like a piece of some movies from our A lister and a tiny slice of that syndication pie. Their bottom line has been struggling and they see this as a new cash opportunity for them. They will still dig the dirt, but instead of printing it, they will sell the rights to the story. If some other tabloid stumbles on the story, they won't care because they still get paid. They will look kind of strange because they will be forced to ignore the story and not write about it, but the cash outweighs all of that.


  1. Replies
    1. Bateman/dobrev/somerholder

    2. Bateman "looking glum" in the DM today. So far your guess is best Tricia

    3. Vampire Diaries is not a network show

    4. Precisely my guess. I'd heard something about him straying from Amanda Anka but didn't know further details. Very scandalous.

    5. Tnx lady H
      Jack is said middling network..which CW is referred to along with "almost network"I thought

    6. I always assumed middling network show meant a show on a major network that does okay, but not great in the ratings.

  2. ben affleck and ??? in touch weekly or life/style

  3. Will Farell or Duhamel were my first thoughts

  4. Channing Tatum and Sarah hyland

  5. why does that paragraph sound like charlie browns teacher?

    1. Wah-wah-wah-wah....

      Like that, @Virginia? My head hurts from trying to decipher that mess!

    2. oh, i was temporarily thrown by the voluminosity of the paragraph but its about cheating so i dove right in.
      sounds like bateman (because someone else guessed it already *sideye*) but i hope not.

    3. Meanie, i am probably splitting hairs here but i've always heard it as more of a WAHNK WAHNK WAHNK sound.
      lol ;^)

    4. Virginia, I'm hearing-impaired, so it could very well be wahnk wahnk wahnk! :)

  6. Replies
    1. I like the Chris Pratt guess, with Aubrey Plaza and she also hooked up with Nick Offerman. His wife plays Tammy on the show so that could throw a kink in the last season's filming.

    2. Good guesses!

  7. Replies
    1. I hope we're wrong, but it's the first name that popped into my head and the one I would be most disappointed by. Is anyone really going to be surprised if it's Affleck?

  8. Awww I hope it's not Pratt. :(

  9. Change Tatum and Zooey not Hyland.

  10. Is cheating even a big deal anymore? Who cares, God this blind makes it seem like someone has a body buried somewhere.

  11. This better not be Bateman!!

  12. Chris Pratt has not been around forever. Not does it seem like he has and his only huge movie is guardians of Galaxy.

    1. Everwood early 2000s
      Parks & Rec mid 2000s
      to now.

    2. Pratt's been around 14 years and has had two big hits in the last year - GoG and The Lego Movie. But I still hope it's a wrong guess.

    3. He may have been around but he hasn't been known for that long. This blind is of somebody that everyone would know. At least that's how I read it.

  13. Modern Family is already in syndication so definitely not Sarah Hyland.

    Dobrev is not on a network show.

  14. And those facts have already been pointed out so... I'll just go back to the couch and continue eating my chicken fajita cabana bowl.

  15. Parks and Rec is already in syndication (WGN America). Only network show hitting the 100 episode mark this year is Hawaii 5-0. That's all I've got

  16. Also.. wouldn't Zooey be considered mostly movie?

  17. Hmm....Tatum & Affleck not TV then movies.... And I'm not sure why Somerhalder would care about Dobrev unless she & Bateman were seeing each other while she & Somerhalder were dating. The male part of the equation does unfortunately seem to favor Pratt, but who is the chick? Don't think New Girl is close to syndication yet, don't they need 100 episodes?

  18. CW is almost network. what the Enty of the Day is referring to is a show that is somewhat a hit but not a huge hit.

  19. 2 Broke Girls is middling and is due to begin airing in Syndication on TBS next year.

  20. The problem with the blind is that there are a lot of problems to comb through.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Grace Park for the actress ?

  23. No way is Jason Bateman A-list mostly movie. And no one would be interested in a cut in his upcoming movies. It's gotta be a blockbuster film guy.

    Chris Pratt

  24. I used to wonder how soap opera writers came up with some of the truly stupid twists & turns.
    Maybe they were entertainment lawyers.

  25. I hope it's not Pratt, but he's had 2 huge hits The Lego Movie and GOG. Also the new Jurassic Park redo coming up.

  26. I hope it's not Pratt, but he's had 2 huge hits The Lego Movie and GOG. Also the new Jurassic Park redo coming up.

  27. Parks and Rec is already in syndication.

  28. I think to solve this we first need a list of kind-of-popular TV shows that are about to go into syndication. I love the Sarah Hyland guess, but Modern Fam has been in syndication forevs now.

    I just tried Googling a list of shows to go into syndication in 2014/2015 to no avail. Anyone have any ideas?

  29. Emily from Revenge?

  30. @ Susan - I posted earlier above - 2 Broke Girls is set to begin airing in 2015 in syndication on TBS. It is the definition of a "middling" network show, with it's Nielsens being consistently in the 30's.

  31. Parks n rec is also on NBC a major newtwork so none of his costars are eligible as the hook up from a middling network

  32. i thought emily van camp was balthazaar gettys jump off??

  33. 1.-Raising Hope is going into syndication- Shannon Woodward,Martha Plimpton;
    2.-Dead Zone...;
    3.-Two Broke Girls-Kat Dennings, (Nick Zano-the other guy)

    Chris Pratt with Kat Dennings from 2 Broke Girls! on CBS with Chris's wife,Anna Faris in Mom

  34. Here's my guess:

    A-list actor from TV and now movies: Jason Bateman

    His mistress, an actress from a middling network show: Aubrey Plaza from Parks and Recreation

    The other person she slept with: Will Arnett, Jason's friend and the ex-husband of Amy Poehler (star/producer of Parks and Recreation, hence the reason the show would come to a screeching halt)

  35. btw, confusing as all hell,BUT, a good BI Enty! ;)

  36. Bateman/Emily Van Camp

  37. It's not the network that's middling. The show is middling, and happens to be on a network.

  38. Chris Pratt definitely has some film hits piling up but he still wouldn't be considered mostly movie. At least not until Parks & Rec finishes its last season, I would think.

    I think @spacecowboy got it.

  39. Who is the other guy she slept with?

    1. Emily is (was?) with her co-star, who plays Daniel on Revenge.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Don't know who the a lister is but the guess above sounds good. Dobrev ?

  42. Whoever wrote this blind knows zero about syndication. Contracts are signed years in advance and a top show like Modern Family has already been given all the millions they will get for a set number of years. No scandal would change that.

    If Parks and Recreation never makes syndication, no one would notice because it has never been a hit.

    This whole blind is gibberish. The more words the more confusion.

  43. Oh no, Pratt and Van Camp were on Everwood together.

  44. Personally I would rather burn my house down than be blackmailed by a scummy gossip magazine. Best bet is to go public early and let everyone know about the attempted blackmail. Take the heat and do whatever damage control needs to be done. Once you knuckle under to these pieces of shit they will come back again and again. Also don't cheat on your spouse. At least don't get caught

  45. I think we can agree that the show in question is on a network, and the show itself is middling. LOL. I'm so having flashbacks of my advanced grammar course at Carnegie Mellon University. Because I am a dork who loves grammar.

    What about Community. Alison Brie? She's super hot. I would sleep with her if I was an A-list movie actor.

    1. Community is already syndicated.

  46. Emily van Camp is one shady lady. I hope it's not my sweetie Chris Pratt. Anna Farris could kick Amanda's butt.

  47. Alison Brie was in the Lego Movie with Chris Pratt.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. And yet, here you are, commenting.

  49. I was thinking that the woman the married AList was cheating with had a behbeh. That's why HER prior BF would be upset, she's prob told her prior that he was the daddy. When he finds out she was sleeping with some else at the time he'll question the paternity.

  50. Chris Pratt Fitz well been to forever then went to movies. According to Enty, I thought did care. Didn't she tell him he is allowed to cheat. Unless he has fallen deeply for the girl that's why he doesn't tell his wife

  51. Ugh meant he has been on TV forever then went to movies

  52. I had the whole thing mapped out-& then erased it b/c REVENGE only has 66 episodes & won't even get syndicated in 2015'Emily's in Marvel's Captain America-the Winter soldier;Chris Pratt in Marvel's Guardian of the Galaxy,both in Everwood;She LIVES&CO-Stars w/Josh Bowman in Revenge..& rumor is Anna Faris is Pregnant again & who's in MOM w/her!

    1. To me, this is the best answer (@rolotomassi). I don't think syndication needs 100 eps anymore--just 4 seasons. But I also agree with most here; no way an affair messes up a syndication deal. Even if Bowman walks, assuming this is the right answer, Revenge would go on. I also don't want to think Pratt is like this, but this answer fits all the clues.

  53. My question is who would care if Chris Pratt was cheating on Anna except for probably Anna. While this seems like high intrigue as someone brought up earlier it wouldn't really affect their syndication. Besides, Chris Pratt certainly isn't the star of that show anyway.

    It has got to be someone else!

  54. Emily and Chris Pratt use to date I think. So i don't think it's them. Because would it really be scandalous that two people that dated, slept together?
    Jason Bateman is an interesting guess. Scandal!!! Love that funny guy.

  55. This blind is like those horrible math questions I got in grammar school. By the end of them, I didn't know what the hell I was reading.

  56. I'd be denying everything, and calling the FBI charging someone *radar online* was extorting me, or threatening to extort me. I'd also be kicking some little whores ass if I was the producer and let her know any and all financial losses would be coming out of her share. So many losers in this tawdry tale of sleaze.

  57. @Unknown: If you are a moron like the guy who dierectly extorted Letterman w/ a script, the FBI could get involved. What they need to do is ask everyone around the actual people if they want to buy it, so rumor leaks to pertinent individuals, and the tabloid is the one approached. Then they are golden.

  58. Jason Bateman is absolutely A list. Isn't there an Arrested Development movie coming out?
