Friday, September 05, 2014

Ross Harris Indicted For Malice Murder And 7 Other Charges

Ross Harris was indicted yesterday for malice murder and seven other charges. This is the scumbag who let his 22 month old son die in a hot car while Harris was at work and sexting six different women. Harris says that he forgot his son was in the car even though the a-hole came out to the car at lunch. The indictments were for malice murder, two counts of felony murder, and counts of cruelty to children in the 1st degree; cruelty to children in the 2nd degree; criminal attempt to commit felony exploitation of children; and two counts of dissemination of harmful material to minors in connection with both the death, and sexually explicit images police said he sent to underage girls. If convicted of the murder he could face the death penalty. Do you remember at one point, before the investigation started that people were calling this an accident and that he should not be charged? Yeah, well no one feels like that any longer. The only positive thing that has come from Cooper's death and the attention that this case has received is that I see a lot more stories about people leaving their kids in cars and I see a lot more people doing something about it and calling someone and saving children who probably would have died otherwise.

I don't understand how a dad could kill their child. I also don't understand how someone can be so callous about death. The guy was sexting people while his son was dying. He was sending sexts to girls who were underage while his son was dying. Even after his son died, the guy showed no remorse. None. Georgia shouldn't show him any remorse either when he is sentenced. Yeah, I know there needs to be a trial, but I will wager he pleads guilty to avoid a death sentence or if it does go to trial that it takes a jury under an hour to come back with a guilty verdict and the only reason it will take that long is because they will probably have to all use the restroom before they vote.


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