Monday, September 29, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Lindsay Lohan said her stage debut could have gone worse. Umm, ok.
Lourdes Leon spends some quality time with her dad in NYC.
Michelle Monaghan at the San Diego Film Festival.
Mary Louise Parker looks amazing at the opening of a new play that
also managed to get Jacyln Smith out of her house.
It stars Rose Byrne and James Earl Jones.
Mickey Rourke canoodles with his hairstylist. I always thought Mickey did that monstrosity himself, but he apparently pays to look that bad.
No Doubt together again. For a photo op at least.


Lady Heisenberg said...

No Doubt!!! San Diego shout out! Yes, yes, yes!!

Kno Won said...

Oh. Now it's torture-Kno-with-Hermes-bags-day. I see how it is.

Seven of Eleven said...

Monaghan's dress looks like duct tape strips.

MLP never ages!

"Mickey Rourke canoodling with his stylist" sounds like a phrase that should only be uttered over a boiling cauldron.

sandybrook said...

Jaclyn Smith looks amazing too Enty.
Look at the hair on Mickeys guy and figger out why Mickeys looks so bad.
Lourdes looks.....quite healthy!

Kno Won said...

Jaclyn Smith looks like a bobble head.

Kno Won said...

Ha! Sorry, @Sandybrook!

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

I think J Smith looks great. But I live in the land of lollipop heads. I'm prob used to it, unfortunately.

SVixen said...

Good God...has Michelle M always been that skinny?

Unknown said...

Wow!! Jacklyn Smith never changes. Beautiful as ever!

BaronessOrczy said...

Jacklyn Smith looks amazing!

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

That Jaclyn Smith lady is 68 and MLP is 50. Impressive.

It makes me sad seeing JEarlJ so old and physically destroyed. I hope he is at least mentally well.

M. Brown said...

Is Jaclyn the answer to some former TV star living as a recluse or something?

hunter said...

I love Lourdes for not being a crazy celebuspawn famewhore - I'm sure she could be if she wanted to.

Yes maybe she's a little "healthy" right now but I kinda think it's those pants - she looked pretty banging in some bikini shots from a month ago.

Sabrina said...

Jaclyn Smiht!!!! <3 <3 <3

SugarTitz said...

Lourdes is covering up with daddy. Strip down with mommy..burn...

Unknown said...

No Doubt should look up the sales figure for their last album.

They have no longevity. Exit gracefully, guys.

Kelly said...

I like Lourdes, Madonna and I were prego with our girls together. They're only days apart.

QueenBee said...

That tattoo on Mickey is decidedly dodgy. It looks like a swastika superimposed over an iron cross. If not, it's just bloody ugly.

crila16 said...

I love Michelle Monaghan. I love watching her on screen. There is something extremely attractive about her.

Man that Jacklyn Smith is gorgeous. She's older than Christie Brinkley and looks just as fabulous.

crila16 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hothotheat said...

@Kermit Maybe JEarlJ Justin's like that in this play. He is in costume in that photo.

Jaclyn Smith looks gorgeous!

hothotheat said...

^ just looks like that in the play.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

James Earl Jones was sooo funny on BBT! One of my favorite episodes!

Aoife said...

Michelle Monaghan looks sick she's so thin.

CoBe said...

Oops. So I guess it is Lourdes Leon who made the snippy comment about Kendall? I guessed Ireland Baldwin.

Lila said...

Jaclyn looks amazing. MichelleM needs a meal.

Unknown said...

Jaclyn looks unexpectedly gorgeous. She doesn't look like a plastic surgery victim.


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