Monday, September 29, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

Proving that they are global citizens, Jay-Z and Beyonce played the event in NYC.
Ryan Reynolds was there with some Princess from Sweden.
Katie Holmes and a fishnet jean wearing Connie Britton were there.
Hugh Jackman will always show up to anything. You have to love the guy for it.
Kaley Cuoco went to some event out here that was big enough to attract
Courteney Cox and a wine drinking Ed O'Neil.
Orlando Bloom, Judd Apatow and
Adam Sandler were there with
Bill Maher who needed a date so figured the waitresses would be a good start.


Seven of Eleven said...

Great set! And I will buy all the vowels for Wolverine. He knows where to get them. :D

Lady Heisenberg said...

God that Bill Maher story I shsred with y'all still haunts my dreams. Icky poo.

Ryan Rs pants look stupid because they're almost as high up as Beyowulf's but still somehow less stupid looking than Connie's cameltoe caught in a fishnet!
Al Bundy forevs <3

Unknown said...

Lady H what story?

sandybrook said...

We hardly ever see Al Bundy at events so let him enjoy.
We see Kaley at nearly everything though.
Connie and Katie <3 maybe drinking besties?

Sincerely,Your Friend said...


I know he's pissed himself at a party, drunken oervert.

skipper said...

Looking good Reynolds...!

discoflux said...

Uh, let's not forget Allen Covert next to Sandler. He, Peter Dante, and Jonathan Loughran are generally the best part of a lot of Adam Sandler's movies. In fact, they were the only thing funny about Little Nicky. Well, them and Harvey Keitel.

Kno Won said...

I'm over Kaley Cuoco.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

@Lady H.
Lol about camel toe in fishnet.

Kaley Cuoco looks like Becky from "Rosanne".

Courtney looks good here. Maybe things are settling in. ? Or maybe I'm blind.

I like Ed oNeil too.
I was soooo bummed that that Drama series about the real urfing family got canx. I LOVED IT! And Ed was good on it. Of coarse I was crushing on the main character, the druggie, and lurved his son. Arquette was in it, Patricia?? Man. Bummer. Off to google.

@LadyH. It was all about your neck if the woods.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...


And it was Rebecca dmornay, not Arquette.
Wish it wouldn't have been canx. Ed oNeal had a great part, played very well.

Lady Heisenberg said...


All right. This is one of my most disturbing tales. One of my friends was living in DC I believe this was in the mid to late 2000s. She had this conservative and weird acquaintance from somewhere in the Midwest who was attending GWU. This girl was uncharacteristically getting dolled up one night and to an even bigger surprise, announced she was going to see Bill Maher perform. Fast forward to her return the next day...

This girl had apparently made a long running pact that she was going to lose her virginity to Bill. She somehow got backstage and ended up succeeding. Bill knew something was not normal and she broke down and told him. Maher was stunned and shortly after he asked her politely to leave. We still joke about what depths of daddy issues could compel such a thing...

SugarTitz said...

Fishnet jeans will never happen. So not fetch.

Pink Cashmere said...

Courtney needs to lay off the Botox! Does her face even move?

Kelly said...

Kaley looks different in the face with that hair cut.

Unknown said...

Lady H....EWWWWWW!

Andy said...

Is that Princess Madeleine with Ryan? I don't recognize her.

crila16 said...

Katie looks beautiful. The princess Ryan is with, matches him better than Blake. The princess is prettier has a prettier face than Blake.

I just can't stand Bill Maher.

skipper said...


Agreed. Was surprised not to see Blake there.

Sherry said...

I don't think those are fishnet jeans so much as they are quilted jeans which definitely serve a purpose when it's cool..

Jackmanlooks hawt again. And BTW we have a same birthday! Maybe I'm a few years older but same day.

I finally got to read the Bill Maher story..Oh my!

Penelope said...

I give her points for trying to change things up but unfortunately Kaley's new haircut does absolutely nothing for her. The only thing it does is reveal that her face isn't really all that pretty, a fact the long hair managed to disguise somewhat.

MinPinGirl said...

I love Bill Maher I'd just never be dumb enough to sleep with him. I would smoke a blunt with him.

Unknown said...

Being an aussie, my exposure to Bill Maher is limited to Religulous which made both my husband and myself to hold him in high esteem.

BitterBlondin said...

Princess Madeleine is gorgeous, can't believe she just had a baby!


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