Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Random Photos Part Three-Paris Fashion Week

Miranda Kerr
Gisele Bundchen
Mario Testino, Anna Wintour and Baz Luhrman
Justin Bieber
Dylan Penn
Rosie Huntington Whiteley
The Chanel show.


  1. Meh.

    Kerr for the Quick & Dirty BI.

    Gisele's outfit looks like an apple cinnamon pop tart.

    I find it very difficult to believe that Cara DeLasagna and Kendull Jenner have solid opinions on feminism and free speech. A quilted megaphone does not a speech make.

  2. ((hard eyeroll@the chanel show))

    get over yourself

  3. How nice of them to invite ciara

  4. I dont know why designers think anyone would buy some of the shit they design amirite Jizzelle?

  5. Biebs is strutting into the show like a harass becuz his monsters are right there.

  6. Never could stand Jizz, multiplied when she married Toddler Tommy the Poutiest QB in History.

  7. @Virginia - every 15-17 years, people think they invented this shit, whatever it is. Never google anything, have no idea what happened anywhere on the planet before they graced it. I want to cut them.

    1. ^5@Kno
      the pretentiousness of that photo is really annoying. karl should just design and leave the statements to people who actually CARE.

  8. Mmmm. I knew Chanel must be full of protesters because CC be occupying my mind all day ;)

    Miranda looks very Hanna Banana

    Baz <3

    Dylan is her mother's mini clone and I approve but change that lipstick!

  9. Miranda and Kendall are two of the most butter faced women. Fetal alcohol syndrome anyone? Yikes.

  10. Giselle's being away on business might explain some of the abysmal showing by Mr. Bunchen and the Patriots last night.

  11. Just say "No" to the Biebs, Enty. No pictures, no stories, just let him fade away. Pretty please.

  12. hey Anna, it is time to look into wearing sleeves.

    1. Heh I thought the exact same thing about Anna's arms!!

  13. Never seen Ciara look a little off, she's always so perfect looking and beautiful, til this pic. Not loving the look. Trying too hard maybe? Oh well. She's gorgeous still.

    JIZZelle. Sorry they out u in that. Nits embarrassing but u prob don't give a shit.
    (But Honestly, I thought matchy matchy was out. )

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I love all the Chanel clothes and the protest is funny and cute!

  15. Dylan penn hit the genetic lottery.

  16. Penelope, if she wasn't such a bitch, I probably would have kept quiet about Anna's arms.


  17. I bet the Willis girls HATE Dylan Penn.

  18. I agree about Anna’s arms. She, better than anyone else, should know what kind of criticism would come out if you go sleeveless with arms that look like that. She would have said the same about any other wrinkled-arm woman.

  19. I agree that Dylan Penn is prettier that the Willis girls and the Baldwin girl, and she has to thank forever those Buttercup genes prevailed over the Spicoli genes. But she is not nearly close to her mother’s beauty, not just back in the day, but even right now, Robin Wright is one of the most beautiful women in HW. It has to be hard to her, and the Willis and The Baldwin girls, to have to “compete” to theirs mother’s exceptional beauty, that’s why I don’t understand why these girls choose to follow the “beauty” career when they clearly aren’t on their’s mother’s level. They will get hurt.

  20. i am so over people trying to define what feminism is...
