Monday, September 29, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Emily Van Camp out grocery shopping over the weekend.
Emma Thompson out doing press in England.
George Clooney and his impossibly thin new wife actually making their marriage legal.
Cindy Crawford and
Matt Damon headed home this morning after the weekend of fun.
Ian Ziering at a farmer's market and
Jason Bateman did the same thing with his family.
Jessica Chastain in Harper's.
Avril Lavigne is 30, and is covering her ears when she realizes that even she can't stand her music.


  1. Hahahahah
    Bateman FTW!!
    Who said Emily Van Camp on main blind....shall we dance??

    1. All hail Queen Tricia. I"m a little late to the party, but you were right on the money with Jason Bateman. Can you say Arrested Development: The Movie?

    2. I love Jason Bateman. I love Arrested Development (analrapist). That's all.

    3. *waves. Hi CoBe and Tricia!*

  2. Does anyone else feel like the post-wedding pictures of Amal are like watching the shopping montage from Pretty Woman?

  3. Sk8r girl 30 going on 15.
    I was remarking the other day how Georges new wife looks like AnnE except 10 years older.
    I wonder if Chastain got married over the weekend?

  4. Mrs. Clooney must have lost 10 pounds…that she did not need to loose.

  5. I think George's new missus looked awesome the entire weekend.

  6. THAT's what I'm talking about, Amal! Let some cuddly little thing do the ruffles & flowers. That's fabulous.
    Always love for Emma Thompson.
    Surprise love for the Chastain pic.

  7. Amal must have just jacked a Venetian street performer of his stilts and has snuck them under those trousers.
    @disco:: You have hit the nail right on it's whorish head!

  8. I really like Amal.

    Whelp, we have our BI reveal. Emily and Jason. I'm telling you, Amanda is shaaaaady!

    Chastain looks like something out of American Gothic. Her dress is going to turn into scary shadows that crawl up walls.

    Eye-an's baby is adorable.

    OT: I hate typing with a paper cut.

  9. Holy fuck Jason and Emily are our blind answers!!

    Amal and Cindy are killing it!! Love the wide leg trousers on both of them

    1. Teresa I'm w you. Both look uber chic.

  10. It's hard to walk close to a woman in a wide brim hat. Ask my man. George is dealing well with it.

  11. ah well, I had Chris Pratt & Emily & Josh Bowman-So,Emily really IS a lil'sneaky,plotting Ninja huuuh!

    I LITERALLY will never be able to look @ Matt Damon anywhere NEAR the way I used to, ever,ever again after that BI w/3000 Hotel rooms in every port.

  12. What did they do to Jessica Chastain's face in that pic? She doesn't look like herself.

  13. @Discoflux- I Literally compared Amal to Pretty Woman Rodeo Drive scene in BI#8!!

  14. @Kno, I thought that THIS outfit was the one to which you were referring that you didn't like on Amal-see how rumors get started??!!

  15. @rolo - Great minds! I jsut went back and read the whoel threada nd saw that your sister is one of the ladies responsible for putting together Born Into Brothels. That's an amazing documentary. It's wonderful that she's out there fighting the good fight.

  16. Avril is 30? That's hopefully she'll act it. For some reason she still thinks she's 16.

  17. Why is Emma dressed like my aunt Linda?

    Wowee...So there's the answer huh? Emily and Jason.

    Amal looks good and I guess George "suggested" she lose a few pounds?

    LOVE that dress JC is wearing.

    I have a confession..I went back and listened to that Avril song "I'm With You" and I've been singing it ever since. I really like it..Hangs head in shame....

  18. Amal didn't pick out any of her clothes for the wedding. Vogue picked them out, which is why it looked so glamorous. Vogue also picked out the clothes for members of the wedding party and even including some guests. It was a highly produced affair.

    I'm just wondering what Anna Wintour is going to do with the photos. A spread in the November or December issue or a stand alone special edition?

    If Hello magazine purchased the European rights, Anna is going to screw them if she holds the photos for a monthly edition.

  19. Who puts a surname on a birthday cake ???

  20. I hardly believe that Vogue told Amal what to wear at her wedding. I more likely suspect they offered designers to dress her, and she worked with them to pick stuff out. No woman is going to let someone else pick out her wedding gown--especially if it was this public of an affair and they knew their photos were going to be reproduced forever. In fact, I think that fact is the reason Amal went all glam for this. l just hope she gets back to saving repressed/marginalized/misunderstood/victimized people again soon, 'cause this glam thing feels like a total sell-out, and sort of pisses me off.

  21. A swing and a miss again!
